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Hi friends!

Here is my reaction to the Season 5 finale!! Intro starts at 3:04 for this one.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this one. As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/8Ht44QTJRt8 

DOWNLOADABLE GOOGLE DRIVE LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g5H96GFhAEmDRZzW1RfpYg5cN1WJgZzN/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

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MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Kevin Anand

Yeah sooo... I was extremely confused when you said you saw Jon Snow in that episode lol


Another seaosn down, 3 to go!!


You're lucky, you don't have to wait to see what happens to Jon. Watching as it was released it was a whole year. Book readers had four (or was it five?) years to see it in the show because the next book is never coming.


Dorne is part of the seven kingdoms, the walkers dont need to cross the sea

Justin Credible

...and now you've reached the end of the books. Now is when it starts to ease down hill gradually towards the eventually sudden drop off a cliff.


You saying "I hope I don't cry a lot" at the beginning of the episode made me chuckle a bit and my first thought was "My sweet summer child"

Randee Carreno

Happy Thursday, Natalie! 😊 Since this is a season finale episode I'm going to watch this one right away. I'm looking forward to seeing how this season ends. And I'm looking forward to S6 next. Have a great day today! 😊 Stay Golden! 💛


Is that really necessary to write? Not trying to be mean, just easy to affect an opinion when reacting first time if we write stuff like that before watching it. Might be that she’d like it even if some don’t 🤷🏼‍♂️

Justin Credible

Lena Headey actually used a body double for the walk then CGI was used to put her face on the woman's body. She said she would have done it, but she'd just given birth and didn't really have the body that Cersei would have had.

Kevin Anand

Also, big lol at Brienne still pretending that Renly was the rightful king


I would have lost my s*** if you had said “Guys, I must have ESPN or something.”


When you see nudity and Lena Headey's face in the same shot, it was her face super-imposed over a body double. Can't blame her for not wanting to do it, and for the most part it's a pretty convincing effect. Plus her actual performance is devastating even though I never stopped hating her.

Simon Bauer

dang that one episode stopped a bawling session haha


you trippin Nat, hes dead

My Toasty Toast

Little behind the scenes - walk of shame Lena Heady actually used a body double for that scene. They just transposed her face onto a different actress so it was someone else physically walking in that scene

Calo Grsf

Thanks Nat! A 5 stars reaction 😄 I so enjoyed your different reactions, especially at the end your brain had a 404 error which was reflected in your eyes 😂 But all your reactions are great, your hatred of Melisandre is not even debatable haha, the Arya moment is a pure moment of satisfaction, and with Cersei I find the scene so well done that I'm really uncomfortable when I watch it. And the reunion between Tyrion and Varys, you made my day haha, I'm sure you use the force to predict the next move 😆 Argh I can't wait for more contents 😛 I hope you're fine, take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

Brian Jones

Not sure what this other episode is that you're talking about, but yeah, Jon's REALLY dead, and you're in denial.

Joseph Phillips

You would not believe how many people asked Kit Harrington if he really died after this episode. Welcome to the confusion we all felt. Jon Snow is dead.


You're crazy. John's really dead. You're in denial. 😊

Darryl Low

You definitely have a lot of questions needing answered after this episode Nat. The final scene was so well done and, yet again, your timing is scary with Varys showing up, right on cue. I think you've been having lessons from Melisandre 😂 Look forward to the Season 5 recap with Tyler, and your predictions for what happens next. Thanks as always for a great week of Thrones Nat 💛

Steve J

"I thought I saw Jon Snow, maybe it was someone who looked like him?" turns out it's Bob Snow, Jon's long lost twin brother. Also "Is Daenerys just going to start over again?" I guess kinda, but she knows how to fast track that shit this time around... :)


What a packed finale that was the end being one heck of a shock social media went insane after this aired and continued for a long time after, to think we had to wait close on a year for season 6 at least that gave us time to simmer down I guess, lena headey was fantastic in this episode love or hate her she sure can act 👍 so you've learned a new trick Nat esp 🙂 that was hilarious your timing immaculate, aryas list is getting smaller she's a right savage that one 😀 so ends season 5 thank you Nat for the just amazing reactions it's been a blast 👌 on too season 6 we go 💛


There's a lot of bearded guys on the show. Who knows what you saw... Also, Season 6 is my favorite season of the show! No need to worry about the show "going downhill" just yet.

Matt D

Rebecca Van Cleave was Lena Headey's body double during Cersei's walk of shame.

A Vicarious View

I love the portrayal of the House of Black and White for the Many-Faced God. Arya's being mentored by Jaquen H'ghar and the welp. One she sees a friend and the other a stranger. An old mentor and a young agitator. One comforts her with wisdom while the other provokes her with challenge. Always these 2 Faces, like an angel and devil on her shoulders. They deal in Life and Death, two sides of the same coins and equal in exchange. Dichotomy is definitely a strong theme here, and in the whole series really. It's a Song of Ice and Fire.

Myles Away

Woah, that's impressive compositing. I didn't notice at all.


Theres no water between Dorne and you can just walk to Dorne from The reach (Tyrells) and even kings landing


Lena Headey was body doubled during her walk of shame, it isn't her beeing nude, but nonetheless a good performence and scene


This was the moment I said I was done, I've quit. Like many others Jon Snow was my favorite character and they did him dirty. I'm glad you're able to "binge" this series. A lot of us had a year to grieve.

Jai Nelson

Yeah you must have mistaken someone else for Jon. He’s definitely dead. Hardest hitting death in the whole show IMO.


Also you can easily jump from that high in a pile of snow if its not hard ofcourse


I have noticed you are trying to lighten the atmosphere with the more animated stuff witch is great. Which encourages me to pitch the hobbit trilogy. I know its considered bad, but I think its a nice fun adventure trilogy that doesn't take a whole lot of emotional investment. Also Benedict's performance as Smaug the dragon is worth it. =D ps. this is also to the rest of yall, lets make this happen. lol

Alan Kobb

Carsei's walk of atonement is one of the most iconic scenes of Game of Thrones. A few interesting details. Like most of the scenes in Winterfell, it was shot in the city of Dubrovnik Croatia. It has it's roots in real history. In the 15th Century, after King Edward IV died, his brother took the throne and charged Edward's mistress Jane Shore with conspiracy, sorcery and witchcraft. She was forced to walk through London wearing only a thin undergarment while the crowd shamed her. Martin took this for Cersei because it was a punishment only given to women, designed to break their pride, and pride is Cersei's defining trait. They also had some problems. Dubrovnik didn't want to have a naked scene on some of their more recognizable streets, and Lena Heady, who has done nudity before, was concerned that she would be too self-concious to give a good performance being naked in front of SO many people. Their solution was to hire a body-double, Rebecca Van-Cleeve, who walked naked next to Lena during the walk, and her body was superimposed over Lena's for the final shot.

Valar Dohaeris

John is really dead, you are in denial. Also, now that this episode is passed I would love you to react to this video from the Late Night Show related to GoT: https://youtu.be/-5C6kG57J7Q


that one episode you watched really spoiled a lot LOL


I like how little birds were singing just before our favorite Spider shows up. Not to defend Stanis but he really believed the Red Witch who was telling him that Stanis was the foretold savior of the world. The one who would fight the coming darkness and the army of the Night King. Stanis really loved his daughter. The fact that he was willing the sacrifice her to "prove" to the Red God that he was the "chosen one" says something. Like Thanos in Infinity War, Stanis gave up something precious to him so he can save the world. Would any of us be able to do the same? To be fair, it is easier to sacrifice another as opposed to yourself. Stanis was wrong. So wrong. The Red Witch was not seeing things correctly. That is the problem with Gods. They are so hard to know what they are saying or what they want us all to do . . . Oooo, With that in mind. Maybe the next show to watch would be Good Omens on Amazon. That would be fun.

chicks dig me

That ''copyright disclaimer'' was written by some incel in his mother's basement. It's useless.


Took a tour in Croatia at the city that was filmed. They told us she was pregnant at the time.

Luis Torrefranca

Maybe it's his *dun dun duuuunnnnn... soap opera organ* evil twin! *gasp*


It's not that characters die in the later seasons that's the problem. It's the character assassinations.


Season 8 Jaime awkwardly looking away after hearing Daenerys story arc starting over.

Steve J

lol, that one's great. I'll counter with Jon Snow at a dinner party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BabsgCQhpu4

Stefan Johannsson

Natalie: "Can we just have a normal religion?" Me: There is no such thing as a "normal" religion, lol. And respectfully, that "walk of shame"... imo No one deserves that.


Nat's reaction when Varys shows up is alone worth the price of admission :D


Dorne is on the mainland to the south of the Crownlands where Kings Landing is and south of the Stormlands where the Baretheons rule.

Matthew Jones

Now, I want to know which episode, Natalie saw before watching the show. Geoffrey’s Wedding was my first episode, and I was so confused, but when I finally started watching, I couldn’t wait, even though I knew it was coming.


Just to help clarify for Nat, they movie magiced her head on a body double. I just hope they paid her body double well considering what they had to go through while Cerci just had to put some makeup on her face and act sad.


Idk if ya know but when they episode aired the actor was asked by President Obama "is Jon Snow alive" this was peak main stream Game of Thrones Era lol

Kevin Anand

I think if Stannis does burn Shireen in the books, it will be when he fights the white walkers. And it would be a very defensible action imo.


Here Nat this is a comprehensive map of the seven kingdoms. https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-901170437067d8a0cc0153d9aebae820.webp


Seriously? You're going to pretty much scold Natalie, over this? While it is horrifying for any wild animal to kill a child/infant(or any person for that matter), the dragons are still animals. They don't know that what they are doing isn't okay. They are just acting off of their instincts. We don't blame a lion for attacking a person, do we? No. The lion was either protecting itself, defending it's territory, or it was hungry. It acted off instinct. I didn't see Natalie happy when that poor man presented his dead child to Dany, but it's a lot more upsetting when you are invested in a character for so long and then see them suddenly burned alive at their father's approval. It's just like you see a child on the news that was murdered, but you don't go mourning that child for months on end because they weren't yours or your family's. The poor man's child was the child you see on the news, Shireen was like watching a family member die in front of you. So how about you just back off of Natalie and let her feel how she feels instead of trying to push your own perspective on her.


lol @ the end - was always wondering wtf you were on about seeing Jon Snow in final season but obv wasn't a good idea to bring that up lol. Was a big shock when this happened in the books too. Julius Caesar style. Like Robb though you can see the seeds of it the entire season when you know its coming.


If you want a happy light hearted show after this ends you should watch Ted Lasso, it's not really about soccer so don't let that stop you.


Maggie the Frog (the witch), "Gold will be their crowns, and gold their shrouds."


Yeah its unfortunate she knows Tyrion and Dany etc. are still alive and that it ruined Jon's death for her because she thought she saw him. Gonna be a sad day for her when she realizes he actually isn't alive


Back when you originally mentioned you saw Jon in a season 8 episode I was confused asf lmao. Couldn't mention it obviously tho cuz it would have spoiled that he dies. When this aired the entire world went berserk, even more so than the Red Wedding. What a time to be alive that was. Season 6 is my second favorite season behind 4, can't wait for your reactions!


For funsies if they are still available maybe check out the honest trailer recaps for both 1-3 and 4-5


Season 6 is epic, it was the last season I watched with my father before he passed away and he passed a week before the first episode of season 7 so season 6 holds some emotion with me.

Joe Blankenship

I don’t know. Might have to watch the next one and see what happens to Jon Snow. We can’t say what happens yet but it’s a doozy. Also, that was crazy when you were like “where’s Varys?” and here’s Varys!

Patrick W

It wouldn't be a Natalie reaction without a "Why aren't they burning the bodies?!"


“All hail royal tits!”

Bryce Hatley

You saw Jon Snow in a future episode? You know nothing, Natalie Gold.


Dorne isn't separated by water. It's just the southern most kingdom, hence the change in climate.

Joe Mama

Benjin is still missing beyond the wall, assumed dead.


Ah, 88 comments before I even get here..... Well, I've promised you I will never spoil anything but I can explain a few things. Even though I've never read the books (yet), I know that at this point the producers, etc are deviating and continuing on their own. 1. The corpses from the battle are not close enough to White Walker influence for them to turn into Wights, which you call zombies (they aren't zombies - zombies are always super slow). 2. Okay, Theon and Sansa jumping like that doesn't make a lot of sense but it is surely possible to survive a jump like that with few or no consequences (just not likely!), and they DO. No real spoiler there. 3. (Big one here:) Lena Heady did NOT do any of the body shots in the walk of atonement scenes, nor when Cersei is being cleaned up. A body double that looks incredibly like Lena did those and if you look closely, you can see it's not Lena. As for Cersei, Qyburn is right to be concerned about her bloody feet because as she walked, not only was food thrown at her but actual shit as well (*gasp*). Still, you are right about the performances by Lena AND by her double. 4. Benjen's fate is a mystery. 5. Who have we not seen for this entire season 5??? A WHOLE SEASON without Bran, Hodor and Meera. 6. SIX!! Six people die in this episode. In order: Lady Selyse Baratheon, Lord Stannis Baratheon, Myranda (the little bitch Ramsay likes), Ser Meryn Trant - Kingsguard, Princess Myrcella Baratheon (really Lannister, though), and Jon Snow - Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. 7. It was indeed a Dothraki horde (Khalassar) that found Danaerys and she was (luckily for him) too far already from Drogon for them to have found the dragon (Drogon would have been killed, surely). I feel like I'm missing something else. If it comes to me I will tell you. Half or more of these things in my "comment" have probably already been said by others... It was certainly amusing that you called Varys' name and he appeared. You seem to call things correctly a lot, since you did the same thing really with Arya and yes, (8) she was not allowed to take a face yet from the hall, and so Jaqen H'ghar (speling?) blinded her - probably just some kind of spell, idk... S 5, Ep 10 is definitely one of the most jam-packed eps yet in the show. What will the future bring? I don't even need to say it m'Lady, because I know you WILL... Stay Golden! (88 comments when I started, 99 when I finish... lol)

Rabon Kyle Ragan

Fuck it sucks that this moment was ruined by you seeing whatever episode. We dealt with pure sadness. It was powerful. All you have is confusion. Totally ruins it.

Rabon Kyle Ragan

As far as the dead bodies, that is only applicable north of the wall. The Night King's powers are only able to reach so far. Or else every dead body in this show is vulnerable from the get go.

John Weyen

John is Dead.


See B. Mick's comment ^ up there. (The performance IS epic, tho...)


Waif, not welp but I think she'll know who you mean. The other stuff you said is :o spot on.


Sure... I didn't think it was bad, just a bit too much license taken by Jackson. It worked okay. She SHOULD watch The Hobbit movies! (and too right about Cumberbatch)


I feel the same. "Normal" religion? What's THAT!?!? I love a scene in Babylon5 season1, illustrating just how many religions humans have... Right about the walk, though there is historical precedent in our world of course.


Right. The reason most travel there by sea is because it's the easier route. Someone put a link to a map in his comment for Nat.


RIP to my boy Jon Snow!


I told her they didn't need to. Not close enough to any White Walkers to make them turn. No spoilers there. And bodies won't be climbing out of old graves when the WW come (but maybe from recent ones, lol)


Jon is dead you're in denial. But season 6 is my favourite season am super excited for you to watch it!!


Get pumped for arguably the best season of the entire series!


Season six is the best television in a generation. Get pumped.

Ellis Hugh

Nat, you were just uncanny with your guesses this episode. I felt like you were continually spoiling the show for yourself. :P And on the subject of spoiling the show for yourself, it sounds like the one episode you saw was The Long Night, which is pretty much the single worst, most spoilery episode you could have possibly watched in so many ways. ARRRGGGGH!

Ellis Hugh

Great article about Lena Heady and her body double and their experience filming the walk of shame: https://ew.com/article/2015/06/18/game-thrones-lena-headey-nude-double-van-cleave/ And another discussing the legal difficulties and the cost of it being the most expensive scene filmed in the show: https://www.cinemablend.com/television/Cersei-Game-Thrones-Nude-Scene-Cost-How-Much-Shoot-67684.html

Tom Fehr

you're definitely in denial. but thats ok, a lot of people were thinking he gets brought back

Jenny Tolls

It's so weird, I never really cried when I watched the show but seeing her cry always makes me cry lmao

Joe Mama

Yeah he’s really dead. That’s why it showed the blood seeping out underneath him in that close up shot. I was in disbelief when I first saw it, because I was close to that part in the books but wasn’t there quite yet. They shot that adaptation perfectly.

Joe Mama

It’s still FUCK OLLY


The scene with Arya and Meryn Trant has got to be one of the most brutal in the show, and a lot of productions. Visceral and slow and horrific. Eurgh!


Like everyone has said, He is dead as dead Oli the little shit drove the heart shot for the final kill and now everyone else got no XP.

Ben Gilshenan

we offen see the people we love i still see jon snow every time have a popsicle we will miss him R.I.P jon snow

Ben Gilshenan

he is dead but just don't tell her about when he joins the zombies in season 7


He is dead.

Michael Patrick

Jon’s death hit me the hardest. He was my favorite character.


I’m thinking that maybe you were mistaking John Snow for Daario in the episode you saw. This was a crazy finale and sad that your reaction was confusion instead guy wrenching heartbreak we all felt and saw on each other’s faces. Any way, on to season 6. One of my favorites


A whole season without Bran. Such a shame, he clearly had the BEST story.

Jeff E

Idk if ur joking or sincere. IMO, the less Bran, the better. Especially now that I know where his story ends up.🤦🏻‍♂️🤬

Jeff E

FUCK Olly!!! 🤬 First he killed Jon's gf and then delivered the final 🗡️ to Jon. I'm pretty sure Jon would have died without Olly's final stab which, now that I think about it, makes me hate him more becuz he did it out of pure spite and hatred. Most of them did. He was probably a goner after the first few stabs.

Jeff E

Wow. This is the first GoT reaction I've ever watched where the reaction to Jon's death will come in the S6 premiere instead of the S5 Finale. Was anyone expecting THAT? I've watched more reactions that I can count at this point and I've never seen a reaction like that to Jon literally, actually bleeding out and, yes, dying. Prepare yourself and get the box of tissues, Nat. It will be interesting to find out what scene you're ACTUALLY remembering once you realize Jon is legit dead. That "memory" definitely saved you a lot of grief in THIS reaction but it's only delaying the inevitable mountain of pain and suffering coming your way, starting with S6Ep1. 😭💀⚰️🧟‍♂️

Jeff E

You know nothing, Carl Perkins. Lol jk jk. 1. Yes, they are called wights but for all intents and purposes, they're zombies. Zombies aren't always super slow. Zombieland, Dawn of the Dead (2004), World War Z, Train to Busan, Return of the Living Dead, 28 Days Later, etc. all had variations of fast zombies (many were terrifyingly fast). 3. To clarify, it is correct that the naked body shown during the walk of atonement scenes is not Lena Headey, but she did do the entire walk of atonement every step of the way (in a nude-colored slip) right next to her body double, actress Rebecca Van Cleave. Both had the nasty things thrown at them, both were screamed at. Lena did the face acting and body language, which she then explained in detail for Van Cleave so her body movements could match Lena's body language in each moment. They both did the entire walk, over three days. It was an incredibly close, collaborative process making sure their movements matched because the VFX team had to digitally merge the 2 performances. They combined Lena's face, expressions and body language with Rebecca's naked physical movements in order to create a seamless illusion. In all seriousness, you provided great info. I just wanted to add some comments and a little more context. Hopefully I didn't come off like a dick. Great job, man.

John Rando

Natalie, you’re forgetting the Many-Faced God. Anyone can be anyone at any time!


Must have been a flashback episode. :(


Yeah you shouldve killed her...she is not going to forget this and she will not forgive it


Jon's really dead. You're in denial.


I wasn't raised in religion so i never had that get out of jail free card for being a shit. But what works for me is if I do something bad I try to do something good for a stranger. Balance to the universe and all that. But that fasting thing sounds easier.


All this and still no Bran.


Once I watched a Season 3 episode of TWD before watching the show from the start and could have swore Rick was not the actor I saw later in the show. Our eyes can play tricks on us.


Lena Headey used a body double for the nudity in that scene, so she was not naked for it. She said being naked for 3 days to film that would make her more angry than sad, and she wanted to convene Cersei in a sad state and wanted to really have that come across so opted not to be naked to focus on the facials she was trying to show to us.


Damn, was really looking forward to this one. It's not her fault but we just got confusion based on a misconception instead of an actual reaction

Mike LL

I'm posting this one week later on the day she already posted S6E2, so she has already seen it guys. Kudus to you, Nat, picking up on the show already establishing in its canon the way that John comes back. I certainly did not pick up on that on my first trip through the series. Of course you had seen that last season show and was sure he was coming back. It is handy to have a Red Witch on hand when you off one of your three main characters. And a good one on mentioning Varys and then he appears. Now work on Bran and Gendry!


As far as the books are concerned, the last one to come out literally ended with Jon's death. That was 10 years ago now, so....


...and here is where we run out of books and the show starts a two season decline into a final season nose dive. I am even more exited about your reactions to these final seasons XD


I am in love with your reactions. Or you. One of those two things.


That episode you saw spoiled all the series, especially this episode; this reaction would have been so different. That's so sad!