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Hey guys!

Here we are! Season 4!! This show sure is flying by fast. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on this next episode. The intro starts at 24:05 for those who want to skip the chat with Tyler

As always, thanks so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED LINK: https://youtu.be/3GeI110WAdE 

Original Series: Game of Thrones

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Series: Game of Thrones *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



Season 4 so excited love this season so much can't wait a second longer let's go 💛


Oh no, I was denied the download. Any one else having trouble??

Peter Yocum

Here's a (very short) Adobe Character Animator tutorial on how to automatically sync an animated character's lips with pre-recorded audio. You could use it for Tyler's voice when he's offscreen, that'd be fun to see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ObBEXwiS_s


Me too!!! And I'm so bummed, usually when this happens, it won't let me download until the next morning :(


anyone have any ideas how to download this? NVM - it's working now


That was NED's sword. And Ned's wolf pelt cloak.

Steve J

Is Tyler just that camera shy? tell him if he wants to talk shop he's gotta grab a chair and squeeze in there.


This season is my favorite, as the second half of book 3 is the best part of the series IMO. Unbelievable action, so much happens, every chapter is consequential, and it is so well written for a 1200 page book. The entire book is very tight in terms of plot, which is crazy considering how long it is. I have read the other books 2-3 times, but I have read book 3 many more times over, it really is that good. And this is reflected in the TV series.

Tony Johnson

Dang, watching Endgame and starting season 4 of GOT on the same day. You're very brave.


The significance of the sword at the start - it was the family sword of House stark "Ice" the melting down of the sword and the burning of the wolf sheath symbolises the defeat of house stark and its legacy


It amazes me, that peolpe are so eager to hate Jaime for almost killing Bran, but in the same time they love The Hound despite him killing Mycah... Though it's not doable, I'd love to see your reactions for Martin books.

Darryl Low

I always look forward to your recaps with Tyler before the new season. Love hearing your thoughts, and the Q+A was great. Looking forward to this weeks Thrones. "I couldn't even, I couldn't even, I couldn't even" I could, and I wished I hadn't! 😄 Thanks for today's video Nat 💛


I am watching it right now with you Natalie. So far you have not recognized the new addition to the cast. You last saw him passing the baby off to Luke on an Imperial cruiser.

Will Whiton

You may know Prince Oberyn by another name...Mando!

Derik Knutson

No it's not Robb's sword, it's Ned's sword. That's why right beforehand on the recap they showed Ned's sword twice. To answer your question about why they showed it. So you would know it's Ned's sword.

Haim Sazan

The actor of Oberyn Martell is Pedro Pascal who plays Mando in The Mandalorian. Love him!

Paul C

Didn't Nat recognize Prince Oberyn "Mando" Martell?


Side trivia you might have heard already, or someone commenting: the actor that plays Rob's wife is Oona Chaplin; Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter xD

Randee Carreno

Happy Tuesday, Natalie! 😊 I'm downloading this right now so I can watch it tonight. I can't believe that we're already on season 4. It goes by quickly when there's only 10 episodes in a season. Looking forward to watching the reaction this evening. Have a great day today! 😊 Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛


I blame you for my GOT relapse xd (Well that and I really needed Jaime Lannister in my life again) Enjoyed immensly catching up on seasons 1-3 and happy to start 4 now. Cheers!


Really enjoy your season intros with tyler great hearing he's a fan of the hound I like tyler more and more season by season, we get to meet another of my favourite characters the red viper! oberyn martell I'm interested to see your opinion of him, until the next one stay golden 💛

Calo Grsf

Thank you Nat! Great episode and reaction with emotions and laughter, so nice 😄 I really like that Tyler likes very much The Hound and you, Lady Tyrell, two great characters with a strong personality haha And again you came out with several great quotes "Made in Natalie" 😂 I hope you, Tyler and Koda are fine, be safe, take care and stay golden! 💛


I was totally waiting for Natalie to notice...and her eyes light up and scream at us in glee when she realized Oberon was the Mandalorian haha...but I guess it went over her head.

Jai Nelson

Strap in for the best season of any show in television history (subjectively of course) but this is the season that catapulted GOT from “an awesome show” to “a piece of television history”.


The sword in the intro scene with Tywin at the forge is "Ice", the heirloom sword of the North. "It has been in the possession of House Stark for generations and was kept in a special scabbard crafted from the pelt of a wolf." When you watched the recap of Ned's execution, it was showing the sword. Ice was a great and heavy sword that the Starks used to dispense their judgement executions - It afforded the sentenced the dignity of a quick death by the hand of the Stark leader that sentenced him. As such, the symbolism of Tywin melting down the great and heavy Ice and reforging it into two new Lannister weapons while committing its traditional wolfpelt scabbard to destruction... should be fairly obvious.

Alan Kobb

Game of Thrones is really a story of great journeys. Dany goes on a long journey that teaches her that she can change the world for the better (but it's easier with dragons!). Jon's journey teaches him that the old ways of the Night's Watch and the Wildlings are endangering the world. He tried to live in each world and is now understanding that he needs to find another way. Sansa is discovering that the world is not a fairy tale of brave knights and nobile princes, but a harsh place where people will use you if you let them. Tyrion is learning that he has skills that can make him larger than his height, and Jaime is learing the true meaning of being a Knight from someone who embodies those ideals, yet doesn't hold the title. (I wonder what happens now that he is back under the finger of his sister?) Bran is on a journey of self-discovery. If you remember earlier in a dream, Bran tried to shoot the 3-eyed raven with an arrow, and Jojen told him that he could not because the 3-eyed raven is you. Bran has already shown hints of a great power, but he doesn't know the extent of the power or how to use it. When he left Winterfell, the fates gave him a guide, Jojen as well as a brave defender, Meera. Earlier he had predicted his father's death and the invasion of Winterfell in an allegory fashion, and while he can get inside his direwolf's brain, he also was able to get inside Hodor's brain. Who knows what else he can do. Bran needs to discover himself in order to become all that he can be. His answers may lie within himself in how he deals with the dangers beyond the wall, and the answers may lie with someone who he meets, but answers to the greatest questions only go to those who take great risks. If Bran is strong enough and learns all that he can learn, then maybe he can return to his world carrying the key to defeating the White Walkers and their army of the dead. Arya is also on an interesting journey. You can't help but notice that she latches onto powerful men and learns a lot from them. First it was Jon, then Syrio Forel, then Yoren, then Tywin Lannister, and most recently The Hound. I tihnk they get as much out of the relationship as she does. I give a lot of credit to Maisie Williams for being able to stand in a room with some really great and dominant actors and still take center stage. She apparrently has as much spunk as Arya. The sword that Tywin had melted down was not Robb's. It would have been. That was Ned's Valaryn Steel Greatsword, named Ice. Ice is a greatsword, so it is huge and very heavy. The last time it was used was to take Ned's own head. Greatswords are so large that they are really only practical for very large and strong men, so it made little sense for the Lannisters, most of whom are normal strength. (Sorry, Tyrion!) Robb's motives in the show are muddied by a different story than the books. Talisa is a new character for the show. In the books, when Robb is mourning Bran and Rickon he is befrended by Lady Jayne Westerling. In his grief, they sleep together once, and the next day, Robb does the honorable thing by marrying her. In the books, Robb's wife is a did not attend the Red Wedding, so she survived. Her mother was secretly feeding her a potion that prevented pregnancy. Later, even though her family switched sides from the Lannisters, they are pardoned by Tywin.


For me watching ICE get melted was one of the more heart breaking moments in the series.

Thomas Yanez

I know where you're coming from, but Jaime acted out of protecting his and his sister's privacy and avoiding repercussions that could come from the King finding out about what they were doing... The Hound was acting on orders to deal with, as far as he knew, a criminal who had attacked the king. I'm not defending The Hound in general, but the two incidents aren't really comparable.


Amen about Jamie! To me, he is one of the most compelling characters among a whole cast of compelling characters. Nikolaj's portrayal of him is truly a standout performance that is absolutely one of the best they could have possibly pulled off. Cheers!

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, characters get recast on this show all the time (especially the Mountain). I'm pretty sure we all felt the way you did when we saw that ending! Simultaneously cheering Arya on while dreading how heartless she is becoming

Alan Kobb

By the way, that Thenn really didn't know what he was talking about. He was talking like a culinary expert on how the meat of the "southerners" was so rich and well-marbled, but he was cooking a human arm. If you like tender human meat, the best parts would be from the back or the shoulders, not the arms. Trust me, I know.


Dany's oldest brother Rhaegar was married to Oberyn's sister Elia. So those kids would be her nephew and niece too. Rhaegar taking Robert's betrothed (Ned's sister Lyana) was what started the war. You got how that war ended in King's landing from Jaimie's bath tub scene last season, with Tywin sacking the city and all. It can get a bit confusing given all these things happened before the start of the show, so I think a little help is needed. looking forward to the rest of this awesome season!


I'm quite sure you're ahead of us by now and I'm so excited.


Reading the books really helps with learning all the important backstory.


Cant wait to rewatch season 4 with you, its the peak of the show imo. Hope you enjoy it too!

Kevin Anand

Olenna Tyrell absolutely cares just as much about her family's position as Tywin does. She just puts on a "kinder", "friendly grandma" face to it.


"I hope YOU die and everyone you love gets murdered!" LMAO I almost spit my drink, imagine how someone might react listening to something like that next door without proper context 🤣

Joe Blankenship

I liked Robb’s wife, but she definitely put the nail in his coffin. I also thought it was silly for him to go around calling himself the king of the north. And it would’ve been easier if he had just taken all his men and built his own bridge across that river, instead of dealing with Walter Fray. Anyway, yeah, this is a great season. Next episode is a classic.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Agree with Tyler, the Hound quickly became one of my favorites, I tend to like the lower born characters like Bronn and Ser Davos, and Sandor Clegane is noble born but not a knight as he always reminds people. Disagree somewhat about the geography. I haven't read the books but I bought most of the DVDs and watched all the special features to get a feel for George RR Martin's world building, which is a brilliant use of actual history (the Red Wedding for instance is based on an actual event in Scottish history, between the clans MacDonald and Campbell, the Massacre of Glencoe) but in the context of a sort of mythological parallel reality. I don't believe this is any kind of spoiler because it's not essential to the plot necessarily but I think it's interesting, but if you look at a map of "the world" or at least known world in GoT, Westeros is basically the British Isles blown up to continental proportions with the somewhat independent kingdom of Dorn (the Dornish were technically never conquered by the Targaryeans, they became the seventh kingdom through a truce) at the far south representing the Iberian peninsula during the time of Moorish control, which is why you see Prince (not Lord) Oberyn having a different accent and style, their culture is a little different from the rest of Westeros. Essos would probably be more like the rest of Europe to Western Asia and in some ways North Africa. The Free Cities, such as Braavos, are supposed to represent the Italian city-states just about to transition from the Medieval period into the Renaissance, kind of. And the Summer Isles I believe are supposed to represent Africa, which in this time between "Ice Ages" is apparently largely submerged. They mention the Far East as Ashai, or the lands beyond Ashai, I think. It's not a perfect parallel to our world but there are obvious similarities. I can't remember the quote verbatim but I swear I remember reading somewhere that George RR Martin said about his writing something to the effect of, "I take history and turn it up to eleven". Love that.

James Reese

Season 4 is incredible. You’re in for a treat


I just want to throw it out there. 40 min conversation about the last season is not a bad thing. I know a lot of people want to get right into it but I personally love hearing the conversations just as much

Steven Tarsitano

that was not Rob's sword, that was Ned's sword, Ice. it's why they showed Ned in the recap, he was holding Ice and then he got beheaded by Ice. then they melted it down and turned it into two swords.


Can you start mirroring the content temporarily? I can't download this file, still can't get the End Game reaction...

Ellis Hugh

Tiny bit of insight from the books regarding the discussion between Nat and Tyler about when the Mountain killed his horse. He was angry because the Knight of Flowers (Ser Loras) had deliberately ridden a mare that was in heat, knowing that it would distract and throw off the Mountain's mount. Gregor killed his horse as punishment for it costing him the match and then went after Loras... the Hound could give a damn about either, but saw a chance to challenge his brother in a way that would make him look like a villain. Just FYI.


There is literally no need to say things like this. Realistically, all you do is create artificial expectations that distract and detract from the experience, on both sides of the channel. Seriously, can't people just control themselves and *not* do this?


That sword at the beginning wasn't robs, it was Ned Starks (thats why the recap was showing the beheading again, it wanted you to see the sword ned used, and was used on him)


Not really GoT related, but Hulu recommended "The Binge" to me, and I decided to check it out. Turns out our favorite reactor's in it, I had no idea! Pretty fun movie, though of course I wish Natalie had more scenes.

Al Baughman

the scene with Arya & The Hound is my favorite in the entire series!


This might have been caused by YouTube being really flakey a few hours ago (confirmed by DownDetector). If you're using the Google Drive links there are bandwidth / download limits that Nat + team can't control.


The theme at the beginning wasn't just Rain of Castamere. It was the Starks Theme slowly changing into a Lannister Theme as "Ice" - Ned's Valyrian Greatsword was slowly melting and turning into two more swords for Lannister House.

Topher Cast

Me watching Nat make wrong predictions, "You know nothing, Natalie Gold..."

Luis Torrefranca

Still bugs me that the metal is melted and poured/cast into shape instead of melted into blocks to forge.

Luis Torrefranca

"Which way do you like it?" "My way." ... this is the way

Luis Torrefranca

Okay... so now that *that* happened, you absolutely have to look up the following on YouTube: "Game of Thrones KFC" It just about deserves it's own mini reaction.


I love how Nat is getting all worked up when Cersei's attendant arrives to drop the news. I could just imagine Tyler just off camera eating his Chipotle and trying not to audibly laugh. Great reaction! The other moment where the Hound is smashing that guy's face into the dagger you can just see Nat mentally slipping into her happy place (ala Happy Gilmore) to avoid having to process such a graphic death.


Every time you say, "Oh, this bitch...!" I roll on the bed laughing!

Doug Watson

I like how you noticed they changed actors for Daario, but you didn't even notice Mando.


Definitely amore "visible" role for Pedro Pascal as opposed to his role of the Mandolorian.

Ryu Kobushi

Commenting on Nat's "We're in a mythical land right?" comment; supposedly GoT's world map is same as Europe's and it's surrounding areas, just flipped from top to bottom.


There certainly is similarities, Westeros being the British Isles and Essos being main land Europe, but, as a European, scales and coastlines are a bit too far off and of course George made up his own landmarks and topography, so I'd say more like "inspired by a map of Europe" rather than just a flipped map of Europe.

Ellis Hugh

God, the whole chicken thing... I just LOVE this scene, one of the Hound & Arya's best... from 'what the fuck's a Lemy?' all the way to 'You gonna die for some chickens? Somebody is...'


Great video, good to hear from Tyler again. Also chicken scene is one of the very best in the series.

Uncle Phoenix

Such a great episode. Love the Hound and Arya subplot.


New Patron... just getting settled in watching the GAME OF THRONES reactions. I would love to see you react to your old recaps of: things you are looking out for/hope to see in the future. There have been a couple in the these first ones where I laughed, sighed, and slapped myself in the face.