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It's time to pick another movie! :) 



That was fast lmao 😂

Grady Jaymes Smith

The Dark Knight Trilogy is my all time favorite superhero/comic book series of films ever. Would love to revisit them along with you.

ISeeTrees ofGreen

God yes please do the dark Knight trilogy, the others dont even come close as good as they are


You sould also watch the new Star Wars Trilogy

Master Washington

Next time around for Mad Max. The first 2 and the last 1 (in my opinion) are the ones worth watching


Hobbit 🥺👉👈


The Godfather is the obvious answer even if part 3 is omitted.


Or the Hobbit trilogy? :p Or maybe a few classics… Casablanca would be fascinating to see!


You should watch the first three as a trilogy and then the fourth as a continuation of the series.

Matthew Jaszyn

I'm a huge Mad Max guy, so I'm voting that, but Dark Knight is gonna win.


Dark knight first and Godfather after that. Both are masterpieces. Mad max fury road is also great but not comparable to those two.


If you do Mad Max, you could skip Beyond Thunderdome if you want but the rest of them are must watches.

Kevin Anand

Dark Knight all the way for me. Though Godfather is a close second.

Randee Carreno

Happy Saturday, Natalie! 😊 Definitely going with the "Dark Knight" trilogy. Have a great day and weekend! Stay Golden! 💛

Reece Hart

I love the Godfather but it's a pretty heavy film trilogy. So I voted Dark Knight because I think you'd like it more.


Definitely Dark Knight trilogy. You'll love it. But... Mad Max down the road for sure.


Honestly... both godfather trilogy and dark knight!

Casen Jamvo

Definitely Dark Knight. For Mad Max, The second and fourth ones are best

Brandon Scott

Not as exciting? Ok. Not as modern or fast paced? Sure. Not as good??? The Godfather??? No serious cinephile would make that claim.

Allan Rumberger

It's almost comical how the polls always go the opposite of how I vote. Anyway, even though Mad Max isn't going to win, I very, very highly recommend The Road Warrior and Fury Road. You can miss Mad Max and Beyond Thunderdome honestly.


Looks settled already 😄


Keeping in the superhero theme you're on, Nolans trilogy is an amazing take on it! You'll love it.


The dark Knight trilogy for me 🦇 even Nat couldn't get me to watch the godfather trilogy


Honestly you could just watch fury road for mad Max unless you’re REALLY interested in the old ones for some reason.




Still want to see you watch The Hobbit trilogy (extended editions) some day!?


I think you would enjoy the godfather trilogy.


Voted! I'm new here but hear me out....Fast and the Furious franchise. Loads to talk about, make fun of, character arcs to analyse and a large world to get lost in. It would be really fun to watch those with you.

Vincent Valentin

Out of all these, just watch Fury Road. Won't be joining in on TDK. Bruce needs to get some therapy and stop sending poor people to the hospital and maybe give Arkham some funding.


I don’t know how to reply to my own comment, but the hobbit would be just a fun trilogy to watch. Howard Shores music 🔥 Bilbo ❤️ Gandalf 🤍 regardless of book accuracy. It’s just fun 😭

Justin Credible

The Dark Knight is cool and all, but I think Natalie would appreciate more the art of filmmaking that went into the first two Godfather films.

Jill Finlayson

Have you already seen any of these before?


I have to disagree here bud. The Hobbit trilogy, in my opinion, was really mediocre, forgettable and not necessary at all. And this is coming from a LOTR fan.


I recommend the Invincible series on Amazon Prime Video. It's only 8, 45 min episodes but it's highly praised by both fans and critics alike.


Mad max is really good but you should skip the first one


I think it might be time to challenge you with a "bad" movie. Maybe bad SFX or dialog or low budget. The 80's had so many!

Troy B.

I recommend watching Fury Road on its own; it doesn't require any knowledge of the other movies, really. But otherwise I vote for "The Dark Knight Trilogy." Though perhaps watching your reaction to The Godfather would enable me to get through it for once.


You should react to the movie Yes Man to really good movie love Jim Carrey


The Godfather Trilogy, though I think Part 2 is the best

Jenny Tolls

Oh shit! Here we go haha I’ve been waiting to see her react to the dark knight trilogy!!

Ron K

Fury Road (newest) is my favorite in the Mad Max series and in my top 5 favorite movies ever but they are all worth watching. I'd argue that the original Mad Max has one of the best final scenes ever.


Watch invincible!!


Any of these choices will do.


I Honestly think that The Dark Knight is the only really great film of the trilogy. Batman begins is good but Dark Night Rises is forgettable i.m.o Would love to see your reactions to Godfather 1 and 2 though.


I just watched The Dark Knight trilogy for the first time. I'm not a fan of superhero movies at all but that trilogy is a masterpiece. I wasn't a huge fan of the first one but The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises are absolutely worth it.


In this order: Godfather, Mad Max, Dark Knight


The Mad Max movies, none of them start at the beginning, or finish at the ending, so no real need to watch Mad Max, you can jump straight into the Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome. Mad Max is a basic revenge movie, and got really depressing in the last half of the movie, not sure you'd enjoy it. There is a prologue at the beginning of the Mad Max movie that gives you the state of affairs in the world, so you have some context for everything that follows, but I think you could skip the rest of the movie.


I'm in the minority here, but I think Fury Road is the only Mad Max worth showing to new viewers. The other three are great (well, road warrior and thunderdome. I did not like the original mad max) sure but have a lot of weird fluff, and fury road kind of just boils it down to the core. Just my opinion though.

Ken Schneyer

The Godfather is one of the most important pieces of cinematic art of the 20th century, and utterly changed the conversation about how to portray villains. I would probably disregard Godfather III, but the other two are amazing. (Godfather II has two versions, as you probably know: The original (in which two different stories, 50 years apart, are told in oscillating narratives), and a revised version (in which these same scenes are laid out in actual chronological order). Opinions differ, but I strongly prefer the original.)


Tough choice. The first two Godfather films are incredible, but the third is a turd. TDK trilogy feels a bit uneven also. Two decent films sandwiched around a great one.


Mad Max: Fury Road is a must watch; no need to bother with Mel Gibson.

Ilsuk Yang

I chose the Dark Knight trilogy, but you should also check out the original Spider-Man trilogy (I know you said that you've seen the first one, not sure if you've seen the others). The Dark Knight (#2 in the Dark Knight trilogy) and Spider-Man 2 are 2 of the best superhero movies in my opinion! There's a plethora of great movies and trilogies to choose from. Oh, before I forget, also watch the John Wick trilogy!

Danny Miller

So disappointing. ‘The Godfather’ movies are absolute, cinematic masterpieces, not including the third movie, and the only good movie in the Dark Knight trilogy is ‘The Dark Knight’. Also, ‘Fury Road’ is really the only memorable Mad Max movie.

Al Baughman

unpopular opinion but The Dark Knight Rises is better than The Dark Knight, looking forward to watching!

Robert Jewell

The Godfather I & II are masterpieces. I honestly found The Dark Knight trilogy to be pretentious muck. The Road Warrior films are great fun although I haven't seen Fury Road.


I'll second this, and I'm not even sure it's a minority opinion.


All Nolan movies are pretentious muck. He’s one of the most overrated directors around.

Connor Alexander

Mad Max: While I used to consider those films amazing (and they are in many ways) I can no longer watch them due to Mel Gibson. But the universe shined on me because Mad Max Fury Road not only stands on its own, but is one of my favorite films of all time. In the meantime, I voted for the Dark Knight trilogy which is a lot of fun.

Yani Dodge

I haven't seen any of these, but I've been thinking about watching The Dark Knight trilogy so it'd be fun to do with you! Also, I know it's not on the list, but you should watch Klaus around Christmas if you haven't already. I would love to see you react to it :)


Looks like TDK trilogy is winning. Be sure to keep an eye out for a certain blond kid in Batman Begins. :D


I consider fury road to be one of the best action movies ever made. No need to watch the Mel Gibson ones.

Travis Starnes

Imagine the fun of watching a reaction to the absolutely bonkers Thunderdome though.

Travis Starnes

Everyone's dissing the Mel Gibson Mad Max movies, but there's some fun to be had there, especially the third one, which isn't good, but can be fun if not taken too seriously.

Steve J

Mad Max FR would be a good standalone view, the others are pretty dated.


Pirates Verbinski trilogy!

It Hurt A Lot

I like all these but just close your eyes and imagine her reacting to Mad Max: Fury Road. That would be golden


There are 4 mad max movies and Fury Riad is the best one in my opinion. Godfather 3 feels unnecessary. You need to see the first to fully understand 2. 2 is a lot better.


Mad Max is good in general, but Fury Road in particular is an AMAZING film. Plus they’re not really connected, so the earlier films aren’t necessary viewing to get to that sweet, sweet cinematic cream. Tbh though, all these poll options are great choices :D


I was thinking they'd be closer to even. But I'm glad what the runaway is.

Paul Spacone

Hey Natalie. I was entertained by the Mad Max movies but I'm afraid you'll find nothing of value there, it'd be sheer drudgery for you. Godfather 1 & 2 are cinematic masterpieces ( stay clear of the 3rd ). The Dark Knight trilogy was a mixed bag but overall I think it's the best choice. Have a great day! :))


Dark knight trilogy is basically the opposite of Indy, the middle one is the masterpiece

Matthew Periolat

“Gentlemen... time to spread the word. And the word is... landslide.” Yeah, this isn’t even close for me. Absolutely want Godfather in the future, but right now, post Marvel and alongside GoT, it’s Dark Knight by a mile.

Tay Schumaker

You should at least watch Fury Road because it's a masterclass in film making


The Dark Knight trilogy is a must. Batman Begins is probably the best origin story of any superhero in film.

Thomas Yanez

I've seen a number of reactors try Mad Max and there is a massive stumbling block : the first movie. It is very low budget to the point of being a turn off for some and it doesn't do a very good job of explaining the background (some people just aren't good at inferring things from the clues given) of the setting or the majority of the (sometimes very eccentric) characters. I still think you should watch it if you are going to "do" Mad Max, but my advice to any reactor that is about to tackle it : do not let the first movie set your expectations for what is to follow in the series, and if at any point you want to give up, then go straight to "Fury Road" because it is an amazingly well made movie.


Mad Max fury rd the newest is defo worth watching. Roughly 80% was made without cgi which afterwards will blow your mind.


The older Mad Max movies are a bit...slow. But, also very deliberate. I'd be really interested in hearing your take on the methods used.


I grew up with the Mad Max movies and at the the time these movies from land of downunder (I'm from 🇬🇧 ) were brutal road movies, as a kid there appeal had shock value, senseless violence and awesome cars and looked as I it was shoot on a 8mm camera. But they really haven't dated well, if you were gonna watch just one of the original Mad Max movies id choose 2 the road Warrior, but maybe a better choice would be the recent version Fury Road with Charlise Theron.

Thomas Yanez

John Wick would be amazing... assuming, you know, she can get past... you know.

Dan Careaga

I have to say I really hope you do the Godfather Trilogy at some point. The first two films are absolute cinematic masterpieces, like paintings hanging in the Louvre. The third movie has the unfortunate reality of being just a "good" film with a couple of poor casting choices. (I'm looking at you Joe Mantegna and you Sofia Coppola) As a story it is a full completion of the arc of the main character and is well worth watching. For me it is only "bad" in the direct light of its predecessors. However I am not sure anything could have lived up to the 1-2 punch of the first two films. Having said that I voted for the Dark Knight trilogy. Those will be awesome to watch along and I think you will very much enjoy them. Also, they are still so present in the culture... you kinda Need to see them. lol


I have voted for the Dark Knight franchise, but reluctantly, only due to the fact I've seen it with 3 other reactors in the previous months, so I'm all Batman out! But I respect the Natalie deserves her shot, but after the no more for me, id really like to change our hero spots to Red, Blue and yellow an concentrate in Superman for a change.


Hopefully Dark Knight Trilogy leads to Joker (2019).


Had to go with the Dark Knight Trilogy even though DC is not my thing. Can't stand anything to do with the mob and the original Mad Max I could just never get into. Plus, might be nice to revisit the Dark Knight - it was a bit "darker" than the cartoon-brought-to-life Batman's, before it.


All 4 Mad Max films. Because they are all great.


Mad max and yes watch all in order of production.

Aaron Taft

Hell yeah!

Troy B.

Meanwhile, PLEEEEASE do not read your YouTube comments for today's GoT post. They are the worst kind of spoilery. Not even exaggerating. Have your editor vet them or something.

David Blake

I suggest: - Blade trilogy - Beverly Hills Cop trilogy - Terminator 1-2-3-4 - Tim Burton's first Batman (absolutely the best, also compared to the Nolan's trilogy)

Bryce Carlson

I think that you'll enjoy Mad Max if only to see Tina Turner rocking an OG chainmaile gown.

The Golgothan

Also Back to the Future trilogy, Ghostbusters (1984), Batman Returns, and most importantly the DCAMU.


You don't necessarily need to watch all of the Mad Max movies, but you might as well. IMO the second and the fourth one are the best, the first one is also good, but not as good, and the third one was a bit of a dud for me.

Cactus Tony

Lol every reactor does this. They make polls with 1 comic book movie/series and the rest are regular movies. Surprise the comic book movie will always win. I love the DK trilogy as much as the next guy, but if it means we will never get a godfather reaction that's a big bummer. Should have put the DK trilogy against like the Raimi Spidey films or some other comic book stuff to at least make it a fair fight.

Rusty Childers

Mad Max: Fury Road is probably one of the best-filmed action movies ever.

Jonas Doksaeter

The first Mad Max one doesn't really have much to do with the 2nd and 3rd, the new Mad Max is the only one really worth watching. If you want a Mel Gibson movie-series I'd rather recommend Lethal Weapon. Two ridiculously good sci-fi/post-apocalyptic movies that came out around the same time with the last Mad Max: Fury Road were Edge of Tomorrow and Elysium, doing them then Fury Road would be absolute mental (in a good way). As for Godfather they're a little too old for me, doing a Joe Pesci-trilogy with Casino, A Bronx Tale and Goodfellas would be much better imo! Heat, Donnie Brasco and The Departed are also amazing mob-movies. The Batman/Nolan trilogy is insanely good but a buncha reactors just did it. I think a lot'a folks will have just seen it so I'd suggest waiting a month or two. I think these movie series would be good: Angelina Jolie's Lara Croft 1 &; 2 + Alicia Viklander's Tomb Raider Bourne Identity, Bourne Ultimatum, Supremacy, Legacy & Jason Bourne Jurassic Park & Jurassic World Mission Impossible Pirates of the Caribbean Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness & Star Trek Beyond The Mummy, The Mummy Returns & The Scorpion King X-Men & the Wolverine/Logan


I would love to see your take on the original Sci-fi film series of Planet of the Apes, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Escape from Planet of the apes, conquest of planet of the apes and Battle for the planet of the apes. They all included Roddy McDowell.


Some other movies that are some of my favorites and would be great to see you react to! - Annihilation (eery sci fi horror but also pretty strangely beautiful), Children of Men (pretty dystopian but really good), Ex Machina (futuristic psychological thriller) and Black Swan (another psychological thriller)


Hey Natalie!!! Just signed up today so idk if you already went over this... But are you going to finish The Matrix???


Dark Knight has been done to death. I'd go with Mad Max. Your reaction to Fury Road would be most epic.

Christian Rennie

I’m onboard with Dark Knight if you haven’t seen it. Godfather is so so long. Mad Max is an interesting one. Mad Max , Mad Max 2 (Road Warrior) Mad Max Beyond Thunder Dome, & Fury Road. I think you will get more out of The Dark Knight but Mad Max is Iconic and it has my vote.

Eric Janssen

I'm in the minority when I try to point out that Chris Nolan HATED comic book movies. He didn't like worlds where superheroes had gadgets, he wanted real contemporary psycho-thrillers, and spent most of Dark Knight detailing the issues of Mafia banking and cellphone privacy. That said, I would have a LOT more fun watching someone react to Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, which I enjoyed a lot more than seeing Tom Hardy with a mask over his face reduced to being “the Harrison Ford” supporting player in Fury Road.

Bruce Bromley

Nat, you still need to finish the 50 Shades trilogy. Isn't it time for another drinking game? 😆


I honestly would love to see a reaction to The Godfather films.

Thomas Malley

if she were to watch some Nolan movies, it'd better be The Prestige, The Dark Knight and Memento.

Thomas Malley

I'm not in favor of Dark Knight since it's been done a lot, but it's really in a league of its own in terms of sheer popularity so the outcome of this poll was a given from the getgo. That being said, I'll enjoy watching the reaction. But honestly, I'd suggest something lighter than the Dark Knight. Also, polls are only to gather the opinion of your audience,... you CAN choose whatever you want, you know :)

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Safe to say I think we know where this poll is going haha, all good either way. I am more of a Mad Max fan but for me it's not really a trilogy anymore, I wouldn't recommend skipping any of the four movies although it is the only set of films here in which you could watch any one of the films alone and it would still be entertaining, you kind of don't need to know the character's backstory to enjoy them (there are a few times it is slightly relevant but not in terms of the plot so much). I do love the Nolan Batman movies too of course, and the first two Godfather movies are amazing and I think any lover of cinema should see them, I also really love the whole behind the scenes story of the film's production. Not a big fan of the third but in all honesty I've only seen it once years ago and I should probably give it another viewing.

Joe Blankenship

I'd kinda like to watch the Godfather movies again. It's been a while. But Nolan's Batman is great too.

Joe Blankenship

Are you going to do WandaVision after Endgame? 9 half hour episodes. Then 6 hours of Falcon and Winter Soldier?


I am glad that Nolan's trilogy won instead of the other two. The difference between how everyone voted shows which the majority of people consider to be the best. The Dark Knight trilogy "just a comic book movie" lol. That would make Godfather just another gangster movie as well.. which would ignore the fact that both trilogy are in IMDB's top 100 movies of all time. I hope we can get Godfather to win one day too, cause I want to see those reactions as well :D

Aaron Chandler

But she can't forget about Spiderman: Far From Home after Endgame. I feel like that one keeps getting overlooked.

Richard Maurer

If you watch Mad Max, watch all of the them starting with the first. Fury Road isn't really canon to the other three though

Chris Gronau

Agreed. The first two Godfather films are amazingly good and fully deserve all the accolades they've been given. They're easily the best films on the list. Nat would love them. I have to admit that I voted for the Dark Knight trilogy, though, because I don't want to have to sit through the third Godfather movie again....



Chris Gronau

The first two Godfather movies are amazingly good, and should be at the very top of any list of your future reaction movies. However, since they got bundled together with the third Godfather movie, I voted for the Dark Knight trilogy instead....


Lol no contest. I’m interested to see you react to a superhero movie not in a cinematic universe. These are a bit darker in tone than most.


Of course I voted Dark Knight but I hope you go back to some of those other movies that lost in some of your previous polls and don't forget them.

Logan Kerlee

I'm with you on that. The Godfather Trilogy will be an amazing throwback whenever we manage to get it picked. :P Until then, I'll just keep on watching all of these other movies that I've seen a ton of times and enjoy them again. haha

Logan Kerlee

xD That terrible movie will drag the original and the follow up down every time. It was awful.. but I hope people let it through at some point!


If you’ve never seen any of the Nolan Trilogy then by all means do those. It’s good content for reactions and it’ll look good for the channel. That being said, the Mad Max films are super important as far as Aussie cinema goes and their (initially) low budget success story. Their simplicity is their best virtue: cars, desert, action, strong female women and GAZOLEEEN


THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY!! This will be amazing Natalie!


TDK! Not just great comic book movies. Great movies, period.


And the award for creepy old pervert of the day goes to…


I love them, and have no idea why she didn’t jump in after her LoTR reaction! I get some people don’t, but I’d be fascinated to see her take on them.

Inhale Burrito

How about endgame? There's too much game of thrones.

Warren Van Wyck

Endgame will be this Monday. Marvel Monday. I don’t watch her GoT videos either.

Alan Kobb

As usual I'm proudly picking the loser here. The Godfather is a classic, and I'd really like your take on it, Natalie. The Dark Knight is excellent, of course, and I'm a big fan, but I'd really like a break from the superheroes, action-adventure genres.


Virtually every poll I vote in (across several Patreons) - the one I pick never wins. I am very happy with the results of this poll. I finally picked a winner!!!


It’s such a shame it wasn’t made canon, somehow. And now they are doing a prequel to Fury Road without Charlize Theron!

Ehrys V.

Watch Stardust. I really like that film and I think you would too.


I'd like more stand-alone movies, please, instead of trilogies, quadrilogies, cinematic universes, etc. I don't like Nolan's Bat films, I'm not much into Marvel, and I don't have the time or interest to keep up with all the GoT episodes. So for at least three weeks there won't be anything for me to watch here. With stand-alones I have at least a one in four chance per month of there being something I'd like to watch along with. Plus I just like variety and there tons and tons of great non-franchise films. As it is, I'll probably take a pause in my membership.

Justin S.

The Dark Night Trilogy is good filmmaking for sure with strong performances throughout but I actually prefer the two Tim Burton Batman films, so hopefully Nat will eventually get to them. They just had the right atmosphere with perhaps not enough action.

David Olden

If I may suggest a series: Lost (2004-2010). It’s on Disney+ now (where I’ve been told by a Disney+ rep it will stay)

Eric Janssen

To quote Quentin Tarantino, you're never OFFICIALLY in Australia until you're terrorized by a sadistic biker gang... ;)


Was your criteria, “trilogies that end poorly”?


I really wish Natalie would do “Band of Brothers”. Great series, start to finish, and she recently did Saving Private Ryan, so would be interesting to do another WWII project.


the third mad max is the only one id avoid imo.


The Road Warrior is pretty iconic so is Thunderdome, to an extent.


I second the "Band of Brothers", though it is very intense. Worth it, definitely, but intense.

Ellis Hugh

Dark Knight trilogy - the first is really good, the second one of the great all time films that really transcends its genre and the third... well, it's just a hot mess. You can tell Nolan was just trying to fulfill his contract so that he could work on something that he was actually interested in. TV series: Stranger Things, obviously... and after Endgame, WandaVision for sure. I'd say Witcher too, but it might be better to let another season or two come out first. If she's looking for a great standalone movie, I'd be really interested in her checking out Gone Girl. It's outside of what she usually watches and I think she would really get into it. Also, the only Mad Max you need to see is the most recent one with Charlize Theron... that just may be one of the greatest pure action films of all time. VERY under-rated.


I voted Mad Max but the others are great.

Justin S.

I understand what you're saying. While I'm a fan of Marvel and Superhero films, I definitely look forward to more of a variety in the future. For example, there is several entertaining 80s and 90s movies that would make for good reactions, especially many of the action, drama, and horror flicks.. It would be great to have like an "Old School" movie day each week or every other week at least. Nat has reacted to some so far like Aliens, Lethal Weapon, and Silence of the Lambs, but I hope there will be many more on this channel. Lethal Weapon 2 would be a good start because I'm pretty sure she'll like that better than the first one. Or perhaps follow a director trend, such as Michael Mann, David Fincher, Martin Scorsese, etc.


I consider The Dark Knight to be one of the highly overrated movies by people, but it's a hell of a ride for a first time viewing.

Eric Janssen

Dark Knight is considered a "classic" by: A) Persecution-complexed DC Comics fans, who think that if they go R-rated uber-dark, they'll finally stop being "laughed at" for the 60's series, B) Perscution-complexed DC Comics fans, who think the movie was "robbed" at the Oscars for not winning Best Everything, and must be avenged to this day by getting every human being on the planet to watch it, and C) Joker-obsessed heavy-metal DC Comics fans, who don’t really give a crap about any OTHER character in the DC-verse, and thirteen years later, still wishfully have their own makeup-smeared Heath Ledger cosplay as their Internet avatar.


Just cause your pick didn't win.. you are asking for everyone else's votes to ignored. lol


Fury Road is a must, but The Road Warrior (MM2) is one of the greatest classic action movies on its own, right up there with T2 and Aliens.


I think The Godfather 1 & 2 would be the most compelling and rewarding of the bunch, but the Mad Max films would be the funnest (Road Warrior, Thunderdome, Fury Road if you really want to pick 3, Road Warrior and Fury Road if you're willing to trim it down).


Hear, hear! Thunderdome is fun, but I absolutely agree that Road Warrior and Fury Road are the best. Everybody's enamored with Fury Road, but Road Warrior is one of the greatest sequels, right alongside T2 and Aliens.

Cailey Jones

If/when you watch Mad Max, you need to watch Fury Road. The others are fun and all, and would be worth a watch, for the most part, but Fury Road is a genuine masterpiece and has almost nothing in common with the other three (so you don't really need to watch any of the others in order to understand Fury Road).

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

So we're fittin to watch the Dark Knight, I'm all for it, get to revisit Heath Legend Leger's portrayal of the Joker, it's a beautiful thing to witness. It is a fascinating aspect of DC, to me anyway, Batman is my favorite DC hero, but the JOKER is my favorite villain/chaotic genius of ANY comic book series, aside from the Cenobites in a Clive Barker Night Breed comic I think I still have, and the Aliens in the Dark Horse Comics OG Aliens Vs Predator (the comics were so much better than the shit movies) 🖤 I think if the two multi-"verses" were bought by Disney and merged, the Joker would have been the key Thanos' victory or defeat. Well that's just me imagining IF the DCEU was alternatively included in Endgame. It's the kind of thing I imagine while I'm in an elevator ignoring other people 😉

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

Wait, were there Cenobites in Night Breed or am I thinking of someone else? I do have a habit of conflating alternate realities 🤷‍♂️ That said, Michael Keaton is still my Batman 🤘🏽

Anakin Starkiller

Before you venture into the DCEU I'd say watch the Nolan Batman films, they will give you a sense if what's to come.

Anakin Starkiller

Many people would say the DCEU failed . I would say the DCEU is a more broader universe. DC did listen to it's fans with Zack Snyder's Justice League many people would say it and Wonder Woman are the best DCEU films and I think they are. I'm a huge Superman fan and Christopher Reeve is my Superman. But Man Of Steel was one of my favorite Superman films. Although I think Zack should have took on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. It's a much better story of Batman vs Superman. It gives Batman a better story other then just angered at Superman.

Eric Janssen

Someone who hasn’t seen either movie doesn’t..freakin’...CARE whether Nolan “avenged” the “crimes” of Joel Schumacher...Nor should they. Only angry, Joker-obsessed, persecution-complexed DC fans care about that. Thank you for illustrating my previous posts with real-world demonstration. (That”s literally like saying “You can’t truly appreciate the genius of the MCU unless you know of Marvel fans’ tragic movie past with Howard the Duck!”...Which Marvel fans never say, because they’ve dealt with it and moved on.) Oh, and thank you for reminding us that she still hasn’t gotten around to the Sean Connery 007’s after Casino Royale like she said she would.

Inhuman Paradox

I'd say that's because BvS is about Superman at its core and not Batman. It's kind of an "inverted" The Dark Knight Returns. Where Superman takes the "last hero being scrutinized by the media" role that Batman had in that story, and Batman takes on the "fallen hero become a villain" role that Superman had in that story. I kinda wish BvS wasn't titled BvS (Both Snyder and Terrio specifically said that title was forced by the studio and they wanted a different name like "Justice League: Rising"). I would've called it "Man of Steel: Dawn of Justice" personally. I also would've edited the theatrical cut better because wow that theatrical cut sucks. One of the most butchered theatrical cuts ever made IMO, right up there with Kingdom of Heaven.

Mike H

I voted Godfather, but I don't really think it's that great for reaction videos. It is a masterpiece for film appreciation though and with her background in the industry, it should be a "must see".


Sorry but how is Godfather so low? O_O


Depending on the average age of the audience, a lot might never have heard of it.


the"Mule" would still be a great one to watch

Nicholas Sulikowski

Arguably Part III is dragging it down. I am surprised though that Mad Max is scoring higher. That is a series where you really don't need to watch all of them in sequence. Heck, the most celebrated ones are usually The Road Warrior, Fury Road, and possibly Beyond Thunderdome. And even Fury Road had a reputation as being watchable without having seen the first three. It's a series, but it's one where every entry isn't vitally important to see for story reasons. The Dark Knight Trilogy, while its third act wasn't the strongest, it still overall a solid trilogy. And it is perhaps more culturally relevant. (And I say that with deep reverence to The Godfather, but alas, Batman is more widely accessible.)

Eric Janssen

I have a better idea: INSTEAD of Godfather III, how about Marlon Brando & Matthew Broderick in "The Freshman", to wrap up the trilogy? Seriously. :)


I think she would have fun watching all the Tremors movies.


Another trilogy that would be worth watching (IMO) is the John Wick movies. Its one of the few trilogies that just gets better with each one.

Robert Haynes

Big Trouble in Little China! It's such a fun great movie! But for the ones on the list, Mad Max Fury Road is such a good movie, and you don't need to watch the previous 3. It stands on it's own just fine.

Greg McDaniel

If you do end up watching Mad Max, dont let anyone talk you into skipping the first two. The first one sets up the character, and The Road Warrior is one of the best action films ever made.


Not excited about any of these to be honest!


Yeah but you're probably a marvel fan so you've had your run.


Nolan Trilogy kills on so many levels. However it’s unfair to group it with older trilogies because the level of special effects also attribute to the success. Older trilogies are amazing but without modern effects they might always lack in some way. Consider this if the trilogies were The Godfather, Mad Max, and Indiana Jones, Now that would be a great debate cause they were made with practical effects. However I may also be completely wrong and I am okay with that haha anyways I enjoy your content regardless and look forward to your new videos.


True. It's one of the few examples where the reboot is better


Admittedly I am a Marvel kid but I didn't think the Nolan trilogy was that great. I did enjoy them, and Ledger was amazing. But for me it was more poor representation of characters and story arcs from the comics in a DC movie. My life has been greatly enriched by the addition of doing bane impersonations though. So many of lines dialogue from Beyond Thunderdome have stuck in my head since childhood, easy vote for me.


I know this is not about this poll but but I think you would love "Your Name." My favorite movie.


I voted for Dark Knight Trilogy. But you should watch the Mad Max films too. Fury Road for sure, it's Awesome.


So there’s a very strong message being sent here, the people care very little about the mafia but dig the bat 🦇. Which is a little ironic really as Gotham is controlled by Carmine Falcone and his mafias Syndicate.


“I'm like a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. You know? I just do things.” - Joker I CANNOT wait for you to react to this character. He is easily in my top three all time favorite characters of any series!

Eric Janssen

Whereas, Chris Nolan cares very little about the Bat, but digs the Mafia.


Fury Road is SUCH a good action movie! But the original and Road warrior are great too, especially the latter.

Vaidas Šukauskas

Don't know why Godfather has so few votes. It's a masterpiece. Maybe the channel has cultivated more comic bookie fans?

Myles Away

They're great films but I don't really care to see someone react to it though. Plus Nat should watch some movies without the need to comment. Some movies deserve a quiet watch.

Peter Hudson

The Godfather and The Dark Knight are 2 of the best movies ever made, so it's a hard choice. I'd go with Batman but keep Godfather in mind to watch soon


I’m torn because the Nolan trilogy is fantastic but at some point you gotta watch fury road. It’s absolutely non-stop bananas insanity.


The Dark Knight series is ok. I'm just more of a Marvel fanboy. As for the Mad Max series only two of them are any good to me. The first film in that series is a reeaaallly low budget B grade movie and I don't really care for it. The second one "The Road Warior" is a good post apocolyptic action flick. The third "Thunderdome" sucks. The fourth "Fury Road" is one of the best action flicks ever made. And lastly every fan of film should see at least the first two Godfather movies. Absolute classics of American cinema.

Kenny Teeology

The first 2 "Dark Knight" movies are great but the 3rd one is a huge step down - Nolan only made it under obligation so he could make other movies that he really wanted too.


Don't listen to this dude ^ The Dark Knight is the apex of the superhero film genre. Mileage may vary with the 1st and 3rd ones, but the 2nd one is a must watch for anyone


For Mad Max "The Road Warrior" and "Fury Road" are the ones worth your time. Fury Road is absolutely incredible!


I voted for the Dark Knight, but I really hope you would watch Mad Max at some point, too. Especially Fury Road.


Agreed. It'd be totally fine if it was just fury Road. And I voted for Batman too.

Myles Away

I voted for The Dark Knight but will echo some sentiments I've seen. I think a double feature of Mad Max: The Road Warrior and Mad Max: Fury Road could be cool. See similar films made in different time periods by the same director. It's a very unique situation and by all means shouldn't have worked out. Last time that scenario happened we got the Prequels and we all know how those turned out.


Mad Max Quadrilogy please🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


Band of brothers should be on this list !


Agreed! Band of Brothers might be the best thing to ever come out of HBO.


Natalie, if you believe the MCU films are great, then just wait for what The Dark Knight trilogy has in store for you! 😉🦇


The Karate Kid Trilogy (or Quartet if you really want to watch The Next Karate Kid, but that one is completely optional). It came VERY close to winning the poll that was won by James Bond, and I still say that it would be an excellent series for you to react to. First, unlike other franchises like James Bond or Marvel, there's really only 3 important movies. Like I said, you can skip The Next Karate Kid without missing anything. And then there's the remake, which is Karate Kid in name only. And second, if you enjoy The Karate Kid Trilogy, then you can move on to watching Cobra Kai (although Cobra Kai is written in such a way that you don't HAVE to watch the movies first in order to enjoy it, it does help with understanding the little in jokes, Easter eggs, and references).

Harry Reece

What a wonderful first Patreon watch along. Totally worth it. Steve went back and lived a life of anonymity with Peggy. So much so that it was always so, he attended her funeral in The Winter Soldier as a pallbearer.

Eric Janssen

Well, that certainly covers EVERY encyclopedic completist incarnation of a movie she hasn't seen and might maybe or maybe not have a passing interest in...Any deleted scenes or trailers?

Eric Janssen

Which is another way of saying "He wanted to wrap the series up in a finale and get the heck OUT of there before Warner made him reboot Superman again..."

William Connery

Dark night series is overrated

Definitely Delish

if you do watch Mad Max the first two are great, thunderdome is pretty good and then ew reboot'ish style one is supposed to be amazing visually but I just couldn't get into it, sadly. Godfather is a must one day, the first two are two of the most incredible movies ever about the mafia, and in general too winning so many academy awards. definitely a one day even if not in a reaction for you.

Peter Cohen

The first Mad Max movie titled simply Mad Max, is worthwhile only if you are comfortable with a very low budget movie that became a cult classic due to its much more successful sequel, The Road Warrior. However watching Mad Max will give you a much better idea of what is going on in the world. Skipping that one can leave you with a lot of wondering what the heck is going on. The Road Warrior is a fantastic adventure thrill ride only slightly hampered by its age and budget and will be much loved by your audience. The third, Beyond the Thunderdome, is the weakest of the bunch, though worthwhile if you 'really' like the series. Mad Max: Fury Road is a must see. If you watch only one, watch that one.