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I hope you're all having a wonderful day! Let's kick off this weekend with ANOTHER Harrison Ford movie. I was so pumped for this one and honestly can't wait to share it with you! FYI: there's a lot of screaming in this one...sorry 😬 I got scared at some moments haha.

As always, thank you so much for your support here on Patreon and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

Google Drive (PLEASE ONLY USE THIS LINK FOR DOWNLOADING. NOT FOR VIEWING): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sc3nD0GECZWCHqW4nJbGh-RqlaVH96ix/view?usp=sharing 

Original Movie: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


WATCHING: INDIANA JONES: Raiders of the Lost Ark

MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nataliegold Original Movie: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


ISeeTrees ofGreen

Ohhhhh i completely forgot this was the movie for today this is gonna be good


Ah yes, the movie that defined action in the 80s. Going to watch this right now, just let me grab my bowl of jello and my hair dryer. Watching the intro sequence for the first time in a while, you need to add UHF to your list. Weird Al is great in it.


Yeah about the Indiana Jones Saga... it's weird how they're making a 5th movie when the 4th doesn't even exist, right? RIGHT? Jokes aside, really hyped for this reaction.


The 4th one is hot garbage it's ok to skip it.

Andy Jordan

Looking forward to this one so much. I'll never forget seeing it for the first time when I was 5 or 6, and the ending scared me pale, scarred me for life; I had to watch it another 3 or 4 times before I could watch the ending without my hands over my eyes, peering fuzzily through my fingers. Thanks, as always, for all the smiles. Cheers, Nat!


Raiders time with Nat fun times 💛 great start to the Bank Holiday weekend 🙂 another great week of content ty so much Nat 💛


Trivia: Steven Spielberg was talking to his buddy George Lucas and mentioned he was thinking about directing a James Bond movie. Lucas said to him, "I've got something better." He had come up with an idea for a movie about an archaeologist named Indiana Smith in the 1940s who went on adventures. Spielberg liked the idea, but said he wasn't sure about the last name of Smith. So Lucas said, "Ok... how about Jones?" Side note for dog lovers like Natalie: Lucas' malamute dog was the inspiration for not only Chewbacca (in terms of furry companion), but also the protagonist of this movie. Because his dog's name was Indiana.

Robb Hollen

Just by the timer in the thumbnail you can tell what scene she's reacting to.....

Randee Carreno

Happy Friday, Natalie! 😊 This my all-time favorite of the "Indiana Jones" movies. The 4th one is not one of my favorites either. It has a couple of good scenes. Otherwise, not a fan of " Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". The ending of this movie will forever be stuck in my mind. LOL! I'm watching this one right away, and I'll probably watch it again this evening. Have a great day today! 😊Until the next video, Stay Golden! 💛

Calo Grsf

"Snakes on the floor 🎶" by Natie Gold new song number 1! 😆 Thank you Nat for this reaction full of happiness 😄 and screams 😆you almost made me deaf from the start haha If watching other movies you've seen in the past puts you in such a good mood, I'm in! 😁 I hope now you are well, and it will continue to be! Take care, be safe and stay golden! 💛

Andy Scotschdale

Spot on. I’m here watching stuff I never watched or I really enjoy watching again with a commentary.

Paul C

Fun fact shared about the scene where Indy was supposed to fight with the fancy sword-swinging dude in black: Ford had the "runs" from some bad food, and couldn't do the full fight scene, so they ended up altering it to just shooting the guy.


Its pretty fun to notice the star wars references in the Indi trilogy. There's a few abstract ones. 2 to get you started is; check out the plane's registration at the end of the opening chase. The other is the name of the club at the start of temple of doom.

Darryl Low

Ford Fridays are awesome Nat. I was expecting you to spin round and be wearing your hat. Next time. I can knock this one off my bucket list - Watching Raiders with Nattie G. Check. I think we all need some good comforting movies at the moment and I don't think I have ever seen you so excited to be counting down to start a movie 💛 I loved when you said "This isn't the one with the bug tunnel" and then it just got a whole lot worse! Spiders! Why did it have to be Spiders! 😊 John Williams' score is just amazing, especially his Ark Theme, and his music for the map room is one of my favourite movie cues ever, and the truck chase! 😀 If your quick, look at the left pillar at 01:06:13 and you will see your favourite Star Wars character and his friend! Great to see you laughing (and screaming) along to this movie tonight. It was the perfect tonic to start the weekend. Have a good one my friend and take care 💛


At the end of the movie, they put the arc in Warehouse 13.


"where in south america? its pretty big" i know right? if only there was some kind of large text on the screen to tell us ;) love the reaction especially those spiders XD

Ulrich Unterbrunner

Fun fact: The movie (but Crusade even way more) had american and british actors speaking some of the important german roles (except the german commander which actually was german). And they did it with a very heavy accent. When the film was dubbed in german for the swiss, german and austrian audience it was done in actual german, but they kept the Nazis talking in their accent to let the audience distinguish the english speaking characters from the german speaking - just the english speaking ones spoke better german than the german speaking ones :)


LOL I was thinking the same thing after she shit on the Marvel title texts so hard

Omni Jacala

I won't lie, hearing "John Williams" and "maybe Star Wars?" hurt my heart a little. =P In my mind, nothing stands out more among Williams' work more than Star Wars. It's honestly kinda weird to even think that anyone who knows of John Williams wouldn't immediately think of Star Wars before anything else.


I'm watching now, but I'm wondering if Nat will recognize Sallah as being Gimli and Treebeard from LOTR.


one of my all time favorites. Excited to watch it with you.


First time watching this, very fun. I knew some of the more well known bits because they are so ingrained in culture. The "ancient language" seemed to actually be Aramaic! (still should have been in the subtitles lol) Due to the audio I was only able to make out the words "in Your holy name". The costume he was wearing was evoking the clothing the high priest wore in the Temple once a year, on Yom Kippur.


So fun to watch with you. I am so happy you acknowledge the music by John Williams, I'm born in -79 and the music of John Williams is basically the score of my childhood growing up. You are correct that he wrote Harry Potter, and soo soo much more! What is really interesting is the craftsmanship and hidden details he tells in the music, he will very often slip in musical hints that tells the story behind the pictures and words, sometimes the true meaning of the scene is only told through his music. In addition to illustrate the story with the sound of the orchestra, he will tell the story with the themes he uses. And because music travels into our consciousness in other paths than visual, we will hear contexts long before we see them. My favourite is a point I think you actually commented on in Saving Private Ryan. Before the landing on D-day, there is very solemn music with brass instruments. But the key he writes it in is very uncomfortable for brass players, giving the timbre of the instruments a somewhat strained sound (not bad in any way, the players are world class), that is not very comfortable for the instruments. After the fighting, the music returns, but in a key that inherently sounds really good on all brass instruments, giving it a warmer and much more relaxed and noble timbre.

It Hurt A Lot

Right in the feels. I'm a kid again


You probably already caught that in the edit, but concerning the map room: The nazis *did* find the map room - Indy's friend told him so on arrival in Cairo. However, they didn't have the correct staff height, so they subsequently dug in the wrong spot. They built their own staff and staff head of Ra from the description the fire-loving guy gave them, and they could read the height of the staff from the burn mark on his hand. But since he only had one side of the medallion/staff head burned into his palm, they missed the "and take back one [unit]" from the back. Easy to miss if you're not watching with full attention :)

It Hurt A Lot

I always felt bad for the swordsman stuntman who practiced for months to get ready for that scene

Joel Palenychka

You may have recognized Sallah if you just imagine him a bit shorter. John Rhys-Davies played Gimli in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


If you didn't remember Marion from this movie, I strongly recommend you re-watch the 4th one. It's not very good but it is much better if you remember this one.


John Williams did the score for the first 3 Harry Potter movies, but I guess those are also the films where the most iconic ones are from. Also Sallah was played by John Rhys Davies, the actor who played Gimli in LotR

Dan Careaga

So happy for this watch-a-long! I am always happy to watch a film with you even if you have seen it before. It is always a great hang out. I saw this film in theaters when I was a kid. I am OLD! ha ha ha. Still in my top 5 films of all time. A couple of cool Star Wars connections are that the actor, William Hootkins, who played Porkins in A New Hope was one of the Army Intel officers at the University and in the final scene in Washington D.C. And the score for this film was written right after Empire Strikes Back. You can hear massive similarities. Yodas Theme and The Ark theme are like musical cousins and Marions Theme and the Han Solo and the Princess Theme from Empire are like fraternal twins. So much so that the final crescendo leading into the credits of both films is identical in Melody and Rhythm.

Texas Anla'Shok

At Disneyland, yes, the Indiana Jones Adventure. In fact, the truck used in the chase scene in this movie is right outside the ride queue.

Peter Yocum

"slightly" tarnished

Peter Yocum

"do I tickle the tummy?" alternative jungle treasure for Indy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqYyE2JNMfg

William Burnham

Excellent reaction Of note Belloq was played by the actor who appeared as Reverend Shooter in Hot Fuzz


The Indiana Jones movies.. I love them very much. I like archeology and treasure hunting movies.. Movie 4 is not very good ''my opinion''.. im glad you doing these Nat.

G. T. Blackwell

A Jaws watch-along would be entertaining. More Spielberg and John Williams at their best.

Texas Anla'Shok

You keep asking where the Americans are, and well they're where they should be, staying out of it. Indy is basically acting as a free agent, and considering how many German personnel he kills, they'd disavow him if he got caught. Remember, this is 1936, the war will not start for another three years and the US wouldn't join for another two years after that. The sub is located in the Mediterranean, which is a lot closer to Germany than America, and again, they wouldn't be able to stop them without sinking the sub of a country they're not engaged in hostilities with yet, so, yeah.

Ulrich Unterbrunner

America could not help (as you pointed out at multiple occasions) Indy, because it was still in isolation and recovering from the recession under the New Deal. There was no US Army at that point to speak of - at a strength of about 136,000 men total, which was less than Portugal. And the US Navy did not operate in the central Mediterranean. That was actually italian territory at the time, and they were not on friendly terms with the USA, and had quite a formidable fleet. The UK would not intervene under any circumstance, because of Chamberlains Appeasment policy towards Hitler. Also a Diesel-Sub could not dive very long as it had limited air supply and electricity for the engines, when the diesel engine was not working, so it is safe to assume it had its snorkel and periscope above water all the time it was travelling submerged. John Williams score in it is actually very similar to Star Wars. The scene, where they discover the Ark, has distinguishable elements from the Ewok and Endor theme of Return of the Jedi. The fact that this great composer has written so many scores in the past half century, created basically an entire branch of movie music, influencing all composers ever since and formed the basis of modern blockbuster music. And the scene with the fly at Belloqs mouth was actually edited. They cut out a few frames, where he blows the fly away and re-dubbed it with a shorter sentence if I recall correctly to fit the movement of his mouth.


We're not going to watch Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull?! That's the best one! /s

Ben Wheeler

If I’m being honest, the screaming is my favorite part.

Thomas Malley

"Stop hanging out with this Nazi monkey!" lol also remember: Temple Of Doom is a prequel :)

Jon Hoover

"Oh... Fuck this monkey!" Natalie 2021


Yup. Prequel. And the most pointless move ever made in a franchise. I mean, how did making it take place BEFORE "Raiders" serve anything?


I don't care what anyone says. The title is Raiders of the Lost Ark. The prefix was added later for dummies. There, I said it.


Your reaction to the tarantulas. Worth. The. Price. Of. Admission. LOLOLOL!!!!

Matthew Periolat

Yes, Nat does NOT like spiders. For the purposes of story behind the story, remember WWII didn’t start until September 1938 and the US was neutral until Pearl Harbor in 1941. That’s why the 101st Airborne wasn’t riding to Indy’s rescue, officially or otherwise. As to the end... well, I remember walking into my parents den in 1984 when I was seven right at the end of the movie. I fled screaming and never saw the movie from beginning to end until maybe 15 years ago? The scar was that traumatic. So, yeah, feel you 110%. Anyway, want the the movie that started me on my love of history like Indy pseudo launched your ship? 1955’s A Night to Remember. The only difference is I’m still riding my dragon, still learning to stories and passing them on. And in your own way, so are you. All actors are historians, passing on their own interpretation of events. Next time, Dr. Jones. Still Golden.

Nicholas Sulikowski

A few things: Some actors you may have not have recognized: Alfred Molina as Satipo, the traitorous guide in the beginning that gets impaled by spikes. He also plays Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man 2. Also John Rhys-Davies who plays Sallah. He was also Gimli in The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, as well as the voice of Treebeard. Regarding Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.... It got a lot of flack when it first came out. But honestly over time, it's kind of grown on me. Much of the silliness and jokes in Raiders that you didn't remember before, are present in Crystal Skull as well as Temple of Doom and Last Crusade. Granted it tends to be far less serious. But I feel in a Last Crusade kind of way. My only really big criticisms is the choice to do aliens, giant ants, and Russians feels less 1930s pulp adventure comics like the first three, and more 1950s b-movie sci-fi. Which was intentional by George Lucas. And I'm not sure it entirely fits the character of Indiana Jones who was purely 1930s Doc Savage adventure. But still, there are still some elements of Crystal Skull that I kinda dig. I think it's worth revisiting with fresh eyes if you've only seen it once. If only to try to understand what Lucas was going for with that camp 50s sci-fi B-movie vibe. You don't have to like it, but I find it fascinating, Also most of the acting in it was pretty decent I thought. There was still a certain pace and energy to it that was Indiana Jones.


The Map Room: Dawn is one of the greatest pieces of music ever composed for cinema.


I rewatch familiar movies all the time. I have seen Clue more times than I can count, and rewatch Princess Bride EVERY time I get sick. I treat good fiction like good food; sure the first time you experience it will always be special but that doesn't mean you can't have a great time going back to it again in the future. And like with food, some movies are tied to being a kid or just a general good feeling from the past that adds an element of nostalgia to the qualities the movie already has. And speaking of it actually -- Clue is ABSOLUTELY a movie you should see if you haven't. It's bad in a good way, the best kind of silly, and so corny you don't even need to pop any. It's fantastic. I also got my university degree in history and it's not a terrible idea that Indiana Jones was a big part of why I got so deep into it. But I was also also a theatre kid (tech, not stage) in high school though, so ...

Joe Blankenship

That clothes hanger part. I never caught that til now, and I watch this every few years or so. Nunchucks? Double nunchucks? Oh, it’s a clothes hanger.

Michael G. Munz

I'm "I saw this when it was just called 'Raiders of the Lost Ark' years old." :D

Kevin Mowery

Fun side note: At the beginning of Captain America: The First Avenger, when the Red Skull is getting the Tesseract from Norway, he makes a comment about how the Fuhrer is wasting his time searching for trinkets in the desert. That's probably meant as a reference to Raiders ... which wasn't owned by Disney at the time, but is now.

Robert Reichle

I'm going to love this little journey except for Temple of Doom. I'm done watching that one probably for life. Not because I think it's kinda gross (it is a little), but because I just hate the story. I actually like Kingdom of the Crystal Skull more than that one, and that's saying something.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I absolutely relate to wanting to be an archeologist when someone told me I get to chose my own classes in college. I still want to be a history professor though lol

Valar Dohaeris

There is no hard time that a good Indy film can't fix, or at least make more tenable. I hope your issues improve soon... Best wishes ᕙ( ͡◉ ͜ ʖ ͡◉)ᕗ


The gag with the hanger was originally intended for Spielberg's parody war movie, 1941, with Dan Ackroyd, John Candy, and John Belushi. There is a Disney cartoon with Donald Duck giving the Nazi salute. It's called "Der Fuerher's Face." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bn20oXFrxxg


i didnt see it brought up in the comments, but that scene in the bazaar where Indy faces off against that guy with the sword. it was suppose to be an elaborate fight scene, but Harrison Ford was so sick for a few days (Dysentery) that they just had him shoot the guy instead.


The movie stream im watching is faster than yours :O and both are on normal speed. :(

Game Wizard001

Fun Trivia if anyone is a Power Rangers fan, the actor playing Belloq (Indiana Jones' rival) also played Ivan Ooze in The Power Rangers Movie.


I don't t think anyone will mind if you skip the 4th movie, but I have to say, I absolutely hated it in the theater and never wanted to see it again, but I watched all the movies again recently (sometime during Pandemic-time, which all runs together for me), and I decided to go ahead and watch the 4th one, too, and I kind of enjoyed it. I mean, it is what it is, but it had a lot of the same goofy fun, was much better with my expectations being so low. And the 4th one definitely held up better than the 2nd one. I'll watch Temple of Doom just to see your reactions, but I now feel like it's the worst of the 4.

David Crabtree

It's still Raiders of the Lost Ark. I don't get this "Indiana Jones and" nonsense.


So much fun - I waited until Saturday afternoon (after a busy morning ) to "grab a drink/ grab a snack" and enjoy this fun ride. My FAV quote this round - "Oh F*CK this monkey!!" Hysterical! Second runner up - "STOP hanging out with this Nazi monkey!" Looking forward to the other films (though not so much Cate Capshaw). While I know she did better work, later in her career - she is just a cartoon of an actor in The Temple of Doom. Karen Allen was rough and grounded and humorous but Cate Capshaw was just a disappointment (to me). I guess you have to take "the good with the bad."

Nic Benham

Fun fact for Temple of Doom. It’s actually a prequel set a couple years before Raiders. Also look out for the name of the club at the beginning!

David Crabtree

I think someone already mentioned it, but the next film in the series, Temple of Doom, is actually a prequel to Raiders. Raiders takes place in 1936, Temple of Doom in 1935.


At the beginning when Indy is swimming to the plane, the plane’s registration is OB-CPO, a reference to Obi-Wan and Threepio. Artoo and Threepio are also seen on the hieroglyphics in the Well of the Souls when Indy and Sallah are lifting up the Ark. And for a further Star Wars connection, the “Top Men” guy, he played Rebel pilot, Porkins in the first Star Wars movie.


Another one is the suspicious man with the glasses and trench coat “reading” the Life magazine, that was Oscar winning visual effects wizard, Dennis Muren.

Eric Bogerd

Thank you, that was a lot of fun to watch it again. I remember seeing it in the theater when I was young (yes, I'm old, I'm still coming to terms with it), one of the first 'scary' movies I saw as a child. As an adult, a lot of the same things seem a little cheesy and kinda 'eww', but I remember being terrified at some parts. The soundtrack does a lot to enhance the emotions of the scenes. For example, I always hold my breath a little bit right before Indy rides the horse down the hillside to begin his attack on the truck. The music drops for just a moment, and then that steady, rising beat just screams that what's beginning is going to be epic. As for Indy getting help from the Americans, in 1936 the US was still staying out of the 'European Conflict' overtly, and the Axis powers basically controlled the Mediterranean and all surrounding lands, so Indy wasn't going to get any real help until they at least got close to the UK, in the areas around the nation that their navy controlled. The situation wasn't much different by 1938, when Last Crusade takes place, as far as the US was involved.


And for you Harry Potter fans, you may recognize Kingsley Shacklebolt as Captain Katanga.

Troy B.

I look forward to joining you in not rewatching Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull!


This is the second video you've mentioned burning man. So you're one of those hippies that run around in the desert each year getting high and wearing nothing but bodypaint and mesh? :P

Troy B.

Nat: "Y'know what this song sounds like?" Me: . o O (Star Wars!) Nat: "Harry Potter!" Me: . o O (Yeah, okay, that too.)


This old geezer here recognized him as Prince Thun in Flash Gordon (1980).


"The Mist" deeeee-stroyed me with its ending. Will never watch again. I'm 51 and to this day I'm scared I'll happen upon it while channel surfing.


I do remember that little drop when I saw it in the theater but hadn't thought about it til now. Very cool.


ahh such fun, and I love the jokes and humour you didn't get as a kid but can enjoy now. I just learned last year that the actor who plays Indy's friend Sallah is also Gimli in Lord of the Rings. Watching these videos have helped me in a year of hardship.

Aaron Taft

I've mentioned this before, if ya just show us the closed captioning we can always follow along with ya Watch your Matrix reaction. That one is perfect for following along

Aaron Taft

By the way God is clearly not a woman. Because if there is a God, God invented Spiders.

Joe D. MacGuffinstuff

I love this movie because it's basically a live action comic book, from the plot and characters to the framing, the lighting, the dialogue, and with a John Williams score 🤘🏽

William Burnham

He also appeared in the old 70s TV show Budgie as the brilliantly named "Laughing Spam Fritter"


I had to restart this several times because of the tarantula reaction. I knew it was coming and wasn't disappointed.


I forgot less than you understandably did, but yikes. It is so great to re-experience it with your fresh eyes! So many merch-worthy comments about 'hanging out with this nazi monkey!'.... 'Not the pottery!' ...... This was greatness, as always. Take great care and we will enjoy your reactions when you return!

Kevin Townsend

A few more Harrison Ford movies to check out: Witness (1985) The Fugitive (1993) What Lies Beneath (2000)

Mark Messer

I donated cuz i thought this was a first time reaction. Thanks

Darren Withers

Just thinking about what you were saying about feel good movies. Can I recommend, when you finish the Indiana Jones trilogy (😉), you should do Stardust, Whether it is a childhood memory or something new, it doesn’t come much more feel good than that.

Thomas Yanez

In case nobody answered this one yet : you asked what The Ark was doing when the sides of the crate it was in burned. The Ark, or the power behind it, didn't like being contained in a box covered with Nazi symbolism, so it burned off the symbols. That's all.

Patrick W

I can't want to watch the rest of the trilogy with you. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope you take the time to recover. That being said, I'm super hyped to see Last Crusade, its my favorite. Blessed be.


Harrison Ford and I were both members of Sigma Nu fraternity back in college and our nickname is the Snakes. I have no proof that this is the reason for references to snakes in multiple movies that he's done, but I like to think it is.

john collins

just a history reference, in 1936 Germany had began it's campaign to conquer nearby nations and their genocide of the jewish people. ww2 began officially in 1939 and america did not join in until after pearl harbor in 1941 so while there have been classified documents, declassified showing american undercover missions before 41 but in this film it makes sense for there to be no american involvement as it would have started a war


Has Natalie reacted to Hacksaw Ridge yet? If not, I'd like to recommend that.


Natalie, "FUCK THIS MONKEY!!" I was literally laughing out loud! hahahaha Also I haven't seen this in a long time so watching again with Natalie's reaction was really fun! So thank you!!

Ellis Hugh

The spider reaction alone earned my money this month!!!

Ellis Hugh

One way you can recognize really good writing is in small details, particularly those involving secondary characters. Sallah's character (played superbly by John Rhys-Davies) is a fantastic example of that, a British operative native to imperial colonies who has a habit of breaking out into Gilbert & Sullivan songs ("I am the Monarch of the Sea" and "A British Tar" from HMS Pinafore) is a really fun and historically accurate way to write this side-character. If you are reading this Nat, to answer your question about United States forces helping out Jones at the outbreak of WWII, the U.S. army was basically non-existent, smaller than that of Portugal, and featured more horses than tanks. We were almost a non-factor abroad and leaned heavily on the British presence in Europe and North Africa.


On the subject of the German U-boat, they deleted a shot of him clinging to the periscope as it dove. Real U-boats actually sailed on the surface almost all of the time, as they had limited battery life for staying underwater and generally only went under to prepare for an ambush. It would make sense for them to sail on the surface.