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Hey guys!

Help me decide which movie to watch after Iron Man 3 (which is coming this week). I know these are kind of all over the place, but they're all movies I'd love to see that are iconic. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below of course. Until the next one, stay golden!


Flick Freaks

It’s gotta be Rocky


If you do James Bond, definitely start with Dr. No


Bond starting with Dr No


Casino Royale!!


Dr. No


I voted for Rocky, because it's amazing, and because I don't want you to start another 20+ movie series lol

George Baxter

I'd say start with Casino Royale. The classic Bonds are great but an acquired taste... will you be watching MCU films regularly??


bond: as long as you start with Sean Connery you're good. so yeah Dr no.

Kevin Cleary

You've never seen any of the James Bond films? That is like 25 films of content :P


I would have to agree, starting with Dr. No is the right way to begin James Bond


I chose Rocky (skip Rocky 5 though). Just do 1-4.


The only advantage of Karate Kid is a segue to Cobra Kai. But I’m team Bond.


I actually think James Bond is more accessible by starting with the newest movies (Casino Royale and the rest of the Daniel Craig movies). I love a lot of the older movies, but they can feel very hokey/cringey at times.

Andy Jordan

The Godfather films are the most acclaimed, and I do love them, but The Karate Kid films are my personal favorites, and there's the Cobra Kai TV series on Netflix that ties in directly with the lore, so if you were looking for some more television to get into after Mandalorian, Karate Kid could give you that at the same time you're getting into the films.

It Hurt A Lot

I think there's just too many Bond movies to open that rabbit hole. And whenever I go back and watch one I'm disappointed because I remembered it to be better than it actually is


James Bond. If you just want to start with the recent ones that star Daniel Craig then start with Casino Royale (2006). If you want to go the really long route start with Dr No, there is 26 total movies starting there.

Patrick Egan

I'd go with James Bond. Start with Dr. No and enjoy the classics. Their version of SPECTRE is more fun than the modern version anyway :) Connery's second outing, From Russia With Love, remains my favorite Bond movie.


Karate Kid movies are amazing. And, you can continue after with the Cobra Kai series. Lots of content for you! If you do end up going with James Bond, I'd start with Daniel Craig's Casino Royale, finish those movies, then dive into the older stuff. There are a lot of movies. Daniel Craig's Bond movies are also the only one with a continuing story if I recall, the other movies are stand alone and can be watched in any order. So those you can just choose a bond and watch those movies. Rocky is also really good.

Justin S.

The James Bond series are some of the most entertaining action pictures and it would be cool to see you experience them all for the first time and compare the different actors who played the role. Dr. No is the first one, so it makes sense to start there but it will take a while to watch them all, unless you skip some but there is only like one or two in the series that I didn't enjoy that much.

Stephen W. Evans

Dr. No is a good place to start Bond, even if you don't do them all. But if you just want to see the best, maybe start with Goldfinger. You can't go wrong with the first five Connery films, though.

Flick Freaks

Also if you start the Bond franchise, it will probably cut into the MCU reactions, & that’s what a lot of us really want.


Please start with "Casino Royale" (2006), first of the Daniel Craig Bond films. It is one long and interesting story arc from there to "Quantum of Solace," "Skyfall," and "Spectre." All are highly engaging and relatively contemporary. After that, well, might be another poll perhaps!

Kris Olo

I think you’d enjoy Casino Royale more than the older films. You can always go back and visit the older ones as well, but there’s more of a through line with the Daniel Craig films that you might get more invested in.


Lots of Bond films between No and now. I’d suggest starting with the modern, Daniel Craig, ones; i.e., Casino Royals, and then double back later.

Adam Hunter

Hi love your reactions, if you do the James Bond films please start with Dr. No as that’s the start and best way to watch the films IMO


The Godfather films are some of the greatest cinematic masterpieces ever and I would love to see you react to them BUT if I had to vote am alternative, I'd say 007 the Daniel Craig ones. Think of the Daniel Craig movies as a bit of a reboot. They have some incredible action and stunt sequences and are pretty fantastic also not cheesy and cringy as the older ones are, classic as they may be.

Joe Blankenship

Please do Rocky or Karate Kid. James Bond movies can be suuuuper boring.


Well I do loves me some James Bond, watch the entires series once a year. I’d go in chronological order, but keep in mind how dated they are and how their...sensibilities...may not play as well sixty years later.


Daniel Craig 007

The Golgothan

Please watch the Karate Kid movies AND Cobra Kai afterwards

Justin S.

From Russia With Love was really good. Many people say Goldfinger was the best and it's also quite good. Some of the action sequences don't hold that well after all these years though but still entertaining.

It Hurt A Lot

I think a lot of people here are forgetting how boring and cringey some of those old Bond movies were


Bond with Craig then you can selectively do the older ones.

Strav 23

The first 2 karate kid movies are a must watch (3 is alright). Also Cobrai Kai is probably one of the best shows right now.

Eric Janssen

No. If you're doing 007, it STARTS with the 60's and Sir Sean...That's what Bond's all about. :) And Dr. No is not too bad for a warmup, although From Russia With Love and Goldfinger are Da Classics. (The ones with Roger Moore, nnnnot so much, except for Live & Let Die and The Spy Who Loved Me.)


I would suggest at least the first two Rocky films. They are actually good films. If you have not seen them; then all the better.

Raven Dark

There are two Karate Kid Films. Make sure you watch the original, from 1984, not the remake. The original has sequels (three), but the first one is the best.

Game Wizard001

Bond with Dr. No in honor of Sean Connery passing.

Matthew Periolat

Oh, this is tough, honestly tough. Ironically, Rocky and Karate Kid compliment each other as they were directed by the same guy. You could easily do the Rocky/Creed series then go to Karate Kid/Cobra Kai, but it gets long with six Rocky movies, two Creed movies. The only concern I have about Bond is time, both in creation and amount of movies. Starting with Dr. No and getting all the way to the Craig Bonds is a series as long as Marvel from 1961 to 2021. Godfather is just a masterpiece saga, yes, even the third, but is also the shortest at just three flicks. There is not a bad choice here, honestly there isn’t. Gun to the head? Rocky, Godfather, Karate Kid, Bond. But that’s a preference order and nothing more.


Dr. No is a great place to jump off from, its rough around the edges as they were just figuring out if Bond was actually be worth a proper budget, but don't feel compelled to watch all the classic Bond films, and many function as more or less stand alone films. Connery is by far the greatest Bond and Dr. No('62) was the first and Goldfinger('64) was his best. If you end up liking those you can come back with another poll.

Arthur Bridges

I agree with many of the others, that you can start either with Dr No or Casino Royale. The classic Bond is the original experience, but is definitely 60s and 70s setting and can feel dated. The new Bond movies do have a connected story and while definitely James Bond, Daniel Craig makes it his own. There are better Bond films than others, but watch each on its own merit.

Eric Janssen

"Please do the Craig ones, they're the first ones I was alive to remember, and they're cooler!" :) But they're also "dark" deconstructions of the original movies we're already supposed to know. And if you DON'T know them...


Casino Royale all the way. It’s a classic and perfect for new fans. I also think it’s a lot better than Dr. No even though No is great


these are all great and I'll be happy no matter what wins this poll. The Bond movies are mostly all self contained, so you can pretty much start anywhere. My favorite from each actor are: Connery - From Russia with Love Moore - For Your Eyes Only Dalton - The Living Daylights Brosnan - Goldeneye Craig - Skyfall (my favorite out of all the Bond films)

Eric Janssen

If you've seen the first Godfather, that saves some time: Godfather II is one of the Great American Films, but the third is, um....I've heard that one's just recently had a re-edit, so maybe the new edition will be less goofy.

David Martin

I would say Rocky but only to get to Creed lol....my real answer is Bond, Start with Casino Royale

Nicholas Hentges

Casino royale to start if you want serious, tomorrow never dies if you want modern enough but campy to start, dr. No if you want release chronology


That being said, Craig's bond starts strong and- I'm not gonna make any friends saying this-I don't think any of the films made since are actually bad, and include the best of Bond films have to offer. If you like going back and watching classics and pining the style and charm of yesteryear, starting with Casino Royale is a fine place to start.

Vincent Valentin

Start with Casino Royal for James Bond.

Ronny Boss

Agreed casino royale is much more watchable than the early ones. Still love'em but I suggest the Craig films and then start dabbling in the older films and see how she likes'em


Russia With Love is my low key favorite from Connery, the most character tension overall, but a bunch of the scenes come off silly.

Ronny Boss

I voted first Bond (but only if you start off with the Danny C' films. Rocky for number two because Rocky is flippin amazing. Stay Golden Nat, and have a great week

It Hurt A Lot

Rocky and Godfather II both won best picture and multiple other Oscars. They are legitimately great and would be amazing reactions

Max du Coudray

If you watch James Bond, definitely start with Dr. No. There's no way you'll want to watch them all, and Casino Royale will be one to watch later, but you should start with the first.


At this rate you won’t catch up with MCU until 2022 😞


I voted Rocky but if you do James Bond definitely start with Dr. No


Karate Kid and then work your way up to COBRA KAI!


Are you talking about watching a series of movies? It seems like people think you are going to be watching more than one movie. Whatever you plan to do, Karate Kid is really popular especially with the Cobra Kai Show which is a great continuation of the movie universe which has 4 movies not counting the new remake. I personally can not wait for your next Mandalorian episode, I cheated and watched the rest of the series because well I am not patient, any way can't wait for your reactions, Thanks a lot for all the great content!


In regards to James Bond, start with Dr. No. Daniel Craig's third film was the 50th anniversary and there are little jokes and references sprinkled in that you will miss is you watch it too early.


Have you seen Blade Runner? Worth your time.

Brandon Scott

You do realize there are 7 movies (so far) in the Rocky universe, right? Lol.....I voted Rocky too.

Christian Rennie

Gotta be Karate Kid for Mr. Miyagi. My second would be Rocky. But it is close. I’m hoping you will watch all the movies and eventually watch the Cobra Kai series because they are all connected with joyous call backs. Both franchises are a good look at what life was like in the 80s and 70s respectively. Both movies had theater audiences jumping out of their seats and cheering at the end upon their releases. Might as well see both and decide which one leaves you “wanting more” or cheering the most. Now that is an experiment. Both are underdog stories.

Brandon Scott

I will pay money to get you to start Rocky. Come on guys! Think of the reaction potential in those movies. Karate Kid and Bond would be down right boring in comparison.

Jayson Phillips

Just a reminder the MCU movies should be watched closer together so they will make more sense.

Eric Janssen

Some reactors have $100 monthly tiers which allow personal requests...Be glad Natalie doesn't. ;) (And HOW can Karate Kid be outvoting Goldfinger?...Oh, wait, no, not just because of the freakin' Netflix series??)

Brandon Royce

I voted for Bond. However, there are MANY films in that franchise. Although a number of them are bad (and worth avoiding), there are a few treasures among them. If Bond wins this poll, perhaps you should watch one Bond film from every actor who played him. Then have us vote on which ones from those lists, you will then watch. It's an idea. Plus, my favourite Bond films are from different eras (Goldeneye, From Russia With Love, and Casino Royale).


So... most of us think we know “Rocky“... it is an amazing story, not about Rocky, but about love, and family (blood as well as assumed) in the struggle each of us experience through life


I would love a watch through of the Daniel Craig Bond films.


I voted for the Bond films. Rocky would be good, as there's a great story behind the development of that script, and Stallone himself. If you do the Bond films, Dr. No is sort of a stand alone, a one and done Bond. I believe that the actor wasn't so much an actor, but I could have my details wrong on that. I'd start with the Sean Connery movies.

Alexa Chipman

James Bond start with Dr No - NewBond is meh at best.


Dr. No was the first Connery movie. You're probably thinking of On Her Majesty's Secret Service with George Lazenby as Bond, which was I think five or six in the franchise and Lazenby's only Bond film.


These are all quality choices, but the motherf*cking Godfather trilogy(!) really ought to be doing better. That's a distant fourth it's running.


Karate kid for me then cobra kai only then will you get what all the hype is about, you'll love them trust me 😉 but whatever wins will be fun to watch regardless


I just remembered something, Do you guys think Nat watched the How I Met Your Mother episode that had to do with The Karate Kid? It was on her list of shows she has seen. Nat did you watch the entire series or just random episodes?


They came out 2 or 3 a year over the course of a decade.


I advise Casino Royale, Dr No hasn't aged well and as Bonds go, Craig plays an absolute badass with a solid origin.


I have started going through Bond movies recently (currently on Dalton). Most of them are cheesy and repetitive. Not sure you want to go through all of them and watch hundreds of women getting seduced in a blink of an eye :D As some suggested, maybe you can watch Dr. No to see how all started and then watch a few most popular movies from every actor and then watch the new ones, what most people here probably would like.

Tiger Chu

Hot Fuzz

Eric Janssen

If your age wonders what was the "big deal" about shaken martinis, easy girls, fast cars, and Baccarat casinos on the Riviera in the 60's, you don't DESERVE to watch Connery Bonds. ;)

Ken W

If you do the Bond movies, I'd suggest sticking with the recent run with Daniel Craig. There are a *lot* of Bond movies (more than Marvel ones! 26 I think?) and they can be pretty same-y. Personally I'm a fan, but that might be a bit much to commit to, while there are only 4 current Daniel Craig ones (and a 5th coming out soon) and they all sort of tie together.

Holly R

There are 24 (almost 25) Bond films. If you don't want to dive into them all, might I suggest the alternative list: -Dr.No -Goldfinger -On Her Majesty's Secret Service -The Man With the Golden Gun -The Spy Who Loved Me (or Octopussy) -The Living Daylights -License to Kill -Goldeneye -Tomorrow Never Dies -Casino Royale -Skyfall This would give you two movies from each Bond actor (except for Lazenby...who only did one, but it's one of the best movies) and allow you to contrast the different takes on the character.

Kevin Bartelen

If it is Bond, start with Dr. No. The new ones, even though they claim to be prequels still expect you to have some knowledge from the previous films.


Casino Royale


Karate kid allows you to watch cobra kai, both of which would be great clickbait for your channel. (And are fun to watch, especially the series)

Dan Careaga

If you decide to jump into Bond maybe break it into eras, Connery+Lazenby(1film), Moore, Dalton, Brosnan and Craig. Personally I would start with Dr. No, watching the franchise progress through the decades is rather fun and interesting. You could even add "Never Say Never Again", Connerys last, if "unofficial", Bond film, into the mix during the Moore era. I have a feeling Karate Kid is going to be the favorite, it was my vote, as Cobra Kai is really fun and hugely popular right now.

Eric Janssen

Does ANYONE right now have a reason for voting for Karate Kid besides "Now you'll understand the Netflix series"? So, we're voting for a streaming-backstory, then?

Peter Hudson

Would love an excuse to watch The Godfather again.

Peter Hudson

Bond would be great! The only problem is there are so many movies it would take forever to watch through them as a series on here. I suggest seeing the top rated 2 or 3 for each Bond and watch through those earliest release to most recent. So ordered Sean Connery - George Lazenby - Roger Moore - Timothy Dalton - Pierce Brosnan - Daniel Craig


You could watch all the bond movies in order (I done it many times) maybe I a month along with other movies mixed in.

Gath Bard

With Bond I guess you should start from the first one ever (Dr. No) then pick and choose from there? There are so many...but I would be surprised if The Karate Kid doesn't win the poll. After all He's the best around, nothing's gonna ever keep him down.

Chris Gronau

Bond would be fun. If you wanted to break them out, you could easily do something similar to what you're doing with the Marvel movies, breaking them out into eras. Between them, Connery and Lazenby did the first 7 bond movies, Moore did the next 7, Dalton and Brosnan did 6 between them, and Craig will have done 5 when his next one comes out in April (assuming it doesn't get delayed again...).

Darryl Low

I'm voting for Bond, and definitely recommend starting at the beginning with Dr. No. It would be your first reaction to a Sixties movie. You've reacted to at least one movie from each subsequent decade.


Personally I would go with Bond and ya the order you start with doesn't really matter, but pick the Bond you want to start with and watch that guy's movies in the order they were released. I've seen Rocky a million times so I'm indifferent on that one, and Karate Kid would be good because it could lead into watching the Kobra Kai tv series (which I hear is pretty good).

Randee Carreno

I love Rocky. I love some of the James Bond movies. But I had to get my vote in for "The Karate Kid". 😊 It's one of my all-time favorite movies. And if you plan to watch the "Cobra Kai" tv series on Netflix at some point, the 3 Karate Kid movies are a must watch since there's lots of references to the movies in the series.


Personally, I enjoy the Daniel Craig Bond movies so much that I can't enjoy the older ones now... I can only recommend the Daniel Craig reboot!

Tony Sanson

I voted Bond, but like others have suggested above, break them up and don't watch them all (cause it's a lot). But I definitely suggest watching them from Connery to Craig. Looking at Rotten Tomatoes, here are each actor's best movies: Connery: Dr. NO, Goldfinger, From Russia With Love Lazenby: On Her Majesty's Secret Service Moore: Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only, Live and Let Die - though this one is DATED and extremely problematic. Moonraker would be a good sub. It even tries to cash in on that sweet, sweet Star Wars money! Dalton: Living Daylights, Licence to Kill Bronson: GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies Craig: Well..all of them are good. Personally, I'm not a fan of Lazenby or Dalton's runs, but ymmv.


My recommendation would be to watch Casino Royale, then skip to Skyfall, then to Scepter and by that point the No Time to Die one might come out. Dr. No is so far removed to what James Bond has become I really don’t think it’s needed viewing unless you enjoy the newer bond films.

Darryl Low

Again, it's a case of each to their own. I love Daniel Craig. I would have picked him myself to play Bond, but he has been let down by some awful scripts. By modernizing Bond, they have stripped away everything that makes a Bond movie a Bond movie. They have turned him into Bourne, and they did it so much better. The Daniel Craig movies are movies about a British spy called James Bond, but they are not James Bond movies.


There are so many Bond films and many of them are baaaaaad. Honestly, I'd maybe do the Lazenby and Connery films then the Daniel Craig ones. Or just do Karate Kid!

Kevin Mowery

If you end up doing the James Bond movies, I'd just do 'em in chronological order. Yes, there are some that aren't great. And, yeah, some James Bonds are better than others. But jumping around or skipping some of them loses that they're basically how action movies have evolved over the last 50 years.

Bob Criswell

This Survey is going to be a nail biter. I might have to get a couple of more subscriptions to get the one I want to win.


I voted for Bond also. I loved the Lazenby film but also am a huge fan of Connery, Moore, and Craig. I’d start with the older ones and work my way up. A lot to watch though. Dr. No, Live and Let Die, Casino Royale are a few of my favorites.

Eric Janssen

Name the first great Bond villain that springs to mind...Now the first great lethal henchman. The first great song. The first Bond-girl name that sticks out in your memory. The best Bond villain quote. The best tricked-out car. Admit it, at least one or two of those answers, you were thinking of Goldfinger, weren't you? ;)

Bruce Bromley

Of course you should start with the king, Connery. It would be interesting to hear your views on the sensibilities of that time..

Alan Kobb

I keep on ending up siding with the losers of the polls, even though I always win when watching the reactions. - James Bond is cool, but I think it's very cold war dated, and personally I find Bond himself to be kinda one-dimensional. I know how you love character-driven stuff, Nat, and I don't think Bond fits. Personally I think Jason Bourne is a better choice in the spy action thriller genre because it's very character-driven. - The Karate Kid is fun, mostly for Mr. Miaggi, and if you later decide to watch Cobra Kai, it's a natural to start here. Since I haven't seen Cobra Kai, this would be my strong second place. - Rocky. Good as action, but except for the first movie the stories are stale, in my opinion. - My vote is for the most difficult option, The Godfather. They are long, but masterpieces. I'd like to see them with you because I'd love to hear your opinions on them. Since most of your reactions have been to more action-type movies, I think this would be a good change of pace, but I think it may be outside the realm of what a lot of your Patrons like watching. I also started watching you for things like Star Wars and Marvel, but some days I want vegtables instead of popcorn... A lot of my own opinions here. Please, everyone, feel free to disagee with me. I love to debate this stuff, and with COVID, it seems I have a lot of time... :)

Rusty Childers

If you are going to watch all of the Bonds, I'd watch them starting with Dr. No. Otherwise, going back to the older movies might feel a bit weird, considering the significant variation in quality and just general film making style over time. Also, despite Craig's Bond movies technically being a reboot, they draw heavily on earlier films for their context, whether it's an Easter egg or (in at least one case), part of the plot.

Lisa Tosti

watch all the Karate Kid movies because then you can watch Cobra Kai the same way you have been watching The Mandalorian! Cobra Kai is a show that has no right to be as good as it is. 10/10 Highly recommend!


Blofeld (Pleasence). Jaws. Adele - Skyfall. ***** Galore. "I expect you to die." The Aston Martin V8 Vantage from Living Daylights, but Goldfinger's DB5 is a stunner.


I'm a big Bond fan since I was a kid, but I have to say going back and re-watching them recently they have not aged as well as I remembered. They are definitely films of their day, and with Dr. No coming out in 1962, even the "super advanced high tech" stuff is going to look laughably out of date. So much so that much of it may come across as a Austin Powers spoof than the serious film that was intended. The pacing is also going to seem incredibly slow compared to modern films. For that reason, I recommend starting with Daniel Craig's Casino Royale. It's just a good film regardless and it's also something of an origin story for Bond, so you don't have to have seen the earlier movies. I recommend going back and watching them all, but unless you're already a fan of the franchise or interested in the films from an historic perspective, I don't think you'll enjoy the early films very much.


I voted for The Karate Kid (naturally since I had recommended it to you, lol) and am glad to see that it's leading in the poll so far (although just barely). It's one of my favorite movies from the 1980s and is a lot of fun. You'll also probably enjoy the other two movies in the franchise, but you can totally skip the fourth one if you want (The Next Karate Kid starring Hilary Swank). But they will totally give you a better appreciation of Cobra Kai, which I hope you react to after you're done with The Mandalorian. As for the other movies? To be honest I love them all, so it's tough to choose. For the Bond films I would watch them in release order, but I would suggest spreading them out because it is a LOT. The Rocky movies are excellent. Even the less good ones have some redeeming qualities. And as for the Godfather films? The first two are masterpieces. Heck, they BOTH won Oscars for Best Picture. Not that's saying a lot. But they're also very long movies (like encroaching on Lord Of The Rings type of long). So . . . 1) The Karate Kid Trilogy/Quartet (Beautifully made movies and a lot of fun, and a good set up for Cobra Kai) 2) James Bond (Fun movies, but there are a LOT of them so a major investment in time) 3) Rocky (Amazing feel good movies. Fun moments, sad moments, inspiring moments worth the watch) 4) The Godfather Trilogy (The first two are masterpieces, the last one you can skip without losing anything)


Technically there are 5 Karate Kid movies. The 1984 original, its three sequels, and the remake. I agree with you that the original is "The best around, nothing's ever gonna keep it down" (sorry, couldn't resist). I think she should watch The Karate Kid 1, 2, and 3, and then start in on Cobra Kai.


Rocky 3 & 4 are pretty good too, just in different ways. And while Rocky 5 & Rocky Balboa aren't my favorites, they do have some decent scenes in them. Not enough to save them as films, but enough so that they aren't complete dumpster fires.


From m Russia with Live and Goldfinger I feel are the classic Connery era ones. Dr No is a little slower and different in tone for me. It’s not a great place to start. With a few exceptions there isn’t a n Ed to see one before another That’s just my opinion.


For Bond movies, I'd recommend watching at least two of Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan's movies to get an idea of how they played Bond. Personally, I liked Pierce Brosnan as Bond, so I say watch all 4 of those. Kind of up to you about watching George Lazenby in "On her majesty's Secret Service" and Timothy Dalton's two Bond films. My top 3 Bonds are 1. Connery 2. Brosnan 3. Craig.


You think the MOVIES sensibilities won't play well today? Try the BOOKS that they're based on! In the novel version of Goldfinger, Pussy Galore was a lesbian and James Bond "raped her straight" (yeah, he literally raped her, and afterwards she decided that she preferred men). SMH. I'm not saying you don't have a point, I'm just pointing out that they could have been SOOOO much worse.


Wow it’s super close between James Bond and Karate Kid


James Bond...ugh.

Thomas Yanez

I'm required by law to say that you have to watch all of the Eon Productions Bond movies, in the order they were released. That said, there are a few I usually skip when I decide to sit down and binge. Usually, "Dr. No", "Live and Let Die" and "A View To a Kill". BUT, if you have never seen it, I'd say you should still watch "Dr. No" simply because a.) it was the first Connery Bond, and b.) its actually kind of amusing that Bond is such a dick. But, it has its charms. Now based on a.) above, you'd say "Live and Let Die" should be mandatory, as it is Moore's first movie, but really, the quality difference between it and "The Man with the Golden Gun" is HUGE. Also, "Live and Let Die" is set in America in the '70's and it is just so freaking cringe (that killer theme song, tho).

Scott Greene

I like Nicotti's suggestion of watching 2 Bond movies from each actor. I have my personal faves, but perhaps you could set up a Patreon poll for each of the four men who have played Bond more than twice (Since Dalton and Lazenby only did two and one, respectively). The polls could determine which two Bond films from each actor you would react to. If that idea doesn't appeal to you, maybe just do the Daniel Craig films, but wait until "No Time To Die" comes out.

Thomas Yanez

Follow up to my earlier comment - if Bond wins, whatever subset of movies you decide to go with, I think you should still at least watch those in the order they were released. Don't go jumping back and forth in the sequence.

Thomas Yanez

I like the idea of additional polls to select a couple of films from each Bond actor.


George Lazenby tends to get forgotten as Bond, but IMHO "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" is a really good Bond film.


If Bond wins I suggest watching just the Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Daniel Craig movies. Or maybe just Connery and Craig.

Scott Greene

I hated "Spectre" because that was when the Daniel Craig movies re-introduced elements that Austin Powers ridiculed!

Thomas Yanez

Oh, come on, I know a lot of people don't like Brosnan and I sometimes skip "Die Another Day", but "GoldenEye" has got to be on the list.


I’m thinking you do all of Daniel Craig because his are more serialized. But before that, maybe do one each of the previous Bonds’ that have the highest Rotten Tomatoes score since there are more than a few duds in the franchise.


For Bond I agree with everyone else, watching all would be too much. Two movies from each actor is much more manageable, and there are a couple of bad ones from each era. Another poll or best RT scores would work for figuring out which ones to watch.

Justin S.

Yeah, I think two movies from each actor playing James Bond would be best. Here are my suggestions on which ones to watch: Sean Connery as Bond: Dr. No, From Russia with Love, Goldfinger. It's super tough for me to pick just two here. George Lazenby as Bond: On Her Majesty's Secret Service Roger Moore as Bond: The Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only Timothy Dalton as Bond: The Living Daylights, License to Kill Pierce Brosnan as Bond: Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies Daniel Craig as Bond: Casino Royale, Skyfall


Ok, I'll say it, I liked Timothy Dalton's Bond. The Living Daylights was a nice change back towards more like Connery's Bond rather than Roger Moore's comedic Bond. Although I admit License to Kill was basically a bad episode of Miami Vice. That wasn't Dalton's fault, it was the writers'.

Nicholas Hentges

Seeing as Bond is like 24 movies though, you should probably only commit to 1 run of bond for now, in which case I recommend the Craig ones, the Brosnan ones, or the Connery ones. The others are good in their ways and On Her Majesty's Secret Service is great, but if Bond wins, probably just pick whichever style suits you.

Nicholas Hentges

Timothy Dalton was great, he gets a lot of hate but I never really got it. Roger Moore had the most duds probably but he was good for what they were going for.

Anakin Starkiller

I'd say for Connery definitely Goldfinger, If you want to do OHMSS you can . You do get to see that Bond did have the start of a normal life. For Rodger Moore I'd say The Spy Who Loved Me , For Timothy Dalton definitely A License To Kill . For Pierce Brosnan I'd say Goldeneye . And for the current Bond Daniel Craig Casino Royale

Eric Janssen

If you do end up watching Karate Kid, you will next have to do 1985’s “Remo Williams: the Adventure Begins”. Those who have seen the movie will know why. 😂


I voted Karate Kid, but have to weigh in that if Bond wins, you have to start with Dr. No and go all the way through.


I love this list and agree with everything but if you're doing Daniel Craig movies they're too interconnected to skip films. Natalie should at least read a plot synopsis for the one between Royale and Skyfall so she's not totally out of the loop.


I love Remo Williams, but I don't think it's necessary to be in on all the jokes to get the camp. I'm also not sure it would be too fun for the watcher and make a good reaction video since we haven't seen Natalie do a good campy movie yet. These videos are only fun if they're enjoying them on some level.

Andy Jordan

I agree, Dr. No is the way to go. Although I wouldn't say it's the best Bond film, it's quite good, and as the first, established many precedents that all the others would follow, so regardless of what other Bond films you watch after, Dr. No will allow you to say "Oh okay, that's where that comes from" the best.

Celeste Collins

Start with Connery,Dr.No,From Russia with love...save Roger Moore and Craig for future views.

Alan Kobb

The voting is really, really close. Do I smell a double-feature?!? :)


Nat if you do start watching the karate kid. After the 1st movie. You can jump into cobra Kia season 1. After karate kid 2 you can start watching season 3 of cobra Kia..... And Gd cobra Kia is good.

Jeremy Vickers

Surprised Rocky didn’t do better here. If you haven’t seen those movies I’ll will be more than happy to rewatch them straight through to Creed2 with you.


Growing up I got into James Bond with my Grandfather so it's an easy decision for me in this poll, All of the options are fantastic though so in the end we'll all be happy watching along with you.


karate kid please please cobra Kai is soooo goood