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Hey guys! 

I'm so excited to share this reaction with you! This movie was greatly anticipated and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy this video as well! Also, quick side note, there's a brief moment in the intro where I have a brain fart for about 2 min or so...I honestly thought I edited this out haha, but only noticed it after I processed the video and compressed the file for Vimeo. So I hope you enjoy that awkward blooper!😂

As always, please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED LINK: https://youtu.be/uQxw4IncLXU 

Original Movie: Captain America: The First Avenger

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



Watched this as a teenager back in 2011. I gotta say, watching it now as an adult, I cried just as much as you. This has to be one of Marvel's most underrated superhero movie.




Haven't seen this one in a while, but I remember it grew on me more with the second half.

BJ Stephens

Looking forward to watching this, love me some Cap! :)


Love this one!! But I do have a small crush on Cap... 🥰 Turning on my Disney+ now!!

Reggie Clark

Time for a blooper video?


Nice hair, Nat XD

Ronny Boss

Can't wait to watch it gurl. Unfortunately I will have to wait a day or two b4 I have the time 😭 Stay Golden Nat, and a great weekend

Joel S

Just got off a 12 hour shift. This will be fun to watch when I get home and unwind.


Captain America on Patreon before YT even gets Thor ! - You're spoiling us!

Andrew T

Okay, I'm almost positive I can get an answer from you all. This is my first time watching the movie. When Hugo Weaving says "and the Führer digs for trinkets in the desert" ...that's gotta be a reference to Raiders of the Lost Ark, right?


Hugo Weaving doing his best Werner Herzog voice lol !


It most likely is but Hitler did really have expeditions in desert areas digging after gold and other objects so it could also just be a droplet of factual information but personally I've always gone with the Indy ference as well ;)


I love when she tells the actors name instead of the character's haha "CHRIS EVANS! WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO GO?" 😂


I adore this movie. Prior to Overlord in 2018 this was the closest we had to a Wolfenstein movie. For my money this is the movie that holds up the best from Phase 1. I had medium to low expectations for the movie, having never really gotten into Captain America. The movie absolutely floored me, and Cap ended up being my favorite Avenger in the series. Much of this has to do with Evans and his deadpan, straight man performance. Not really sure how many times I have watched it since then, but The Winter Soldier remains my favorite movie in the series.

Darryl Low

Been looking forward to this one Nat. I think Cap is my favourite character in the Marvel series. Love your hair and loved how you colour-co-ordinated your lamp to blue to match Cap's outfit. Hayley Atwell is so good as Agent Carter, and her spin-off tv series is amazing too. For skinny Chris Evans, it's done by a combination of body double and digital effects. It's very well done. A great video again Nat. You're knocking them out of the park right now. Thank you.

Andrew T

Thanks, Natalie, for the insight about the possible parallels between Hydra/Hercules and Hydra/Captain America. Now I want to look into this. This is why it's cool to watch a movie with someone (even as a watchalong). Sometimes you get those "oh sh*t, I think you're right" moments.

Andy Jordan

Great reaction, as always. Good call on the connection between Greek mythology and superhero fare. These truly are our modern myths the way the stories of Zeus and Hercules were for the Greeks in their day. This movie felt like a mix of Frank Capra and Michael Curtiz, as if this is the Captain America movie they would’ve made in the ‘40s had the technology been available. And I do think you would enjoy the Agent Carter series; there may not be enough people here who’d vote for a reaction, but I’d certainly recommend watching it in your own time, if nothing else. Thanks, as always, for the smiles and tears. Cheers, Nat!

Calo Grsf

Your brain error 404 was wonderful 😂! No, seriously your reaction was perfect! In my top 5! I can't wait for your reaction about The Avengers haha


The reason the "xx character will return in Avengers" wasn't there for Iron Man 1/2 and Hulk was because at that time they didn't know if they were going to make an Avengers film. It was the first time a connected movie universe has been created on such a big scale and if Iron Man and Hulk had failed financially, with critics etc. the studio most likely wouldn't have agreed to make more movies :)

Mitchell Scott

HAHA that brain fart was the most relatable thing. Me too, me too..

Matthew Periolat

Says something that I RAN to the TV to throw this on as soon as I got the alert! So glad you enjoyed it through the tears. A small memo that I unfortunately will repeat ad nauseum ad infinitum: starting with Avengers, with the exception of maybe one movie, the Marvel movies had MID credit tags as well as end. So, yep, stay in the seat, cry if you need to, record and edit to taste. I love this movie. Cap is such a great idealistic character and this is such a great fist pump of a movie. It can be argued that all future Avenger and Cap movies focus primarily on Cap and Tony, so glad you dig them. As for the relationship factor... my bias for this one is obvious because Cap and Peggy are relationship goal material, no question. So glad you enjoyed Peggy firing at Cap at point blank range and her basically putting the fear of God into both Cap and Howard, that’s a guilty pleasure of mine too. That and Hayley Atwell just makes the world go into background soft focus at the drop of a hat. I like her. Shut up. As to you gunning through Marvels, I would not discourage, just be aware this is movie five out of twenty two movies. I don’t mind at ALL, just a caution. Anyway, you could easily do Avengers, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man end to end to end and do very well. Agent Carter is two seasons of ten episodes a piece and can be dropped in at will. Agents of SHIELD comes into play after Iron Man 3, but that’s huge - seven season of 22 episodes a piece, plus season one is written around Thor: The Dark World and Cap: Winter Soldier. Point is - pacing, pacing, pacing. But I will enjoy every moment.

Outlaw Wales

He doesn't crash in Russia. He crash lands in Greenland. Oh and I don't know if you realize that you keep seeing Stan Lee in cameos in the Marvel movies.

Outlaw Wales

And if you didn't know it but there is two seasons of an Agent Carter TV series.


so Captain America ended up in the ice in the artic because of the flight path the Red Skull was using. he wasnt flying over Russia. and with the way the ice melts and shifts the plane was hidden under ice and snow. the guy who left the little square box in the observation booth was that same guy who shot Dr. Erskine and tried to escape in the submarine, not the general. cant remember what else you were confused about but those seemed the most prevalent. also a funny side note. when Steve is taken out of the test chamber after being transformed and is standing in front of Agent Carter. thats the actress "Hayley Atwell's" actual reaction to seeing Chris Evans in that scene. they decided to keep it in the film because it worked so well with the story.

Thomas Yanez

If you are still wondering about how he avoided getting shot in that one scene where you were asking about it multiple times : right before the shot was fired, they showed him pull the two guys beside him inward as a shield, and one of them took the shot.

Thomas Yanez

Also, in the scenes where you were trying to figure out where the plane was - I'm pretty sure that the plane wasn't taking a traditional route and was using a trans-polar route (roughly speaking, going over the top instead of going around) which can often be a faster way to get from some locations to others. Also, besides speed, that would keep it out of the airspace of many countries that might send planes up to intercept it.

Thomas Yanez

Also also, whenever you see a shot of some really old guy with a mustache who suddenly appears in a scene to just give a single line (often humorous), that is a cameo by Stan Lee, who was the co-creator of many of the characters you'll see in the MCU, and the "face" of Marvel for pretty much forever, going back to answering fan letters in the back of the comic books.


Can't wait for you to watch Black Panther. It's a very important film. Not just in marvel sense but this is one of if not the first black superhero film. R.I.P Chadwick Boseman 😭

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

Great reaction and agreed this movie holds up really well in the MCU. The biggest takeaway is Steve Rogers genuine qualities. I don't know how much of this is in the comics themselves as I don't really read comics, but it is interesting to think that Captain America as a comic series started in WWII as well, so it kind of comes full circle in a way. The rest of the MCU touches on a lot of points from this movie as well...so it's good to eventually see the other movies...they tie in VERY well with each other in a way that we've never seen before in cinema, it's such a treat to watch ( and re-watch) them.

Luis R.

So glad you are enjoying the MCU movies! It’s been really fun so far following you on this journey!

Martin Heron

Honestly, the Captain America films are probably the best of the MCU. There's a really great story thread throughout them, and if you enjoyed the first you'll really like the rest of them.

Cactus Tony

Your long silent brain fart in the beginning of the video had me checking to see if the video was paused and then made me laugh like crazy when I realized you didn't edit that out.


The "horrible outfit" that Steve Rodgers starts with on the bond tour is the original Captain America costume that was used in the comics, and the shield was his original shield. It looks silly to us, but there is a reason that they used it.

Jason Dolan

Do not look at the IMDB cast lists again until you get to Avengers Age of Ultron

Matthew Periolat

Or really at all with MCU. It’s always a treat to see ‘that actor’ in a Marvel!

Michael G. Munz

I like how there's almost a Tesseract glowing on the shelf behind her...


Hey Nat this was another really great video, all of your questions and comments are great, I can't help but try and answer all your questions. I would never spoil entertainment for others so I can't really talk at all but I look forwards to your future videos in the marvel universe. Something that you brought up in this video about how superheroes stories are similar in story to Greek Mythology and other hero stories is correct. If you find this interesting you should check out the work of Joseph Campbell who came up with this idea called "The Hero's Journey" which is essentially the way all the stores follow a very similar pattern. I bet you would find his ideas interesting, if you compare a lot of movies and stories its remarkable how many of them follow the same pattern. Also I double checked your list on Discord and I know, more suggestions but after hearing how you talk about enjoying Hugo Weaving in this movie you should definitely check out his performance in "Cloud Atlas". It is an interesting movie, each of the actors has multiple roles, and Hugo has some interesting roles. Thank you for the great video.


its been a while since I've seen cloud atlas, don't remember him in it, but I liked that story, I'll have to re-watch.


But did you notice that once she really got in the movie, she started calling him Steve or Steven? That's when you know she was invested in the character. :D


I'm so glad you liked this movie. It really holds up and actually gets better with rewatches. I'm going to echo what someone else here said - do NOT look up the cast for future MCU movies if you want to avoid spoilers. And I wouldn't do it while you're watching the movie either. Just wait until it's over, then you can go figure out who that actor was. As someone else mentioned, the rectangular case that turned out to be a bomb was left there by the guy in the business suit who shot Dr. Erskine and grabbed the last vial of serum. If you remember, he pulled out a "lighter" to trigger the bomb right before he shot the doctor. He's the one who threw the kid in the water, which, by the way, is the absolute best moment in this film (don't @ me). "Go get 'im, mister!" Love that you loved him!

Thomas Yanez

"Blade" was the first black superhero movie based on a Marvel property. Too bad they aren't going to keep Wesley Snipes for the upcoming MCU version.

Robert Avila

Definitely one of my favorite Marvel movies. Loved your reaction as usual. Looking forward to the Avengers, and whatever else comes after that. Hope you're watching the Mandalorian. So good!


This was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it more than I did on my first viewing.


Hi Nat, I would recommend only checking the cast for the movies where the characters first appear as the subsequent movies casts list might have spoilers in!




Hi - just one note from a German: New York, Chicago and Boston don't have different names in German ;)

Ron K

Been looking forward to your reaction on this one. Agent Carter would be a great series to watch after Firefly. Not a huge commitment since it's only two seasons and the 2nd one was less episodes. Plus more Hayley Atwell playing Agent Carter is always a good thing.

Ron K

Could not agree more. Markus & McFeely's screenplays for all three Captain America films are damn near perfect. Joe Johnston did a great job directing the first one, but after the Russo Bros took over forget about it. Just got even better.

Ron K

I could be wrong about this but I don't think the Valkyrie crashed in Russia. I think they may have said that a Russian team found the wreckage, not that they were in Russia. I always assumed they crashed somewhere in or near the artic circle.

Garren Haskell

Loving the straightened out Hobbit Hair, Nat! It looks good, yo.

It Hurt A Lot

This might be my favorite reaction after LOTR. You really brought this movie back to life for me again. Thanks

Randee Carreno

I've been waiting for this one!! I'm so glad that you enjoyed this movie. It's one of my favorites in phase 1 of the MCU. Can't wait for "The Avengers" reaction, and then the start of phase 2. Don't forget, starting with the next movie there will be a mid and post-credit scenes. I've finally gotten caught up on the "Agent Carter" show. It's only two seasons, and it is on Disney+. You definitely need to watch it at some point. And after "The Avengers" you might not want to look at the cast lists for the rest of the movies because of possible spoilers.

Garren Haskell

I'm watching a lot of these Marvel movies for the first time as well. I was never really interested in them in general, and I only caught random chunks of them, which made me not really care about the series. But watching them for the first time this way is certainly a lot more fun and engaging. And I agree, I think this is my favorite one so far too. I may have to watch Agent Carter as well. I love shows about badass ass-kicking women. And she's gorgeous.


Lol the blooper... "Error - Nat.exe has stopped running"

Darryl Low

Ah cool. I'm glad you're getting into them and watching along with Nat is just such a fun way to see them. I definitely recommend watching Agent Carter. It has the same high production values as the movies, and the period setting across the 2 series is spectacular. Funny, exciting and moving, and Hayley Atwell is just such a great actress.


My first thought when I started watching your video was OMG! Nat! What happened to your hair! It used to be curly and now its all straight! Dont get me wrong, you still look great. Iy was just surprising after seeing you with curly hair for so long. Loved the video BTW.


The brain fart was perfect lol. I’m so happy I get to finally watch your full reactions and can’t wait to see all the future content. Keep up the amazing work!!!


Also, to me, Captain America is the best character with the consistently best movies of the MCU, which is a high bar. Captain America: Winter Soldier is going to be a real treat for you.

Troy B.

Okay, this is creepy -- I went to Disney Plus after seeing the Captain America react was available, and the FIRST THING they recommended to me was... well, Iron Man 2, actually. But RIGHT NEXT TO IT was Captain America: The First Avenger. Would've been a lot more uncanny had it been the first one, I admit, but still.

Aaron Taft

I have gotten here late, but I'm glad to see that Natalie's Young Teenage Sister is going to react to Captain America

Tiger Chu

So.....I heard you like Hugo Weaving. May i suggest Priscilla Queen of the Desert.


My first thought when seeing the new look - Hailee Steinfeld in "Bumblebee". Speaking of which, that would be a good movie to react to.


WAIT! Before you watch avengers. May I suggest you watch “Agents of shield”. As a tie in. It’s a great show and I think you’d enjoy it. It parallels the movies.


She would need to be very careful about watch order. The end of Season 1 of Agents of SHIELD has major spoilers if The Winter Solier isn't watched first. And then there's a few other tie-ins where it's better to see the movie before you get to certain episodes in the show. I don't disagree that it would be great for her to watch them together, but she would need help navigating the order.


Oh absolutely, But it makes it so much better! Plus, we can help her with the order. 👍🤗


It would be stupid to watch Agents of Shield before Avengers considering Shield takes place AFTER Avengers.. Also it's a show with over 120 episodes. It would take her years to watch and react to that many episodes.


No. It literally ties directly into it. It predates the movie chronologically, And parallels the other movies. I thought with avengers being the big blow out that the show might add some substance to tie into that movie. I was merely suggesting it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lol you are completely wrong.. Agents of Shield literally starts after Avengers focusing on Coulson and it would directly spoil things that happens in Avengers..


Eh? No I’m not! Wait.....am I? Oh! It’s the second avengers film I’m thinking of isn’t it?! Crap, we’ll it’s an awesome show regardless. Lol


So many great comments, but I'll add a couple of things I thought of during your reaction. I work in aircraft maintenance so I can speak more to those facts rather than any lore topics. First, when flying from Europe to America (and vice versa), the most direct route is usually up around/over Greenland, depending on your destination and departure points. Because of this, you could very easily fly over ice sheets, ice flows, etc. Secondly, driving under the wing of that plane, while monumentally insane(!), they would not have had to worry about being sucked in, just chopped to shreds. Ingestion (yeah, that's the actual term) generally only occurs on jet engines. The plane did appear to have some sort of jet propulsion as well (or maybe rockets?) but they were high up on the wing and wouldn't have been an issue. Looking forward to the next reaction! P.S. Please don't go and google "ingestion" in relation to jet engines. You could run across some very disturbing stories and images.

Texas Anla'Shok

After you watch The Avengers, you ought to wait until closer to Christmas to watch Iron Man 3. It's set at Christmas.

Connor Ellis

1. They transfered energy out of the cube, that's not the same thing they were doing to Steve to make him Super. They were saturating his energy to make his body work overtime to try and heal itself, to kickstart and speed up the serum.

Connor Ellis

2. The bomb on the chair was the spy, not the General.

Connor Ellis

3. He didn't get shot because he put one of the Hydra Guards between him and the gun.

Connor Ellis

4. The plane was not IN Russia in the first place, you just assumed it was.


Agents of Shield is the story of a group of agents that work for Shield (Nick Fury and Coulson's organization in the movies). Agent Carter is a series about Peggy Carter and her efforts in and after World War II, even involving a guest appearance from a Howling Commando (Steve's team) or two. However, the series are both long and have spoilers to some of the movies. While they are great between movies if you know which episodes to watch, you might be safest waiting to watch them after the movies. As well, if you get a chance with these movies, for your own pleasure, see if you can find the cut scenes (such as for this movie, there is a scene which Bucky and the Howlin' Commandos are caught before Steve finds out they were captured, it introduces you to the weaponry of Hydra as well as gives you a preliminary glance as a couple of the Commandos). For reference, the Commandos are such: DumDum (Timothy) Dugan, the red head in the bowler hat, from Boston. James Morita (the Japanese-American), a bomb specialist from California, USA. Gabe Jones (the African-American), the radio man who slogs that big radio equipment everywhere and knows several languages. Monty (James) Falsworth, the LAST of his unit of paratroopers for England. Jacques Dernier, the Civilian French resistance fighter and bomb expert. Bucky (James) Barnes, the sniper from Brooklyn, USA and Steve's best friend since they were 12. Peggy (Margaret) Carter, British Agent and honorary member of the Commandos. Steve Rogers, Captain America, from Brooklyn, USA. There are I believe three or four others but none of them are shown in this movie. They appear in Agent Carter or the comics. And lastly, Hydra is not German. Hydra is multi-national. Red Skull was German and Doctor Zola was Swiss. There are people from all nationalities (almost) in Hydra. Keep an eye out for the pin to spot them.


You mention how Huge Weaving sounds different when he plays the elf, Elrond, in Lord of the Rings. Hugo Weaving had the flu every single time he played Elrond, thus is voice is more throaty and husky and deep. In Hobbit they had to make him duplicate the sound because he wasn't sick.


Great reaction, so glad you liked this one so much. It’s one of the best in the Marvel pantheon and doesn’t get nearly enough credit. Nice new hairdo btw!


You should be okay for the next few movies. Still, best to have plenty of tissues around when watching the rest of the Marvel movies. Keep up the good work.


Really looking forward to Iron Man 3 and Captain America 2 especially after you watch The Avengers. The Captain America series is the strongest trilogy in the MCU in my opinion.

Ron K

Even though you've already seen the 1st Avengers movie already I'm looking forward to the reaction video even more because you've been watching Firefly. Joss Whedon wrote and directed the first two Avengers and you'll recognize his humor in it. It has plenty of his jokes with the punch line hitting on odd beats when you don't expect them. One of the things Whedon is great at.


Can't wait for the next MCU reaction! The shortened one for this hasn't been put on YouTube yet, though...

Thomas Malley

whoa I missed this one by ten days!


Direct from germany to new york goes over the arctic over greenland and canada, the plane was never said to be in russia lol

The Hedge Knight

It's mentioned that the plane was discovered by a Russian trawler, so there's some room for confusion.

Richard Ryan

If you'd like another sample of Hugo Weaving in a great role, Michael Bay's first Transformers movie! (The sequels get progressively, exponentially worse IMHO)


Can't wait for Winter Soldier :)

Alan Kobb

I'm with you with the street dogs, Nat, but they're a necessary evil if you've been pounding the pavement all day and need quick sustinence before getting on your train. Still, I much prefer a Kosher dog at Katz's Deli, Then again, there's always Shwarma...

Alan Kobb

It's not the Empire State Building that Thor landed on. It's the Chrystler Building. It's from the same era as the Empire State Building, but it's more art deco. It has hubcaps, hood ornaments and radiator caps from 1929 Chrystlers,, Eagles and gargoyles, and the top was made of stainless chromium steel just in case New York was ever invaded from outer space. Those 1930s engineers were thinking on their feet!


"Superheroey": adj. pertaining to superheroism, like a superhero. (Yes, Natalie it is a perfectly cromulent word) ;-* <3 Stay Golden

Cory Silver

I'm rewatching for like, the 6th time, and I'm just thinkin about the "Star Spangled man with a Plan" musical number. In addition to just being a great scene, it's actually pretty necessary. For Captain America to be remembered so well in the future, he would HAVE to do movies and be on posters and comics and trading cards. If he just went right to the front lines, he wouldn't be some icon everyone remembers and knows about when he wakes up. Also, it seems you didn't connect that that post credits scene from Thor introduced the cosmic cube. Over 100 comments, I'm sure most of it has all been said. But I should dig up some write-ups I wrote on the movies a bit ago.