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Hey guys!

So here it is...my reaction to THE EXORCIST!! This movie seriously messed me up and let me just say, I am NOT looking forward to re-watching this movie while editing the YouTube video. 

Also, quick thank you to patron, Darryl Low for suggesting this series be called: NATMARES! I absolutely love the name and am so grateful to everyone who collaborated and pitched in their ideas. You all rock! 

All right...without any further adieu...enjoy the video! And as always, please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED LINK: https://youtu.be/B3Jr9QZR1_s 

Original Series: The Exorcist

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Neil Silverman

Gotta admit, "Natmares" is a great name. I look forward to watching this with you today. It's an absolute classic!


Well I guess I know what I am doing with the rest of my Saturday morning.

Calo Grsf

My favorite horror film! A classic. I hope it wasn't too hard for you.

Andy Jordan

Well, you watched it in the morning, so it's only fair that we do, too. :-) I'm so glad you got to watch my favorite horror movie! I hope it didn't scar you too much, and I hope rewatching it for the YouTube edit will be easier the second time around. You're a brave soul, indeed. Cheers, Nat!

Reggie Clark

I keep meaning to reread the book.

Tay Schumaker

I assume Christmas movies will be Feliz Natvidad?


Maybe try something like The Nightmare Before Christmas for something a little more fun, and less scary. It's good for both Halloween and Christmas. The movie starts off at an archeological dig in Northern Iraq. That area was home to some of the most ancient human settlements.


Are you watching the regular cut or the Extended Director's Cut? Amazon Prime has both.


FYI, its the normal Cut, not the Extended.


Even thought I love horror genre (Conjuring 2 Insidious e.t.c) I never watched this exorcism (and SAW) its just disgusting in my opinion :D

Matthew Periolat

Oh, what an excellent day for an exorcism. Tongue only slightly in cheek, my blu-ray copy arrived an hour before this was posted. Gray, overcast, grim as the remains of Hurricane Delta pass by. Couldn’t be better unless you scripted it. This movie is harrowing no doubt and you can see why certain images, moments and music linger so long. For me, and I think I mentioned this on Twitch, I can handle the make up, the vomit, the head spins because you can detach and remember it’s only a movie, it’s not real. Now, that spinal tap on the other hand... covering my eyes and screaming because that’s a KNOWN evil and fear, something that is VERY real and inescapable. Plus, I have a deep fear of needles. If I had experience this, glad to have someone else just as creeped as I was but for different reasons. And a last thought - evil exists and can harm, but can be overcome by faith and love. This movie... does kind of affirm that I suppose. And hopefully that helps me sleep tonight.

BJ Stephens

You know, it's totally your call ... but if you need to take a break from the horror stuff for a bit Nat, we'd understand.


Just finished it. Fun as usual. I have an affinity for the the Directors Cut, as I saw it on a theater screen, But either one is good. Natalie you should go on YouTube and check out a clip collection of what is different. The full scene they added is awesome. Or wait and watch that with us on Twitch on Tuesday.

Andy Jordan

Great job, Nat. One of my favorites of yours so far, and my favorite horror movie. A few things that might interest you: the actor who played Father Lankaster Merrin is Max von Sydow, a very prolific actor, most known for this film and The Seventh Seal, but people probably know him best today as Three-Eyed Raven in Game of Thrones. Like Ian Holm, we also lost von Sydow earlier this year; he was 90. The Exorcist was one of the earliest Hollywood movies to depict a single mother, so it was ahead of its time in many ways. I also grew up with a single mother and an absent father, so empathizing with Regan was particularly easy for me. The defaced statue in the church was done by Regan. We see her clay sculptures both before and after to infer that the same clay was used on the statue. The novel was able to explain this in more detail as we see Detective Kinderman figure that part out, but the film had to truncate that and leave it more implied than spelled out. And I loved your Sgt. Pepper's reference. That was actually the first album to have a hidden track. My favorite line of yours: "Oh, she's a teacher ... I mean, an actress." Really though, what's the difference? Again, great job. Maybe a slightly lighter one for next time. Shaun of the Dead, perhaps? Anyway, take care, Nat. Cheers!

Andrew T

Nat, you mentioned "poltergeist" during the reaction. Steven Spielberg's "Poltergeist" would be a good one to react to, if you haven't seen it yet.

The Hedge Knight

Shout out to Darryl Low, Natmares is great! Jealous I didn't think of it.


Is the MCU stuff on hold?

Jack Mellor

That’s a ton for reacting to this, even though the content is frankly hard to stomach for many, it’s one of the films that if you’ve love good films you’ve gotta watch, and at least try to appreciate. Linda Blair and Jason Miller give utterly powerhouse performances here. That moment when Chris states “Is she gonna die?” and Damien defiantly turns around and says “No” still gives me chills, career best work. As you mentioned, they went all out with the effects. You might’ve noticed the cold breath of everyone who went into Regan’s room while she was possessed, the bedroom set was actually completely refrigerated. An absolute masterclass of horror, and it’s approach to horror is a full on frontal assault, as Roger Ebert once put it. My Mom can’t even mention the film without wanting to change the conversation, it’s that effective. That statue disfigurement shot is just one example of how good the sense of terror and dread is in this movie. Or more subtle things. Remember when Merrin was in that guy’s office in Iraq, and he picks up the little amulet of the demon, and then immediately, subtly, the clock stops dead behind him. So good! Perhaps it’s also glad you didn’t watch the Director’s Cut. I’m surprised this cut included the uhh...vaginal scene, that caused a load of fuss back the day, ruffled the minds of many, it was cut from our UK release of the movie for ages. Great reaction. Some advice though, avoid the sequel. Not because it’s too scary or scarier than this film...well in a way, because it’s legit one of the most infamous worst films ever made. The third one’s a super underrated psychological thriller though.


The "mints" he's taking is Nitroglycerin for his heart. I believe the necklace she gave the priest at the end was a Saint Christopher medallion. The demon didn't possess Damian until he lost the necklace. You mentioned the desecration of the statue in the church. The homicide detective mentioned that when discussing witchcraft and black masses with Damian as they walked by the tennis courts. Trivia, the green vomit was split pea soup. Also Father Merrin was played by Max von Sydow and he was only 43 when making the film. That was some impressive old-guy makeup.

Andy Jordan

Totally agree on Exorcist III. It is underrated, although I think it's largely agreed it's the second best Exorcist film. Fun fact, it was also directed by the author of the original Exorcist novel, William Peter Blatty. I'd advise Nat to avoid the second one, though, as well as the prequels.

Darryl Low

Your videos always make my day Nat, and today especially, I am well and truly honoured. Thank you. You definitely went on a journey with this movie Nat and took us all along for the ride. Part wonder, part terror, but always with humour. A brilliantly understated reaction. Great video Nat. Thanks and looking forward to the next one.


Trivia from the Amazon version of the film: "Actress Mercedes McCambridge, who provided the voice of the demon, insisted on swallowing raw eggs and chain smoking to alter her vocalizations. The actress, who had had problems with alcohol abuse in the past, furthermore wanted to drink whiskey as she knew alcohol would distort her voice even more, and create the crazed state of mind of the character. As she was giving up sobriety, she insisted that her priest be present to counsel her during the recording process. At William Friedkin's direction, McCambridge was also bound to a chair with pieces of a torn sheet at her neck, arms, wrists, legs and feet to get a more realistic sound of the demon struggling against its restraints. McCambridge later recalled the experience as one of horrific rage, while Friedkin admitted that her performance--as well as the extremes which the actress put herself through to gain authenticity--terrified the director to this day. "


This is from a conversation I had with my mom: Going to see a scary movie, The Exorcist. Her response, that is not scary. She said I grew up Catholic. This is the same woman who I watched with, The Omen 1, 2 & 3 in the same Saturday afternoon.

Dave M.

Do you have the Rona, Natalie??

Reggie Clark

Can we get a "no counter" for the YT version?

Paul C

Was watching it along with you, except I had the extended cut, so I had to reset the player few times to match up. Though you may have missed the famous "down the stairs upside-down crab walk, that wasn't in your copy. Look it up if you want to be truly freaked out.

Andy Jordan

The spider-walk was a cool, frightening image, but I think they were right to cut it. Friedkin and Blatty said it was asking the audience to accept a double climax in a single scene, and Burke Dennings' death needed to be the focus of that scene. I love the extended cut too, but I wouldn't recommend it as a first viewing. Maybe Nat can do a reaction to it on Patreon like she did with the LOTR making-of video.

Robert Avila

So I haven't seen this movie in over 30 years, and probably won't for at least another 30. This movie always creeped me out like no other. Was debating if I wanted to watch along but figured if you were willing to go through it, I could too. Just know you won't be the only one having nightmares. You really started with some hard core movies. At least it should be easier to handle the rest of the month.

Aaron Taft

What is up with the Audio. my movie is at 10% and you are at 120% volume and I still cant hear ya.

Aaron Taft

ok, the audio with my Computers DVD player and My Google were Linked. I fixed it,


Just finished watching this with my wife (and your doppelganger[haha]). This is, I think, the third time I've watch it in my 50-ish years. Good stuff. I get something different out of it every time. I can't wait until you react to "Shaun of the Dead". One of my favorite zombie flicks, aside from the George Romero ones.

Victor Radoi

sync-in was a pain on this one, to many cut scenes, but great reaction


Anyone knows exactly which version she's watching? Haven't been able to find the same one


I hadn’t seen this movie before, so I watched it with you. I honestly didn’t enjoy it. I wasn’t particularly scared or creeped out. Maybe I missed something, but why is this considered a classic?

Jack the Narrator

You have to put yourself in the mindset of viewers from 1973. Movies with adult-themed content were still quite a new thing after the Hayes censorship act was repealed. Audiences weren't prepared for films with this level of graphic make-up effects or imagery like green liquid erupting from someone's mouth or a head turning around 360 degrees. Or hearing such vile things come out of a 12 year old's mouth like "Lick Me!!!" and "Let Jesus F--- you!!" It may all be considered "been there/done that" for a lot of spoiled, jaded moviegoers today. But 50 years ago, it was groundbreaking.

Thomas Malley

Jesus I had forgotten how insane this movie is.


Yes, Judaism has an ancient history of exorcism. Look up dybbuks. It became very popular in the literature between the 2 temples (Time of Maccabees & Tobit). That trend lends itself to the popularity with judaeo-Christian accounts and an explanation why the Gospels tend to focus on these accounts as they were popular literary devices at the time.

Jack the Narrator

To add what Joseph a Chicago mentioned above, there is an effective 2012 movie called THE POSSESSION (starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan & Kyra Sedgewick) about a girl who comes into contact with a dybbuk box. I've seen a lot of exorcism movies, but this was -- as far as I know -- the first and only Jewish exorcism movie.

Nick of Time

Man that was a pain trying to keep the original and DC versions in sync. Great reactions though. haha

Justin S.

I also wanted to give a shout out to the Exorcist III. It is definitely a very good sequel to the first one and I actually enjoyed it even better because it has more of a mystery to it. I found some of the scenes in The Exorcist to be overlong and it doesn't really hold up well on multiple viewings. It is still a classic, of course.

Justin S.

If this movie had came out in modern times, it would not have been as popular. The performances, makeup, and directing are first rate which is why it is so critically acclaimed.


So, this was the first time I had ever watched the Exorcist. It came out when I was very young, and I had heard so much about it being the scariest movie ever made (at the time, I think that it probably was), so I never dared to watch it. It was nice to have "company" while watching it for the first time. What I really appreciate about older horror is that it is more grounded in emotions than just a bunch of jump scares. I have zero interest in watching a movie just to be scared. There has to be a decent story, and this one was a doozy. Thank you again for another excellent watch along.

Rumpus Parable

A couple fun bits: as another said, they had to severely refrigerate the room... but on top of that once they got the temp far enough down it caused the humidity to be too low for it to allow the breaths to be seen; The temp and humidity had to be balanced. So not only did they drop the temperature the actors had to work in they had to make it a damp-cold. I listened to an interview with Blair as an adult recollecting on the making of the film and she spoke on that and one other matter (which was kinda funny). 1) She groused about how in the freezing room scenes that they, of course, had to do many repeatedly the other actors under their priest robes were able to wear layers of clothing (not really noticeable when distracted while watching the scenes, but for the actual build of the actors they're quite bulky under those robes compared to other shots) to help keep warm. But due to the nature of her role she had to go through the scenes in a nightgown, freezing her A-off while pulling that performance. 2) She's often been asked and was during that interview about if anything about the makeup or other aspects of making the film as a younger person was scary at all for her. Her replies have been basically, "no, I was an actress... I was the one in the makeup and it was all just making a movie" with one main difference: they had a near life-size doll in the makeup room made up like her for continuity references between days of shooting. She was afraid of the doll.


1:49:57 that right there is still possibly the most haunting imagery ive ever seen on film.

Ian Cano

It looks like Natalie looks away when Regan is walking in front of the window even though she's supposed to be strapped to the bed.