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Hey guys!

Tonight, at 6pm PST, I’ll be doing my first live stream ever on twitch and it would be great see some of you there! Would love to just chat for the most part and get to know my community even more.

I may or may not play one game as well. If you guys have any suggestions of easier/lowkey PC games to play, feel free to lmk in the comments below! I have some ideas, but would love to hear from you as well.

Here’s the link to my twitch: https://m.twitch.tv/nattiegold/profile

Until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨



Yessssssss! I am there!!!!


Fall Guys would be a good game to play right now.

Michel Ferreira

Ohh nice idea! I will unfortunatelly be asleep here in the UK but will catch up later if the video is available :-)

Thomas Malley

God dammit. Did I miss it.


Just followed. Best way to get into gaming is find a genre you like and follow that.

Thomas Malley

Oh pacific time. What movie are we watching?


cool see you there


Love to see it! Rocket League, Runescape, Minecraft are all easy PC games to play.


What kinds of games do you like? Off the top of my head: Fall Guys, Stardew Valley, or Monster Train are all on the easier or slower side while still being incredibly fun

Thomas Malley

Oh games. :) sorry guys.


I wish I could! Everyone is playing Fall Guys right now but there’s a lot of chill games like Minecraft, or some puzzle games. Just depends. Stardew Valley? Or look up relaxing games for pc and see what pops up, aha


If you are to do this often, I would LOVE to see you play/react to amazing story games. My favorite being Red Dead Redemption 2, which should be at the top of your list. ✌🏻❤️🌈

Reggie Clark

Valiant Hearts: The Great War


Firewatch is very low key. In the walking simulator genre, but has a good story.

Ronny Boss

Flippin sweet, I'll be there with bells on 😁 this might be showing how old I am, but have you ever played Warcraft or Warcraft 2? Not the world of Warcraft online games


Seeing how you love good stories, the game Heavy Rain might be up your alley :) Basically a "choose your adventure" kind of interactive movie about a serial killer, told from four different perspectives. The twist: even if you fail, the story goes on.


OMG YES. Some Fall Guys would be fun. Also get into Among Us if you havent already!!! It's great, gather up some twitch friends and play with them. Gets intense


You can also react to some youtube videos on stream as well


I actually didn’t grow up with any video games besides Pokémon! Haha But I wish I had 10 gamer friends and could do Among Us right now. It looks soooo fun


Or: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter. A mystery game where you explore a gorgeous location as a supernatural detective to find out what happened to the boy who hired you.


Fall Guys!


Oh oh oh, story games! A story horror game, Until Dawn. That is a MUST 😃 You'll enjoy it for sure


Haven’t played many games at all so I haven’t played Warcraft. But I can look into them :)

Andy Jordan

I'd recommend Portal. Lean and simple, but challenging puzzle game with a great story and good dark humor. Long enough to get into a groove, but doesn't overstay its welcome.


OMG I can’t get enough of watching people play Among Us haha. The theatre nerd in me wants to be the imposter and act SO BAD


Also, a suggestion for utilizing Twitch, a regular streaming schedule would help you develop a strong audience base and stimulate growth!

Thomas Malley

it's very story driven and general chat probably won't be possible but yeah it's good and amotspheric. I don't know if I'd call it a 'game'. it's more like a story book in 3D

Thomas Malley

Portal is pretty main stream and a good entry into gaming.

Thomas Malley

I think a fun game would be one with wacky controls. Like Octodad


Hmm. Hellblade? Kidding, though you should play it. What Remains of Edith Finch is pretty low key. More a walking simulator. Try 'The Untitled Goose game' or Oxenfree.

Thomas Malley

The Goose Game would be good!!! Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LL2AtHo1gk


I’ve only played once but, in case it’s not already been said, Among Us!

David of the North

I think you'd dig story games. The Walking Dead is a fantastic one. The Unfinished Swan is a beautiful esoteric discovery journey. If you have played First-person games before then I also recommend Portal.


This TikTok makes more sense now. Among Us https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJDrLBYt/


Won't be able to make the stream tonight, but I hope it goes well! Looking forward to the next movie reaction

Thomas Malley

Someone made this clip: https://clips.twitch.tv/FuriousNurturingBulgogiUncleNox


So much fun Nat! I think the pacing and length of time for the stream was perfect! Your live presence is so much like the video persona you have developed. It was so much fun to hang out! Hope to see you all again!

BJ Stephens

Once you've got an established audience, you could play some of the Jackbox party games with members of your audience, They have a game called quiplash that's aways a blast! ;) The best part is they don't even have to own the games, they can just join yours on their computers/phones for free using the website!

Joel S

Hey Natalie, I was the one that posted about you looking up the 50 films to watch before you die. I should have said its the list by Film4. I have a link https://www.listchallenges.com/film4s-50-films-to-see-before-you-die Feel free to check them out if you wish.


Ahhhhh! I missed it. :'(


Missed it but those times wlll be hard here in Germany. :( Still, watched the VOD and im happy you all had a great time. All the best to all of you.

Gath Bard

Can't go wrong with some chill story based adventure games that don't require fast reflexes or crazy gaming skills, like "The Wolf Among Us" for instance. Should be pretty cheap on Steam too, since it's not exactly a new game. The episodic nature would serve nicely for short, contained streams. One episode, one stream. Nice and easy. Mod on duty recommended though: some people like to hop on "first time playing" streams just to spoil stuff.


Yeah I'd second this. Episodic, narrative based games are well suited to streams (and your audience.) Mods will be a must.

Reid Ellis

Boardgames are always good - no fast reflexes required.


I think something you can pause or not to concerned about outcome. First few streams might be more chatty or answering questions. Nothing wrong with hanging out in the 'Just Chatting' room and then trying a game later.


Sorry I missed it.

Ron K

Unfortunately I missed this but just saw your reaction to Mandalorian Season 2 trailer, loved it. You mentioned watching scary movies with us during October. Cannot go wrong with any of these John Carpenter movies, Halloween, The Thing (think this was already in a poll), The Fog & Big Trouble in Little China.


I'd have joined in, but 6PM PST is 2AM British Summer Time and I was asleep. :D

Getoff Mylawn

Hey Natalie, great livestream last night! I said I was going to up my Patreon membership to help with your diet Coke addiction and I did! (Papalono on Twitch) Keep up the great work!

Ian Forbes

While not strictly horror, October might be a nice segue to begin Edgar Wright’s Cornetto Trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World’s End) if you haven’t seen them. They’re all brilliantly made genre films starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. 1st film is an homage to zombie films, 2nd buddy cop films, 3rd apocalypse films ... but all with a twist, great comedy, and superb directing, writing, editing, and acting.

Erik Stevenson

I know you get tons of movie requests, but re: Anime, I'd definitely check out Princess Mononoke if you're thinking about other Ghibli/Miyazaki movies, and Akira for a very different but also excellent anime.


Oh that's so kind of you Lawrence, but I'm just happy you're here! Please don't feel obligated to pay a certain amount at all, but thank you! And I definitely remember papalono from the stream haha


Haha yes! I realized after how late that would be for most folks. It was a rather impulsive decision to rip off the streaming band aid. I'll likely come up with a schedule where I start earlier


Just saw a Reaction Collection of Reactions, Meta https://youtu.be/9HzMcgm_mfU


I think Hot Fuzz (the second one) is the most fun out of the three. That's one of my favourite films.


Natalie is the Fall Guys Champion! Her unconventional tactics are unbeatable. She finishes games faster than anyone else. Everybody else has to keep playing but Natalie she finishes in the first round 😁


Add to your list: by Zach Snyder- 300 and Watchmen

Kevin Tipcorn

As someone who got hooked on the video game streaming many years ago, and as a fan of movie reaction channels, I dig reactions to FMV games. You can usually pause, you get the film angle to comment on and obviously there is the game aspect. My favorite FMV game to watch people play through is "Contradiction: Spot the Liar" a campy murder mystery. There are games like "Telling lies" or "Her Story" for a little more heady and movie like feel. There is also pure genre schlock like "The Infectious Madness of Dr. Dekker" or "Late Shift." My true love is for ancient 90s cheesy FMV game reactions, but I won't mention them by name because they are hard to run, unlike the ones mentioned above.