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Hey guys! 

Here it is! My reaction to the first episode of Firefly! So excited to dive into this new series with you and hear your thoughts on it. Until the next one, ✨stay golden!✨

Private Link (PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS LINK INSTEAD OF PLAYING IT DIRECTLY ON GOOGLE DRIVE -- If you are getting the "exceeded playback" message, you may need to wait a little while and try to download the file again later, thanks!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NE3AfO0p_OkpPWQ6K8p4xUCRvDbGACLV/view?usp=sharing 

Original Series: Firefly

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Andy Jordan

Looking forward to this. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Welcome to the Browncoat Army! Hope you and everyone here are staying safe and healthy. Cheers, Nat.


So exited to watch! Doing it now

Chris (darkwater)

Oh Goodie!! This might make my weekend :)


I'm so excited to watch your reaction to this series but at the same time so sad that it was butchered the way it was :(


I haven't really gone back to rewatch this in a long time. looking forward to seeing it again.

Darryl Low

Awesome Natalie. I haven't watched this in ages. I probably won't remember most of it. I'll enjoy watching it along with you. The show is bookended by a fantastic movie, so you have that to look forward to too.


really happy you're watching this. You'll love the characters, I think.


I'm so happy to be re-watching this with you!!!! You're going to love the characterization :-) Don't forget to watch the movie "Serenity" at the end of the series! Thanks Natalie!


Basically the US and China got together in the future and eventually formed The Alliance which is why everybody speaks Mandarin. Everybody left Earth-That-Was 500 years ago for a new solar system with tons of planets to terraform. The Central planets are all civilized, and the Independent outer planets are like the frontier and refused to be controlled. The Browncoats fought for the Independents (Firefly fans are also called Browncoats). The first scene was the Battle of Serenity Valley where The Alliance won the war

Matthew Periolat

Believe it or not, I’m partially blind too. Only seen the pilot, Train Job, Our Mrs. Reynolds and the movie. So looking forward to sharing this experience!


yeah i forgot how much I missed this show. really glad that your first TV series is one of my faves. fyi: it was just the pilot, the rest will be the typical 43ish minutes. really enjoyed the first episode and can't wait for the train heist as it's my favorite episode.


Great reaction! Don't worry, the rest of the episodes are 45 minutes long. It was really interesting to see how you seemed very apprehensive to the show at first but became more and more invested in it as the episode progressed. Expect that to continue for future episodes. This show is really a masterclass in how to develop a character(s) and how to help an audience become invested in the characters and story. Can't wait for the next episode!

Armchair Wizard

This. I hope Natalie sees this. It wont be directly explained in the first season. They never come right out and say it. So its necessary to talk about it.

Thomas Yanez

Also, as for worrying about the story getting truncated because of the single season - keep in mind that there is also the motion picture "Serenity" to watch after you are done where they finish things up.


Natalie, you noticed they speak Chinese a whole lot. Another poster already said why, but the script reason is so they can swear without bleeping or sounding stupid. Edit: Also if you end up liking the series, I would put Slither on your list. Nathan Fillion plays a similar role in a small town overrun by alien slugs.

Robert Avila

Another enjoyable video. I'd actually finally started watching this series a few months ago. I got about 4 episodes in, but when I saw you might be watching it, I decided to wait. I'll rewatch the ones I've seen, then watch the rest for the first time with you. That should be really fun.


I once heard that Firefly was Joss Whedon's "what If the Nazi's (Alliance) went against the American Confederate South (Browncoats).

Troy B.

I don't understand why y'all insist that she watch the "Serenity" movie. Did you not see her reaction to [redacted]? If I could forget the movie, I would, personally.


The concept was Star Wars if the Rebellion lost. Serenity is the Millennium Falcon, and Mal is Han Solo.

Thomas Malley

That was fun to watch. I had forgotten all about Firefly. Glad you seemed to like it. The next episodes are shorter.


We insist on watching the movie as it answers questions left unanswered after the season ended. But your sentiments are taken to heart, as I have to agree on some levels with it.


As was already mentioned, the Alliance refers to a U.S.-China alliance from the Earth That Was. Most of the Chinese they speak is accurate (as well as the actors could pronounce it) and is usually some kind of expletive. The battle scene at the very beginning was the war between the Alliance and the Independents who wanted to break away from the Alliance. The Independents (Mal & Zoey) lost. The Independents are also called Browncoats, hence the brown coat Mal wears. Basically imagine the Rebel Alliance being defeated by the Empire in Star Wars. What happens to the surviving rebels? This was a double episode for the premiere. The rest of the episodes are about 45 minutes long. Many questions get raised during the season. By the time you finish the season and watch the movie Serenity you'll have the answers to complete the story. Much of the confusion you expressed is exactly what you should be confused about at this point in the season.

Sam Kimpton

The syringe that Inara had was a very specific drug. It wasn't revealed in the series, but it had a purpose. Inara planned to inject herself with it if the Reavers boarded the ship. The consequences of her taking the drug were more deadly for the Reavers than for her. If the series had continued, there would have been an episode that involved her using the drug.

Sam Kimpton

I disagree. While [redacted] was bad and [redacted] and [redacted] are worse. . . I still believe that the movie is worth watching. It's the end to the story that we otherwise would not have gotten.

Neil Silverman

Oh this should be fun! Haven't watched Firefly in many years, looking forward to going through it with you.

Garren Haskell

Keep going as fast as you can. This show is almost impossible to watch one episode at a time. Already I have the itch to turn on episode 2. That must have been so aggravating for the people who watched it once a week as it aired. That is, when it aired at all, or wasn't replaced by baseball. Or when it wasn't moving time slots from week to week. Fox really screwed it up with this show.

Robert Reichle

I watch this series at least twice a year. Can't wait to go to the next episode. If you liked the first one, I think it will just keep growing on your more and more. There's plenty of suspence, humor, and twists. It very much relies on character but then throws in action and humor as bonus.

David of the North

Yay! A series I can watch along just by popping it into my blu-ray player! Enjoy the world-building, fall in love with the characters, cry at the short run.

Colt 1983

I hope you watch the movie Serenity after the series


I watched ep 2 immediately after Natalie's reaction.


Did you notice right after they pull the Crazy Ivan when the camera cuts back to Wash, there's no control stick. He's just holding his hand in the air like he was still holding it. "Crazy Ivan" is a reference to The Hunt For Red October and refers to Russian sub commanders doing an unexpected hard turn to catch any other subs that may be following directly behind them. Also, the scene with Shepard Book and Inara at the end when he said he thought he might be on the wrong ship, the visual was supposed to evoke the prostitute offering absolution to the priest.


Natalie I am so freakin' excited for you to watch this show. This one caught me by surprise when I was a kid. Went and watched the movie completely randomly in a theater and it blew my mind. Going back through the series was a treat. Sometimes it's an interesting experience having the answers then learning the questions.

Misty Crom

Well, that was nice to watch again. The episodes mostly aren't this long, no... Pilot being all piloty as it is. One thing I learned... and it's interesting - nothing remotely spoilery, just interesting. When they were making this, they were almost constantly expecting to get cancelled, and so they made each episode as if it were the last, since it might've been. Kind of begs the question... would it be quite as special as it is if they'd been guaranteed like 3 seasons or something? Also; with the odd cuts etc... yeah, they are fully intentional. I wondered myself at first. I'm sure I checked the disk like 3 times when it did the weird freeze thing. But it's intentional to make it feel more like an old western with.. well, the occasional odd cut. Anyways, stay shiny.


just my opinion, but you've started yourself on one of the greatest journeys of them all. The cast is brilliant, the creator is basically a genius, in particular where it comes to world and character building He wrote Toy Story, as well as writing for Roseanne back in it's best years. He created Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly, and Dollhouse as well as writing and directing Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron

Dave Hampton

And I am now a Patron.

Ian Forbes

Great reaction, as always, Natalie. Firefly and Serenity are a lot of fun. And if you’re looking for a related diversion, I suggest Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog. It’s 45-ish minutes, was a web series Joss Whedon put together with Nathan Fillion, Neil Patrick Harris, and Felicia Day starring in it. And it’s a musical! Super entertaining and a quick and easy watch.


I'm glad you're finally reacting to Firefly and I can't wait to watch your reaction to the next episode.

Brandon Scott

I'm sorry. I just signed up here to watch the Firefly video but somethings wrong... I think. You are coming through perfectly clear but the video is not. Is this on purpose?


For the full reactions, you have to watch along with you own copy of the film or tv show. Copyright purposes. She can't just show a whole episode or movie.


Firefly only got cancelled because of the company not knowibg what time slot to put it in so just cancelled instead.

Robert Kelly

I have not read through all the comments but you are planning to watch the movie after everything right?


As far as I know there is no reason you can't have the full show with audio playing. Many other reactors have the full episode with audio. Just not for youtube.


Natalie, maybe you could look into OneHub or GoogleDrive? A lot of reactors use those to avoid copy write restrictions. I'm a huge Firefly fan! I'm looking forward to these reactions!


Hi Scott, I do this for copyright issues. Just because other reactors do it, doesn't make it legally safe. I explain that I watch things in a "watch along style format" in my tier description.


Hi Matt, copyright laws exist no matter where you post the videos. This is the way I will be editing the videos. Even if I switched to GoogleDrive or OneHub


You have to watch Cowboy Bebop.


There's a little intro video Joss Whedon did for the movie Serenity. I believe it's on the Blu-Ray. There are no spoilers. You already know the show was cancelled after 1 season and then a movie was made. This was Joss' message to the fans on the release of the movie. You can tell it was a labor of love. You can wait to watch after the series, or watch anytime, really. It is free of spoilers for both the TV show and movie. https://youtu.be/0yv4tCKP3Hs

Alan Kobb

I had a ball watching with you, Natalie! Yes, this was a HUGE 2-part episode that was supposed to be the premiere of the series, but Fox instead aired The Train Job as the first episode. If you haven't watched a lot of Joss Whedon, don't forget that he likes to screw with our heads by killing main characters or at least making us think they are dead. He is a cruel man who plays with our emotions like taking candy from a baby, and we fall for it every time. :) Just stay shiny and hold on, you're in for a bumpy ride!


Going to be a good time seeing someone experience it for the first time. And be sure to watch the film Serenity afterward to finish it all off.

Joel S

I recommend anything Nathan Fillion is in, from 2 guys a girl, Blast from the Past, Castle and even the Rookie.

Robert Kelly

From the cast of The Flash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac3a49-sj3A


I'm glad you are reacting to this show and I appreciate the change in how you show the video. I understand that you want to be safe with copyright law, my only gripe in the past was it was difficult to sync up with the past videos but your current setup is much better. Am moving on to Episode 2 and Hulk next😁

Jason Dolan

I've never watched FIREFLY so this feels like a good time to finally dive in


This show is so goram good. "Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

Bob Criswell

I hope and think you will enjoy this series Jason. It's so easy to fall in love with the characters in Firefly.

Gregory Coburn

I joined the patreon just so i could watch your full reaction to this show, I love it


Yeah, what Gregory said. Great show.


The Bachelorette is on season 16 and they didn't let Firefly get past one. Stuff like that hurts my brain.

Matt Camburn

took at break from playing red dead redemption to start watching this reaction series.....and its bloody space cowboys! what is going on haha, i love it


I did too but discovered perhaps the best reation video-maker on the web in the process. : )


I don't know WHY.... NONE of those Bachelorettes can kill you with their brains... ; P


Natalie, it's Dec 23rd (Festivus, I guess) and I just finished watching the reaction vid for Chernobyl ep4 : o and : ( >Ugly crying, "I'M NOT OKAY" "I CAN'T" etc< I needed something lighter after that so I'm diving back in here for like the 4th time. It's why I joined your Patreon in the first place. And in doing so, I found probably the best reaction video-maker on the web. Stay Golden and Stay SHINY! (kinda the same thing, eh?) : ) ; * <3


Answering a question you raised (assuming you haven't tumbled the answer yet): The goods they salvaged from the wreck were already "imprinted" with government ID stamps (on every molecule as Badger says). Something tipped Mal off to the fact when he opened the box and looked at the goods.


Nice reaction... NOT - Natalie comes across as a pretty judgemental and narrow-minded person here, not a good look. Simon had done exactly nothing before he was judged harshly, and the "nosey-ness" was perfectly inline with a character that had NO intention of getting involved with the Alliance (and the nosey-ness happened BECAUSE Mal said they had been commandeered to do the medicine delivery), but by now she was already prejudiced. Cancelling Patreon.

Onno Smits

"Your first impression of a character, based on a few scenes where they are specifically painted as suspicious and morally ambiguous for narrative purposes, doesn't line up with my own opinion of the character which I formed over watching the entire series. Therefore I am canceling my patronage." Wow, if you're looking for a judgemental and narrow-minded person, you may want to look in a mirror... 😂


Wow, harsh, man... You cancelled after one ep and so will probably never see these replies. She came around pretty quickly as you should have seen. I really hope you aren't the same dragon I know as Ashen...


Natalie, I love your reactions so much that I am going through this series with you AGAIN for the FIFTH time, I believe... lol This was the first thing I ever watched you react to. I joined your Patreon (my first) bc of this. HA. Happy 2023, Natalie! Now on sixth time thru witchu... :o


rewatched again just wanted to say this is such a great reaction all the swearing is very funny. I think all your comments and thoughts are so good, you have AMAZING improv skills don't be afraid to "yes and"!, and you manage your talking and listening so well. Thanks again!