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Hey guys!

Here it is! My reaction to The Incredible Hulk. I'm currently at my friend's apartment, bogarting their WiFi haha. So glad I could get this react up for you today, even if it took a little longer than planned. 

This movie was definitely a fun one and I'm so excited to hear your thoughts below. Stay tuned for a FIREFLY react coming soon and as always, ✨stay golden!✨

Private Link (PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS LINK INSTEAD OF PLAYING IT DIRECTLY ON GOOGLE DRIVE -- If you are getting the "exceeded playback" message, you may need to wait a little while and try to download the file again later, thanks!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Py4HNAmgEXqAROJk4bBqUM4haRiJRMgq/view?usp=sharing 

Original Movie: The Incredible Hulk

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Andy Jordan

Getting ready to cue up my copy with your video. Looking forward to it, as well as Firefly, and I hope you're doing well amidst the heat wave and everything else. Cheers, Nat.

Benjamin Segura

Too bad this is the one MCU movie that is considered the furthest from the Marvel type of movies but excited were on this journey already and now the rest of phase 1 movies are coming up 😊


The Incredible Hulk is one of the most underrated movies in the MCU. It's almost a forgotten MCU movie in many ways. It's actually quite a uniquely made movie. The 2003 Hulk movie (starring Eric Bana) was not well received, and that 2003 movie followed the usual superhero script whereby the first half of the movie is the origin story and the last half of the movie is where the action is. What makes the MCU version so unique is that the origin story is told in the opening montage, with a series of newspaper clippings! I can't think of any other superhero movie that would be bold enough to do this. It essentially skips over the origin story and allows the viewer to piece together what happened for themselves as the movie progresses. This means the movie cuts straight to the action almost from the very first scene. Its such an efficient way to tell a story and I'm glad they went down that path for this film.


Fun fact: Hulk never actually did kill Blonsky. Hulk incapacitated him but never actually killed him. There's an interesting easter egg about Blonsky in Agent's of Shield that suggests he is held in a cryo-cell in Alaska under the watchful eye of General Ross. Also, Iron Man 2 is the next film. My girlfriend and I have also been watching the Marvel films in order because she too hasn't seen many of them.

Andy Jordan

Not only did Lou Ferrigno continue to provide the voice of Hulk in the MCU, he played the Hulk part of Bruce Banner in the '70s TV series, which is why they had him in the film.

Jason Dolan

The best part of this Patreon watch along so far is Nat freaking out that she's watching the wrong movie because Marvel decided to skip the events of Ang Lee's HULK which almost serves as a prequel to this film, even though it's not officially part of the MCU. But Ang Lee's HULK does end with Bruce Banner in a South American Jungle so it does technically line up.


As another comment mentioned, this movie does not line up with Hulk from 2003 (technically) but it also does. The beginning credit sequence basically remakes Ang Lee's Hulk. I like that movie but the effects do not really hold up. When that movie came out comic book movies were still trying to figure things out, and the movie leaned really hard into the science fiction angle that Marvel has since shunned for a more comic (as in funny) approach. This is one of the reasons, the main one I would guess, that the MCU is as popular as it is, accessibility. It's really easy to watch them, as you are finding out.


Some information: Dr. Sam Sterns (the professor/ Mr. Blue) is known as The Leader in the comics. My roommate is hoping they do something with him.


Such a fun reaction! I love this film, and I think it is probably the most underrated MCU film. I think Mark Ruffalo is a great actor, but I would have much preferred Edward Norton to continue as Bruce Banner. Unfortunately, there were too many creative differences behind the scenes between Norton and the filmmakers. If you get a chance, here's over a half hour of full deleted scenes from the film, including more interaction between Bruce & Betty, and more Ty Burrell.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvPQti_X--U


Dang, hit the wrong button. More Information: Emil Blonsky was The Abomination (just to give you his comic name). After the military makes Bruce flee from Brazil, he is shown in mexico dejected, half nude, and there is a sweet sad song playing. That is one of the theme songs from the Hulk series that ran while I was a kid (the one Lou Ferrigno was in as the Hulk). That song always played at the end of the episode when Bruce (known as David) would move on to the next town, never staying in one place due to the Hulk. At the end of this movie, the envelope containing Betty's necklace which Bruce received is addressed to "David B.", another homage to the series. As well, in Brazil at the beginning, while watching TV, Bruce sees a small part of a show (The Courtship of Eddie's Father) where the actor Bill Bixby is hit by a kid then compliments the kid. That actor (Bill Bixby) played Bruce in the series. It's another homage, since the actor died in 1993 and they couldn't have him as a guest appearance. The famous line "Don't make me angry. You would't like me when I'm angry," also comes from the TV series. And Betty is from the comics, Bruce's long time girlfriend. You don't have to review it for your viewers if you don't want, but I do recommend seeing if you can watch the original series. It was brilliantly done and, even though it's dated, it was wonderful. The other Hulk movies maybe didn't do so well as this one, in my opinion, because Ed Norton was a big fan of the series and put a lot of references and themes from it in this movie. Since the Hulk has had a TV series and at least two previous movies, I think that is why it was decided to put the entire backstory in the beginning intro. It's been overdone in film so they wanted to just skip to the time after all that and show how he copes and such. It also lets the viewer discover Hulk's back story as they watch, if they aren't familiar with it. The next movie is Ironman 2 (Ironman vs. Incredible Hulk is, I believe, a cartoon and not in this lineup. Unless you are referring to a fight scene from a movie or comic someone else referenced out of context.) After Ironman 2 comes Thor. Then Captain America. Then Avengers.

Jayson Phillips

Another cameo was when Bruce was watching TV the actor that played Bruce Banner was on that show. Bill Bixby was his name. so that had both TV show Hulk characters in this movie.

Jack the Narrator

William Hurt's character Gen. Ross will continue to play a role later on in the MCU. The deleted scenes from this film are definitely worth checking out, they basically contain all the stuff that Norton wanted to see left in the final cut of the movie. Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige is notorious for his supposed "vision" of where he's wanted the MCU to go, and that vision has often stymied the talents of directors that had initially come on board with grand ideas but ultimately stepped away over creative differences. Personally, I wish Norton could have continued as Banner. I think he really got to the heart and soul of that character.

Jason Dolan

Your next film in release order is IRON MAN 2 so you're good to go when it comes to getting more Tony Stark, but you'll have to wait three more films before you get more HULK!


You know what, upon re-watching this movie isn't as bad as I thought it was.

Thomas Malley

I think Mr. Blue turns into some sort of villain too (hence his head bulging at the end), but I don’t know which. It’s definitely not a setup I remember ever getting paid off. Someone else here will probably know more.


Looking forward to watching this with my wife tonight. :)


This was one of the weakest Marvel movies, which is a pretty good thing considering this movie isn't bad.

Koala Banana

I like this film. The Hulk was done well, I felt his power and his struggle. Norton played Bruce very well, and Liv Tyler also had a strong performance. But, I like Mark Ruffalo's Hulk the best :)


He was supposed to turn into a villian called "The Leader"


I absolutely cannot wait for Gladiator, is there an ETA on that?


Natalie, thanks for the great reaction. Look forward to the next. Favorite Reaction Quote: "The stretchy pants -- they worked!


But we did get to see him "get there." That was the five minutes of exposition at the beginning of the film. They know everyone knows how he became Hulk, so they just gave us a cliff's notes version at the beginning .

Thomas Malley

That’s when she was panicking about whether she was watching the right movie:)

Thomas Malley

The story was mostly that he was impossible to work with. He only signed on with the intent of beefing up the character drama. When 45 minutes of the characterization scenes were cut out of the movie, I think it soured the relationship between Norton and Marvel.


Hi Natalie - Just finished the Iron Man Lets Watch (finally) and will soon watch this one. Just wanted to let you know before you watch Iron Man 2 that the actor playing General Rhodes in the first Iron Man was replaced before Iron Man 2 so you will see the same character being played by a different person just so you're not confused when watching it :)

Matthew Periolat

OK, lots to unpack here! Glad you like the superhero/love interest dynamic because there is a lot more to come on that front. Without spoiling, my couple is three short movies away. The reason why we had the opening origin story is because of Ang Lee’s Hulk movie. That did Hulk’s origin as well and Marvel didn’t want to do it again. So we get a montage. As you can tell from this movie, they laid pieces for more Hulk movies, but one disadvantage Marvel has with Hulk is they do not own the rights for solo projects, Universal does. Goes back to the original Hulk TV series. Anyway, Marvel Studios can use the Hulk only in a shared roll with other characters. Universal, even now, has not wanted to do another solo movie to date and last heard has had no interest in selling back to Marvel. Now, that could all change tomorrow, in a week, in a month, in a year, but for now... just not in the cards. I’ll keep my lips buttoned on if any elements or characters from this movie show up in the future, but it’s all connected, that’s all I’ll say. As to the future, well, Iron Man 2 should be next in release order, which I cannot wait for. But I love how we are pacing and I think it’s making a better experience for you too. Meantime, Firefly and who knows what else is coming. I just want to thank you for being a virtual partner/commentator on the journey so far. Stay golden yourself and see you next flick!

Neil Silverman

Watching this again, I feel like this is a much better film than it generally gets credit for. I agree that the pacing is really good, I really like both Ed Norton and Liv Tyler's performances, and I thought they had good chemistry together. It's definitely got a different feel than most of the MCU films, being much darker and more dramatic in tone. That said, Bruce Banner's story has always been a tragic one, and in that sense, the movie matches the tone of the comics quite well, I think. Anyway, it was fun to revisit this movie with you, and while it IS a bit disappointing that Ed Norton decided not to return to the franchise, I assure you that Mark Ruffalo turns in top-notch performances in his own right in future films. Can't wait for the next one!

Neil Silverman

I can't help myself,but I have to put on my super-nerd hat and correct you that it's Colonel Rhodes, he's not a general. I'm genuinely sorry for even bothering over such a trivial and unimportant detail, but it's my nerd-OCD.

Misty Crom

First of all, I kept having to pause my DVD to let your video catch up... which was a little irritating at times. But kinda fun oerall. Yes, the big security guard was The Hulk, back in the old TV series; and he does the voice in the movies. I will say, if you've an issue with unrealistically attractive, long haired individuals in the rain in white shirts... well, there's a moment in Thor... you'll see. Also, apparently, Edward Norton had disagreements with Marvel, and that's why he was replaced.


Yes there was alot of sync problems with this upload havent had any problems on any other video but this one i think its because she watched the bluray version and i only had the dvd version

Luis R.

This was great! I haven’t watched this one in a long time, and as always you were a lot of fun during your reaction!

Ron K

Can't wait for your reaction when Tony Stark and Bruce Banner do meet.

Alan Kobb

Lots of fun watching with you, Natalie. I particularly enjoyed how many things you chose to worry about at any point in time. At first, the movie was going to be a big hit as long as no dogs got hurt, then you seemed to worry a great deal about Banner's baseball cap, next it was the bottles! :-) I think the big disappointment was that they really didn't show the backstory. They were trying to make it like the TV series where Bruce Banner is living a secret life, trying to find a way to cure his condition, so the backstory isn't really the story.

Joseph Santwan

"David" was Bruce's first name in the TV series, because the execs thought "Bruce" sounded gay. Yeah......

Garrick Smalley

I really wish they would. My guess is they won't only because they seem to have left all the hulk back story behind.

Garrick Smalley

I do enjoy the Eric Bana version you might want to give it a try for 1 of 3 different origin stories (Movie, TV, Comic). Do you know who the old man who died from drinking the soda is?

Garrick Smalley

56:47 especially not any very large green ones.

The Hedge Knight

Just a fun easter egg to point out, the show he was watching (4:13) before he learned hungry in Portuguese on Sesame street had Bill Bixby on it. He was the actor who played Banner in the television series.


In the comics Betty Ross also becomes a Hulk but she becomes a Red Hulk. - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/446208275579255076/

Thomas Yanez

Watching the Eric Bana movie version (just titled "Hulk") is fine, if you're curious about a movie-based origin story, but note that it is NOT part of the MCU and is not in any way canon. It was a first shot at making a Hulk movie and it is generally considered to have missed the mark, thus why it was rebooted for the MCU just a few years later.

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

for some reason Patreon isn't letting me load the rest of the comments, so don't know if this was mentioned, but nice new ring on your finger Natalie! got engaged? My first time watching this movie and it was pretty good :)

Patrick Egan

I've always found this movie to be woefully underrated, I love it. I especially love the VFX deign for the Hulk in this one compared to the later MCU movies. He looks so much more badass in this one.