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Hi guys! 

Here is my reaction to The Matrix! I had so much fun filming this video and I hope you enjoy it. As always, please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Until next time, ✨stay golden!✨

UNLISTED LINK: https://youtu.be/jmfyBlndABs 

*Correction: This film was directed by The Wachowski Sisters (not brothers, as I misspoke). Sincerest apologies for that error!*

Original Movie: The Matrix

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.



Now THIS I’m looking forward to.


It's nice and refreshing to see people react to things of the past and actually enjoy it


Yey! I was hoping you would release this today. Now I know what I'll be watching tonight while eating dinner :D


The Matrix!!!! This makes me so happy. I have such memories with this trilogy. Me my Uncle and my grandfather would go to each premier at the Imax.


In the words of the great Keanu Reeves...."WHOA"

Andy Jordan

Agreed. I'd guess that's the reason most of us are here. Good work, Natalie!

Andy Jordan

So now we have two actors from Lord of the Rings you've moved on to see in sci-fi: Ian Holm as Bilbo and Ash, and now Hugo Weaving as Elrond and Agent Smith. Not that it was intended, but if I can suggest another in this vein, there's a somewhat under-the-radar sci-fi movie called "Equilibrium" with Christian Bale: it's smart and it has good action, and Sean Bean (Boromir in LOTR) co-stars in it. Worth your time, I think.

Elisa H.

I remember my brain melting when seeing this in the theater. It was an amazing experience


Check out the movie Dark City if you like this sort of thing. It came out before the Matrix and has a similar brain warping "reality".


Notice that whenever they are in the Matrix, there is a “green tinge” on the screen, and when they are in the real world, it is a “blue tinge”

Reggie Clark

If you ever start a YouTube Merch store, you should have a shirt that has a cartoon version of you wearing black glasses and saying, "It's Kung Fu time."


Agents are sentient AI programs. Part of the Matrix. Designed to move within it to police it. They can "take over" any body in the Matrix. Most are 100% in league with the Matrix, but Agent Smith, as he said to Morpheus, doesn't want to be inside the Matrix any longer and is looking for a way out.


This movie is over 20 years old and still holds up. It's amazing and paved the way for so much that's done now with CGI. Keanu Reeves gets a bad rap for his acting (and, tbh, he is pretty bad in some things), but I love him in this. I think he does a great job, and he's also super hot. lol I'm not sure how old you are, but I was a senior in high school when this came out and it basically took over pop culture for a good long while. Even now, so many references made in other movies or even in every day life are from this movie. Plus, there was a run on sunglasses that looked like Neo's. Carrie-Ann Moss is so badass as Trinity and is up there with Sigourney Weaver as Ripley and Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor as my favorite female action characters.


That was really fun.

Troy B.

I had forgotten how much I had enjoyed the first Matrix movie! This was fun. (I didn't particularly care for the sequels, which had in turn tainted my memory of the first one. YMMV, of course.) Some of the graphics feel a tiny bit dated, but no moreso than the first Jurassic Park, and I enjoy that one still.

Troy B.

My only real issue with the movie was that despite heady concepts like the whole "there is no spoon", "do you really think that's air that you're breathing", and "we can create whatever we desire and can imagine," etc, ultimately Neo was like "Gimme lots of guns." Which really only harms other humans since the Agents exist outside those constraints. (Which is also why I never understood his jumping into Agent Smith's "body" at the end since that was just one he was borrowing in the first place.)


This was such a blast! There is a lot of stuff to take in I can imagine but I'm so happy that you enjoyed it :)


Perhaps we should have V For Vendetta for even more Hugo Weaving


The mammal thing is bullshit, obviously, but the virus thing is a fun analogy. And yeah, they're farming humans. 😀


Congrats on 50k!!! :) Awesome reaction, as always!


I like the bit where you 'remember how guns work'. 😂


Another stellar reaction, Natalie :) Do you plan on watching the whole trilogy? Lots of people does not have a great deal of love of the sequels, but I feel like the grand themes of philosophy and existentialism really make them worthy of a watch! Personally I love the entire trilogy, as I view it as a cohesive story. I for one hope that you want to see how deep the rabbit hole really goes, haha! Stay golden :)

Jack the Narrator

Addressing your question about the lobby shootout sequence and the guards: According to the commentary on the DVD, they are supposed to be security constructs and not people, but I've never really felt like that concept holds up. But like in all wars, there are going to be innocent casualties. THE MATRIX really was a game changer in so many ways for both filmmaking & philosophy and I feel that the substantialness of its legacy has been lost over the last 20 years thanks to our spoiled, jaded twittersphere. I know a lot of people will implore you to not watch the sequels, but I recommend that you do see them. Not right away, of course. But the sequels (and the Animatrix anthology shorts) really expand the world and help shed light to many details and questions that you had during your viewing. If you decide to watch the sequels, you should do so in the following order: * Animatrix - "The Second Renaissance Parts I & II" (chilling prequel showcasing the rise of the machines) *Animatrix - "Kid's Story" (offers a backstory to a key supporting character in the sequels) *Animatrix - "Final Flight of the Osiris" (this short sets the plot of the sequels in motion) *The remaining shorts are optional to watch, and vary in quality, but offer unique perspectives of the matrix from ancillary characters. *If and when you watch the sequels, make sure you watch them back-to-back, because they were intended as one story told in two parts.


Bless you for all the times you sneezed in the video.

Jayson Phillips

Can't wait to see you react to part 2


A basic rundown: AI gained self determination and rebelled against humanity. Humans blocked out the sun (AI's primary source of energy) in an attempt to stop them. The AI's decided to use humans as their new energy source. The AI created a false reality (The Matrix) in order to keep the humans neurons active so they could farm the subsequent energy. The ''Agents'' are a security program created to police the Matrix from hackers/ unplugged infiltrators. ''The One'' can change the rules and reality of the Matrix; essentially the ultimate hacker or the guy who has the cheat codes to the video game.

Jimmy Crackcorn

I kept saying, "Oh ... this is going to blow yer mind." And, of course, it did. :) I felt the same as you after I watched in the theater in April 1999. I had little to no expectations of this film and it exploded my head ... many times over. I've watched it countless times and there is much left for you to glean via repeat watches. I got so frustrated when you'd talk during important moments of exposition! :) Of course you had know way of knowing ... but most every line is important in this one. You'll see when you watch it again. Also, if you can, check the philosopher's commentary with Cornell West and Ken Wilbur. *That* will truly, truly blow your mind. Also, their commentaries on the sequels The Matrix: Reloaded and Revolutions totally changed my opinion on them. Initially, I didn't enjoy them as much as The Matrix, but after listening to those two talk through it ... I was gobsmacked. The Wachowskis went way to philosophical and meta for general audiences in the sequels (including me) ... without some philosophical hand-holding. Check those out, too.


Also the Wachowski brothers are now the Wachowski sisters.


I do plan on watching the following films, but it may not be in perfect order as that depends on the polls :)


While Reloaded and Revolutions are not as good as The Matrix, I think you should still consider watching them. Considering when it came out, The Matrix Reloaded has some of the most incredible action ever filmed. I suspect after watching this one, you will be unable to stop.

Nicholas Sulikowski

Should you choose to watch the sequels, be sure to watch The Animatrix first. It's a collection of animated shorts that help flesh out the backstory of The Matrix Universe (like what exactly happened between humanity and machine-kind to lead to the Matrix, as seen in "The Second Renaissance" parts 1 and 2), while also introducing and expanding on themes of the universe, many of which are key in the sequels.


I second this. The Animatrix is legit, by far and away the best Hollywood movie tie-in made.

Matthew Periolat

Oh yeah, this movie has a VERY high Re-watch factor. Tons of fun and glad you enjoyed it. Thank you again for sharing reactions. Watching your reactions to the final fights, I found myself wishing to see you react to Die Hard, assuming you have not seen it yet. Perhaps another for the pile. Cannot wait for what is to come and to see what is next.

Allan Rumberger

It's so interesting watching this over 20 years later (holy shiiiit), knowing as we do now that the Wachowskis are both trans. The whole first act especially reads a lot differently now, with all the talk about leading two lives, the constant nagging feeling that you're not what you were told you are, etc. I believe that they've since stated that these themes were not a coincidence. Also, even 20 years later the lobby shootout scene is hard to watch. I'm sure you're too young to remember the Columbine school shooting incident. It's not this movie's fault that happened (just like it's not Marilyn Manson's fault), but still. I can't see this now without picturing those two kids in their trenchcoats, armed to the teeth, shooting up a school full of kids. The last thing that plays differently now is the red pill stuff. That terminology has since been co-opted by chuds in the alt right, much to the chagrin of the Wachowskis. It's too bad, really. Anyway, as for your reaction, it was great as usual. The only thing I'll say is if/when you watch it again, don't worry too much about the hows and whys of the sci-fi stuff. It doesn't really hold together logically. As sci-fi goes this movie is pretty bad, honestly, but it's a top-notch action-adventure and brilliantly directed. Also, it's one of the most iconic and influential films in my lifetime.


Great vid and congrats on 50k! If you like the world I’d recommend the sequels! Be sure to watch the animatrix!


*****SPOILERS***** The fact that those other two Agents at the end who saw Neo apparently destroy Agent Smith, just look at each other and run away, that tells me they are actually scared of 'dying'. In other words if the rules that apply to humans in the Matrix didn't apply to them, why would they run away? I may be wrong, but I'm of the opinion that AI's can only exist in the Matrix through human minds, when they do so they seem to be able to manipulate the Matrix so that they appear as (usually) Agents. And for much the same reason that a person plugged into the Matrix dies in real life when they die in the Matrix, so do AI's 'die' in real life when they 'die' as Agents in the Matrix. So when Trinity said 'Dodge this' and shot the Agent in the head, the AI behind that Agent also 'died'. As far as Agent Smith is concerned, I think he was able to somehow survive what Neo did because he's different somehow. Like The Oracle, The Keymaker and The Merovingian.


Actually, I gather they just call themselves The Wachoski's now. But these things seem subject to change nowadays, so who really knows. I don't mind calling anyone whatever they want generally, but what is certain is that my copy of The Matrix was directed by The Wachowski Brothers...I don't wish to live in '1984' with 'memory holes'


I do hope you either had your questions answered by Tyler or (as I'd have recommended) you simply left it a day and watched the whole movie again. Because, though some of your questions might have been left unanswered intentionally, I got the feeling that a great many of them actually were answered even before the halfway point in the movie...in other words, you really shouldn't have been as confused as you seemed to me. I'm not saying I wasn't confused the first time I saw it either, I'm sure I was, but now I've seen it multiple times. I think anyone should.

Robert Avila

I was really glad you watched this one. Definitely one of my all time favorite movies, and watching it with your reactions is like watching it with a fresh set of eyes. This could be my favorite reaction video. Congrats on the 50k. You deserve it.


Hey Natalie new patron here. I see its been mentioned before, but you should really watch avatar the last airbender at some point. Hopefully it gets voted on if you do another poll haha. But its honestly a god tier show that you wouldn't regret if you watched it.

Chaz Mannington

Do you mean the M Night Shamalan film that was almost universally panned by fans and critics alike?


hey Nat, I knew youd love it! this was probably your best reaction so far, which is fitting hitting the 50k congrats!


I see people suggesting not to watch the sequels. You should absolutely watch the sequels.


Haha definitely a little less confused after having watched it multiple times while editing! :)


Don’t watch the 3rd movie


The part of Morpheus’ glasses you are referring to, by the way, is the “temple.”

Paul C

Hi Natalie. Love your reaction videos. If I may make a suggestion(s) for future movies: 5th Element, Equilibrium (B rated Sci-Fi with Christian Bale - sort of Fahrenheit 451 vibe), and maybe Blade Runner; The first one and the new Blade Runner 2049.


Great video as always. I think you screamed more/longer in this than Alien haha

Chris (darkwater)

"processing a lot" at the end of this movie is pretty much how most of us felt walking out of the theatre.. hehe :)


I saw it in 1999 and I'm still processing.

Garren Haskell

Yes! You just made my evening.

Chris Lane- Venturi 3D

I love The Matrix and glad it won the poll and of course, glad you really enjoyed it. To me, it's as thought provoking as it is good action throughout. I don't mind the sequels...there are some amazing scenes and more telling of the story in them, but also some scenes that are a bit more corny....I still think they're worth watching overall.

David of the North

Ooooo, I've been waiting for this. Gonna watch it in two parts. One of my fave films to revisit. The sequels are lesser than the original, but I'd still be curious to hear your views.

Mister Lou

That was a great reaction! Hope you watch the other two and Cloud Atlas is another great movie by the same two Directors, I highly recommend.

Frank Rosales

The Animatrix gives a bit more insight on what happened with the world as well as some interesting stories.


You mentioned needing time to process your thoughts. Have you considered a video where you revisit these and you had time to process? I would watch.

Chaz Mannington

If nothing else, The Matrix provided two things: bullet time, and a major bump to Ray Ban sunglasses


As always, THE BEST REACTIONS. This was my first R-Rated film when I was a kid! Congrats on 50k Nat I hope this Chanel keeps growing and growing!


Fun fact: originally humans weren't supposed to be batteries, but living memory/ hard drives/ processing power.

Armchair Wizard

That would make more sense considering that there would be more efficient methods of generating heat than a human farm.

Armchair Wizard

Natalie, I'm a new patron, and I really love your film (and hopefully soon television) reactions. You have an interesting style where you keep it light with your great sense of humor, but you still pay attention. Which some reactors don't do!


If you liked the Matrix, consider V for Vendetta for a future viewing, especially considering today's political climate.


Yup V for Vendetta amazing film

Rory Christopher

The Matrix has become something of a rallying cry to the Trans community - with the Wachowskis confirming that its narrative is clearly a trans allegory. There are really too many ways it is to name - but the whole notion of humans assuming new names after escaping the Matrix, and Smith constantly calling Neo Mr. Anderson (effecively deadnaming him) are obvious examples. The character of Switch was actually intended to be played by a man in the real world and a woman in the Matrix, to underscore this.


Would love for you to continue with these films, but as others say, probably Animatrix first, just to flesh out some of the story in the sequels. Last Flight of the Osiris is particularly helpful before Matrix Reloaded, as well as the Renaissance ones, but all are good in establishing some rules and characters. Other Wachowski movies are great too. Cloud Atlas would be a great reaction (long, cerebral, and filled with great performances), Sense8 would probably be a bit too r rated for you, but could be a good patreon only thing or something and I think the story would speak to you particularly well if you want a short series (2 8 episode seasons and a movie). Speed Racer is a lot of fun too, not in a particularly good way, but great cheese factor.


I joined your Patreon to your full reaction to the movie. Can't believe it's been 20 years since this movie was released. Now, unlike many people here, I didn't watch it when it first came out. I was pretty young then but I did watch it when I was a teenager and was obsessed with it. I looked into the philosophy, the character backgrounds, played games based on the films, and much more. Can't wait to see you react to Reloaded and Revolutions.

Robert Rivers

Doesn’t like downloads now either.


Great Reaction, do you gonna whatch Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions?

Lucifer Moon

could you please do the sequels to the matrix


Would love reactions to the other two films before the forth is out.

Vince Ledezma

Ok I'll be the thousandth person to ask if you can react to the Matrix sequels


One thousand and first person to ask you to do the Matrix sequels!


I wish to add another to that previous comment as I would love to see your reaction to all the sequels including the latest.