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Hi guys!

Thank you so much for putting up with the delay in getting this video out. I hope you enjoy! Keep in mind, for syncing this up, I'm watching the theatrical release (not the extended). I honestly rented this before I remembered there was an extended edition :P sorry! 

Once again, thank you so much for your support here on Patreon. It means so much to me. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and until next time, stay golden! 

UNLISTED LINK: https://youtu.be/p6Wfh0FrUWE 

Original Movie: Aliens 

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. All rights belong to their respective owners.


Raymond DeGraw

Disappointing no Special Edition... I wouldn't be watching... 🙁

Allan Rumberger

I'm happy it's the theatrical version! Thank you! IMO the vast majority of films you react to should be the most commonly available versions unless there's a compelling reason to do otherwise (such as LOTR).


Your videos always cheer me up. So, thanks for that! 😁


The first time I watched this movie was with my Uncle when I was about 15 maybe 16. Funny thing was I saw this one before I saw Alien.

Matt O'Keefe

Who's worse in your opinion Natalie?-Burke in this or Wormtongue in LOTR


Damn....I have the movie, but it's the special edition. Here's hoping the syncing isn't too much of a nightmare

Michael G. Munz

Good thing you weren't watching The Fly. :D


LOL. Your awesome reactions were as fun as the movie.


I actually enjoy the videos more without the mic attached to your shirt. It sounds more normal to

Jack the Narrator

I wanted to point out about the huge guns that Vasquez & Burke were carrying in the 1st half of the movie were not being carried just off their strength alone. They have these special gimble rigs on their waists to help take on the weight as well as keep a steady aim on their targets.** Based on how you responded to the first two films in this series you may not want to watch ALIEN 3 because it's a much more depressing and grim film when following up to this one. If you do ever watch it though, I implore you to watch the special edition version because I can all but guarantee the theatrical version will not be satisfying. ALIEN RESURRECTION is an entirely different beast (personally I like it, but I'm in the minority). It's a lot quirkier and gorier than the other films. I do highly recommend the prequel PROMETHEUS to watch in the future. It has it's haters but it tells a very different story that expands the world-building mythos around the alien species.** I'm sure over the next few days you'll have plenty of people pointing out all the additional material that the Special edition cut of ALIENS featured so I won't go into the details here, but I did want to point out based on what you said at the end of the video about not being able to find the extended cut of this movie on Amazon. I recommend the site VUDU. They offer a outstanding digital library of films as well as the option to rent/buy the theatrical or extended versions of a particular film as well as excellent discounts for franchise series collections. Another alternative is DVD/Blu-ray which I'd assume your PC/Laptop would have a drive in it to play. But anywho, thanks again for your entertaining and endearing reactions. Can't wait to see what's coming up next.


Trust me, you want this to be how it ends for Ripley

Robert Avila

This is the first full reaction video I've seen where I was watching the movie along with you. First of all, great movie! Seen it so many times, but not in a while. As usual, I love your reactions. I started watching your YouTube videos with the Star Wars movies (which I've seen a million times, and often). I rewatched LotR before seeing your reactions. I will definitely be watching right along with you from now on. 😎👍💖


Sad. I only have the extended laserdisc set


Such a fantastic reaction as always Nat. About the special edition vs theatrical I have to agree with Allan Rumberger, at the end of of the day there ARE ways and means to watch along even if you only own the special edition, c'mon guys! About the mic/no mic decision. If loads of people did complain about this in your alien reaction then I guess you ought to take that into consideration, but I didn't have a problem! I'm not going to say I like to hear girls scream (lol) but if it's an honest reaction, well that's what we're here for right. But all kidding aside, I did find that when I was watching along with my soundtrack to Aliens at normal, I had to tone that down in order to hear you. But maybe that's just me, just if I were to choose, it'd be with the mic. And I agree Burke is a piece of shit, at least Wormtongue had the excuse of being spiritually manipulated by Sauron, Burk was just evil because of his own greed. I would suggest you put polls up for films to watch, democracy is best and you don't really want to trawl through dozens of comments tallying up suggestions...maybe do it in two steps, ask us what movies we want, then pick the top ten and put it to a poll. Though you'd probably end up with multiple suggestions per person so what I'd do is stipulate that everyone has to only suggest ONE movie lol, I don't know this is hard, so many great movies, so many great era's!


You should watch The Great Escape. The added bonus for this movie is that, even though it's such a classic and well loved movie, there are no reactions to it at all! Tonnes of reviews, but no reactions. Be the 1st!!!


To bad the Alien Franchise ended with Aliens. *wink wink* Dont watch the Sequels.


oh my, you were so stressed lol. great reaction


A great reaction, well worth the wait

Reggie Clark

Another title for this reaction could be: Nat Goes Bug Hunting.


The rapid-fire roasting of the characters who kept botching everything was priceless.


I agree! Much more useful for people trying to follow along. Most LOTRs fans will have the extended but for Aliens it's less common - so this was perfect.

Marcus Jeter

Really great reaction! "The Company" does have a name. It's Weyland-Yutani. They don't say it , but it shows up on some of the computer terminals and the logo can be seen on various items. The name becomes Weyland Industries in Prometheus and Alien Covenant.

Erik Lundmark

Just fyi the Special Edition came out in 1992. The most important diff. imo are the scenes in the first act when Ripley finds out about her daughter. It gives her more character. Theatrical: 137 min Special Edition: 154 min

Logan Sandoval

Worst jump scare: when you slapped the fly on the table, geeezo I jumped so hard hahaha!

Sam Kimpton

Aliens was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. I had the issue of MAD Magazine which featured a parody of Aliens, and the only thing I really remember about it was that Hudson was drawn as a chicken. I mean a literal chicken wearing armor and a helmet.

Anakin Starkiller

" Get away from her you bitch " 😂😂😂


Good Lord, Natalie, I swear this was the best reaction to a movie I've ever seen (and I've watched a lot of these things). Aliens is my most-watched movie of all time and still one of my favourites, even after all these years, and you got every single beat that makes it so great exactly the way you're supposed to. Your reaction is priceless, but I had to come here immediately and pay at least something for this. You're a treasure trove of lovely, honest, and heart-felt emotions.


Haha the worst possible scene to skip recording! Nvm, it happens!

Anakin Starkiller

I saw her up close the Alien Queen. Yeah she's that big and even more detailed. She was beautiful up close. But she was huge.

Anakin Starkiller

You really got into this one but they change vastly after this one Alien 3 is much more grounded.


I'm curious, Natalie. Where did you get that copy? It's not the extended edition, and it won't sync up with the theatrical release on HBO.


I've seen Alien 3 once. I don't consider it canon because that's my choice as a fan. lol You learn some cool stuff on the commentary, like that the actor who played Apone was actually former military, and was able to utilize his calm under pressure when an actual fire broke out in the armored car the crew drives to the colony compound. Everybody was freaking out, but he took charge and got everyone out safely. What irritates me about movies made now is how writers and directors are always talking about how action/sci-fi films have always lacked a strong, female character and that needs to be fixed, but Ripley and Vasquez (among others) are completely in line with that. What I (and so many others) love about Ripley is that she's just a normal woman who is very relatable, but she is brave and can kick ass when the need arises. Caring, compassionate, and badass. The total package.


It's the theatrical release that I rented on Amazon prime so it should be the same as the theatrical release on HBO

Doug Willour

Definitely agree on Alien 3, both with the recommendation of calling the series here and the Directors Cut. Also 100% agree with Resurrection. It's definitely not popular with alot of people, but I enjoy it still.

Doug Willour

Great reaction as always. A couple fun trivia pieces for everyone's enjoyment. Newt kept messing up her scene falling down the vent slide because it was fun to go down the slide. Hudson's line about Vasquez thinking they meant illegal aliens during their briefing was a fun poke at the actress. For the auditions, she showed up looking like an immigrant thinking it was about people coming to America. Cameron had her return for that role in Titanic.


So excited to watch this tonight. It’s my Friday


Two thoughts for things Natalie can watch, interested to see what y'all think: more Mel Brooks films I know Spaceballs wasn't her favorite but they're good light hearted fun. And the El Mariachi series (Antonio Banderas in his prime)


Natalie, if it's not too late, please don't watch the sequels. It may not be too late for this to be the end of this story for you! I mean it. 🙂 It's too late for me. 😂


I saw the real puppet they used at an exhibit once. Practical effects, right? It was amazing and terrifying.


The reason why Hicks was telling her to ease the throttle down on the vehicle rather than getting as far away as possible was that he was saying that she had broken the transmission and her revs were 'just grinding metal'. 🙂 That weapon Hicks gave Ripley was a bit excessive. Automatic rifle, flamethrower and grenade launcher in one unit. 🤣 Burke was well cast because Paul Reiser ordinary does play 'OK guys', so it was kind of a surprise!


I may be in the minority here but I’m glad Natalie watched the theatrical cut. The pacing is better, our first introduction to Newt is better and the queen reveal is better. To be fair, being such a big fan of this movie, I enjoy the extra scenes from the special edition but I’m fine seeing them just as deleted scenes. Two of them are very good and add some extra character development that are worth a watch (check them out on YouTube), but the rest is extra exposition that I don’t think the film needs.


I do prefer the theatrical cut, but the special edition did grow on me.


I highly recommend checking out the deleted scenes on Youtube if you can find them. They'll blow your mind. One in particular makes the relationship between Ripley and Newt much more impactful. For some reason, James Cameron loves removing huge, important scenes from his movies. He does the same thing with Terminator 2. Here, this is the most important one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPItoMfPHLQ


Hi Nat! New Patron :) long time Alien lover lol i really hope you watch Alien 3 and Resurrection in the future to complete the original Quardrilogy ☺☺ dont let others stop your first time watching with their own opinions, they should all be viewed at least once ☺

Thomas Malley

They both have redeemable qualities and I’d say that Alien 3 is a genuinely good movie. It’s just more of a prison drama with horror elements.


I've never seen the movie so I'm looking forward to reacting along side with you. Maybe I should make a react video reacting alongside with you? hmmm nahh


WHich version is this? The director's cut?


This one was GREAT. I'm so glad you found this one, and got so much out of it. You handled the ten minute accidental rewatch well. I have two suggestions: 1. I hope you watch Die Hard for Christmas (my personal tradition), and 2, I'd recommend you not check to see how much a movie has left: it's not something you'd know while watching in a theater and it can spoil where you are in the story. Nice job!

Joe Blankenship

Hey Natalie. I just signed up yesterday and this was my first watch along with you. It was really fun. I love how emotionally invested you get. It was much more enjoyable than rewatching Aliens by myself. $5 well spent. Looking forward to watching more movies with you.

Jerry Gomez

Great reaction. I was going to asked why it was covered up, but I forgot you do that.

John Graziano

Such a great movie. It's just too bad they made absolutely no sequels whatsoever. Yep, no sequels. Just take my word for it. Don't check google.

John Graziano

Also, great choice of the theatrical release. The Special Edition adds a lot of needless cruft that really throws off the pacing.


Aww you didn't watch the Directors Cut version. The extra scenes were the best. Loved it.


I bought the 9-disc Quadrilogy set back in '98 or '99 so I have all the editions of each movie (Wait... there are only two movies ;p ). It also has way more special features than I ever need to watch and 22 years later have only watched the extra stuff for the 1st 2 movies (Wait... there ARE only two... ;p ).


So it's two years later... Time to break out Aliens 3.