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Enjoyed this one a lot! I always love getting some fun backstory on a good character.

Hope you enjoy watching this with me! As always, thank you for your support here on Patreon. Until the next one, take care and stay golden :)

LINK: https://youtu.be/qdQuG3FxzFc

Original Series: Fallout



The clean shiny look is something only in the 4th game but it really does complement its gallows humor well haha. I still love the grittier look of 3 and New Vegas though, it’s cool seeing the differences in visual tone over the years.

Jameson Yates

The Fallout Universe is an alternate future where Atomic Power took off so the 50s aesthetic never changed. The bombs falling in the first episode was in 2077. The cold war never really ended, but the "enemy communists" were Chinese, not Soviet.

Troy B.

Oh my gosh, the "Maybe" song from the first Fallout game! I love the number of Easter Eggs that also nicely fits the show's ambience. I also liked the "negative karma" sound that played from the games when Maximus was lying to HQ.