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Hi folks!

Hope you all had a great weekend. It's time to dive deeper into this fun show! Really curious about everything that will be uncovered during this season.

Here is this week's schedule, for those who are curious:
MON: Fallout S1E2
TUE: Fallout S1E3
THU: Atlantis: The Lost Empire
(this is a collab with a friend you haven't met before!) 
FRI: Memento

As always, thank you for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one, take care and stay golden :)

LINK: https://youtu.be/LzQTqi8_fBA

Original Series: Fallout


Logan Kerlee

It makes me feel so happy that you're enjoying this show so much Natalie! :) This here is my top fave new show. It's strange that you're completely in the dark, with this show. I played Fallout 3 back when it was new, along with each of the other games in the series since that time. If you're open to gaming at all, I'd totally suggest that you give one of the three newer games a shot - Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas or Fallout 4. lmao, great reference to a golf caddie! HA! You got it. :) The CRAM/SPAM bit. :) That's a Yao Guai, not a bear. In the games a pistol shot would NOT kill the beast. Basically the same thing but Yao Guai are mutated bears that are incredibly durable and strong. Scary stuff! lol, if I ran into that dude in game, chances are I'd kill him so I could loot all of his things. hahahaha, I was laughing so much when dude's face was full of joy/surprise after he ignited the gauntlets! :) That made me happy. It was a nuka cola. I have a bobblehead! I got it from a lunchbox dealio thing that I bought with Fallout 3 ages ago. Overall, I enjoyed watching this with you quite a bit! I've already watched the entire thing but I'm happy to rewatch the show with ya on here. :)

Troy B.

So much of the production design of this show makes me happy. Though now I want to see her play one of the Bethseda fallout games (maybe Fallout: New Vegas) and nitpick all the weird incongruities, like dishes that have survived 200 years. =D

Yani Dodge

Finally getting around to watching these reactions, but all I can see when I look at the doctor and the dog is Person of Interest :P Anyone else?