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what was it i said earlier this month? should only be a short break? well... 

in all seriousness, ive actually been chipping away at a bunch of stuff im very much excited to show you guys, most of it frustratingly close to being done but just a liiiittle bit off the horizon! biting to get this stuff to get out ASAP.

this meg drawing was actually super impromptu, i just saw her cuteass outfit on my timeline a day or so back and kinda ran wild with it! was tempted to draw maple or pear in it but frankly, ive been drawing those two enough lately.

anyways, i dont like to usually post previews of stuff, usually because its not uncommon for me to scrap stuff or change it a lot until the very last moment, but rather than leave you guys totally in the dark in regards to any upcoming stuff here's some actual previews of current pinup material im like 90% sure should be out pretty soon! you can probably guess who is who...

hoping to show you guys more of this stuff actually done shortly!



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