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tl;dr: updated pc, went super smoothly but missing a few parts to run optimally, they're coming ASAP, enjoy horny pencil and paper in the brief interim.

hey everyone, just a quick update from myself as we head into the halfway point for the year- i've very recently gone about updating a few parts of my PC that i've been meaning to get to since early 2020 (you might be able to guess what parts were hard to get ahold of at the time...). 

the good news! the process went very smoothly and there's no actual issues at play. the bad news! i was today years old when i found out what a "displayport" port is and as a result im not currently running my optimal setup for drawing digitally. ive got my ipad as a proper backup if needed but the disruption with my main setup should only be for another 1-2 days at most. i tend to produce my best work right here at my desk so id rather bite the bullet and take the brief downtime to come back swinging 

thankfully i have the necessary extra parts on the way very shortly and barring any major issues should be back up and running as usual ASAP. in the meantime, ive been getting back into some more traditional doodles and this situation has given me a good excuse to draw this little maple/pear thing, which is definitely just a funny/horny joke on the situation and certainly isn't reflective of any canon scenarios the two would find themselves in.

i wouldnt usually make such a suggestive post available for everyone, but given this has turned into a pretty word-y update, consider it a bunch of infodump paragraphs with a sexy advert to catch your attention. and speaking of suggestive, i hope to get to the existing pinup backlog that i continue to slooowly get back on pace with relatively soon! just an fyi, ive got one or two unrelated art projects ive been putting off, so there's a decent chance i might be a little quiet for the start of this month just to give them some required attention. there's a lot more to come regardless and id like to extend a continued thanks for, amongst the continued general support, giving me a constant list of topics and characters to work with.

lastly, if you've made it this far, i'd also be curious to ask if you guys would want to see more sketch stuff like this down the line? obviously the patreon is meant for at least partially behind the scenes type stuff like this, but as you've probably noticed i tend to only upload pretty cleaned up work about 95% of the time. would love to hear any thoughts or opinions you guys have! thanks again and i'll be seeing you all shortly.




Yeah, I'm okay with this kind of content later down the line.