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Wow, an actual serious poll for once?

  • Release patch as planned on the 11'th of this month (Febuary), and then this remaining content during march 357
  • Release it with the next release in April 122
  • 2024-02-01
  • 479 votes
{'title': 'Wow, an actual serious poll for once?', 'choices': [{'text': " Release patch as planned on the 11'th of this month (Febuary), and then this remaining content during march", 'votes': 357}, {'text': 'Release it with the next release in April', 'votes': 122}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 1, 13, 11, 40, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 479}


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Sup everyone? It's me.

You might be wondering where I have been, and the truth is I've just been working on the game... More than usual. 

First, I need to explain about this patch. Basically, Muplur (my artist) and I made a new deal, which about doubles my image count for a patch. This is the first patch where this is in effect. I hadn't really planned for this, so instead of adding more images to what was already planned, I planned out a few new events, plus one massive event that holds about half the images of this patch.

If you're smarter than me, you'd realize that that sounds like a lot of work, and yeah... It is ^^' Too much. I missed.

So, I finally decided that instead of making what is essentially a double patch with a massive delay (Would likely be about 2 weeks delay, maybe even go into next month), I will release the regular patch which is the same size as it has always been, on the 11'th of this month.


Then the question becomes, what do I do with the rest? I mean, I planned it and I'll make it as planned before starting the next stuff.

The only 2 real options is...

1) Release patch as planned on the 11'th of this month (February), and then this remaining content during march

2) Release it with the next release in April

Frankly I personally prefer 1 cause it's closer to when I created it, and it gives 3 months of new content in a row (Febuary, March, April). But I talked to my friend about it and decided that it should come down to a vote.

Tl;dr: Patch too big. I no like delay. What do with extra stuff?


Creepy Killer

I would say release it on the 11th/3 month period so that we still get content and your not overworking youself to deliver because bundling 2 patches plus bug fixes and new events sounds likeba lot


Where is the third option?


Haha, yeah, seems like 3/4 share your opinion. It's probably what's gonna happen from how the results seem to be. Yes, its a lot ^^' far too much in fact for just one person. I did suspect that at the start, but I still underestimated how it would be.