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What up everyone? It's late as hell, cause I've been doing stuff the entire day and then I forgot I had to make an update. Sometimes I wish my waking hours weren't 11 am to 4 pm.

Anyways, eh... Work on the game is going well. I am worried for my artist though ^^' The sheer amount of stuff he is drawing for this is... Rough. To be clear, he suggested it. Not me.

Last time I had a vote for how I should be adding some sort of magazine so I can put in pictures of girls from other series (probably mostly cartoon network, nickelodeon and such shows), and it turned out that most of you just want to vote and have the winner go in after that. So that is gonna be pretty fun. I'm not sure how often I'll have those, but I'll probably do it at least once a month, cause you people love voting on things.

Here, if you're interested in seeing the results https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-excessive-96878587 

I think this might have been the most I've worked on a patch tbh. Usually I backload most of the work, but I've been pretty consistent this time. Might also be because it has a dumb amount of stuff to make - who knows. I still believe it's on track and good to go early-ish next month, but I'll be holding off with giving an actual release date right now.

Anyways, eh... I think I got distracted this time and I don't wanna make this much longer, so for now, just know things are going well and stuff.
Also I might quit my other job due to changes I don't like, so there's that.

So, see you soon. I have more shit to say, so it will just be 3-ish days this time.

- Leory

ps: Do I need to make more images that showcases abs?



Tom Ristenbieter

oh is this foresight for a threesome?

Mikkel frost møller

If you make pics from other series appear i hope that one of the first ones will be desiree from Danny phanthom(sorry if i spelled it wrong)


No clue xD In any case, it would be a vote, so even if she was in there she might not win