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Eyyo what up everyone? It's me again, the guy on the internet!

How have you all been doing? As you may have seen from the title, I've been doing bad -_- I got sick from some extremely aggresive cold. I'm not kidding when I say 1/3'rd of my entire workplace was sick at the same time - and I decided to join them apparently. Luckily my immune system is on crack and I got most of it done in a single day, but sheesh...

Anyways, eeeh... Game. It's still going well. I'm confused about the amount of stuff I have left to do, cause it seems like a lot but at the same time it doesn't FEEL like a lot? I'm not entirely sure. I've counted the amount of things I try to do and it should match last patch, but somehow it seems like I'm quicker at getting there... Granted, the whole Kim mission took me like an entire week just cause of how much crap I had to make sure of and how long it was. Sometimes I'm unsure if I'm just overthinking everything.

Drawings are going well. All the sketches should be done tomorrow I'm told. There are some great images this time around. I've finally got to make some smaller events on top of the big stuff, so its a bit more varried this time. Will it turn out to be better for a single patch? I dunno. Maybe? Need to try it.

Next patch after is also gonna be interesting cause its gonna have way more drawigns but less stuff like variations in the pictures. Im interested in how that is gonna turn out... Hopefully gold or I'll have some thinking to do.

Anyways, thats all for now

- Leroy



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