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Eyyo what up everybody? I'm back and I got the results from that poll thingamajig I held

I gotta say, not really a surprise for me. I did sorta expect Kim's lust route to win, but I was interested in seeing by how much or maybe if I was wrong. I wasn't.

So anyways, what can we conclude? Well, that you're all fucking degenerates in one way or another, but given what kinda game this is, who is surprised?

So anyways, ill explain it again... this means that for the future, the next kim stuff is gonna be her non-romantic route. This doesnt mean ill finish the entire storyline, just that quest and then probably do the romantic counterpart after.

None of this will be in the next patch, cause like... how fast do you think I am? It will start in patch 14. Monique does have content in this one, but those are to introduce sidequests (which werent supposed to be part of the questlog last update, but was by mistake, and bugged even... oops ^^`)

Well, eh.... game is going well. Im on track i think. If not ill just work myself to death the few days leading up to the release.

Thats all i got for now :D Kinda onetracked, but whatever... These are so frequent anyways.  See ya in a few days

- Leroy





Yoo nice, I know this might cause some ruffles but ya liked both as GF about equally(would have preferred Kim but aight), but maybe we are Kim’s like awakening and to keep her involved with like adult content but stay faithful to Monique, Kim could date or play the field, maybe give a villain or Ron a second chance lol


Be proud to die while working


Im almost sure people would crucify me for making sharing content with kim xD