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Sup everyone, how are you?

I'm pretty good. I've been working a whole bunch on the new patch.

And I'm telling you, its way bigger than I think it should be ^^' It's a bit concerning. After writing the actual storypoints, it just kept growing and growing and growing. Turns out this patch is just setting up a lot of stuff.

So, what will actually be in this patch?

Well, Kim's second patch - the lust route - is going to be trying to catch up with where her love route is. After that's done, they will merge into a single end for both questlines, where I'll focus double the attention and resources. That might take a bit, but its getting there.

You can finally tell Monique what you think of her, whether she is girlfriend material or not. It actually turned out really well, so look forward to it :D

Tara is starting some new stuff. We can't just have her running aimlessly around after all. The question is just, what exactly is the conflict with Tara? She learned how to behave herself, right? So what's actually the current goal with her? Hmmm... Maybe it's time to just give her what she begs for without fighting?

Shego is also getting her next phase set up. The goal there is to get her trained enough that she wont try to run away. Shego has a lot of stuff going on currently. Honestly, I wish I had much more time with her and more pictures, cause she just has so many misc things I want to add (Sleepy stuff, maid stuff, training stuff, random stuff) ^^'

That leaves Ann and Bonnie....

Okay, next topic.

How does the release date look?

Well, unsurprisingly I'm aiming for the end of this here month. If everything goes well, then it will be the 28'th. But I wont promise anything yet, since stuff can always happen.

How's dem drawings?

I've sent all the drawings to Muplur now, and he is finding references for all the things I described but didn't find references for. I'm trying my best, but ^^' References are hard man. You know what you want as a picture, but google is just too fucking basic to give you what you're searching for.

When is this game planning to end?

Okay, this is a bit random, but I've gotten a lot of questions like:

Will the game end when you've screwed each girl?

Is the game close to ending now that we are on patch 0.9 already?

Other stuff like that which I can't remember.

The answer to that is that... No. We aren't done. Not even close. Dude, you think I'd make a game that was such a slow burn and then just stop when it finally paid off? I have like 10 side quests for each charcater in my head on top of multiple things for each girl as a main storyline after giving them the dick.

If I had to quantify how far the game is, I'd say its like... 15% done at best. Cause I tend to add stuff just cause I think it's good to add. Like, when this game is done its going to actually be utilizing the sandbox elements (Which, is actually really hard when you don't randomly generate content or have a massive team to handplace stuff)

So anyways, that's it for now. Pretty basic, but eh.

I do however, have another thing I quickly wanna mention

I've started doing some comics (as an author/editor/writer thing?? Basically I come with ideas and point out mistakes) together with a friend. It's pretty cool.


It's on her Patreon cause I'm not the main... Workforce? Idk, she does the majority so obviously.

I'm probably gonna make a promo for it when we have completed a few comics, but currently we are around the last part of the first big comic.

Check it out and give the page a follow to get the public versions of the comic, cause it got some absolutely NICE tiddies drawn (One of the reasons I decided to work with her is her skills at drawing those)

Ps: before anyone thinks im switching focus... I basically spend like 40 minutes on it every day or two. All other time is still going to PP, so theres nothing lost ^^ Being an idea guy for comics is not all that demanding.

Oh, and a discord link to there cause I like making discords. I have 3 :D

Anyways, that's all for now. Jesus this is long.

- Leroy

I didn't have time to make a new image for this post ^^' I barely found time to WRITE this post



Nico Kesterson

The fact that this game will be huge and that you are putting so much effort into it to make it as good as possible is really good to hear more than anything I love a good story and your commitment to creating one is why I'm still a patron


I like it best myself when a game is as big as possible without dragging it out. Its just more fun than speedrunning through it - and i believe most people think so too. As for effort, thats kinda just what it takes :p As long as the game is growing its also worth my time in more ways than creatively. Thanks for sticking around ^^


Will we get notified when the update releases?