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What do you like best?

  • Focus on 1-2 girls for the patch and use leftover space for others 321
  • Try to split it content evenly between all the chosen girls 40
  • Tbh don't care 39
  • 2023-04-23
  • 400 votes
{'title': 'What do you like best? ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Focus on 1-2 girls for the patch and use leftover space for others', 'votes': 321}, {'text': 'Try to split it content evenly between all the chosen girls', 'votes': 40}, {'text': "Tbh don't care", 'votes': 39}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 23, 17, 40, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 400}


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Ey yo, it's me again.

I was wondering, what kind of patches do you all like the best? with 6 girls, it's basically impossible (Not basically, its literally impossible) to fit all of them into a patch with decent content.

But still, at least 4 girls tend to get something each patch. Sometimes 5.

Then it's more of a question of how to split it. Do I have 1 that gets like 50% of the patch? another that gets 30% and then the last two just gets 10% each?
Or would it be better to try and stick to giving less pr character but spreading it out over more of them? So everyone in the patch would get around the same?

But that left me with the question of... What do people actually prefer?

Mind you, regardless of the results of this poll, some patches are going to be with heavy focus on one character (There's an upcoming patch with Kim where... Oh boy, that's a lot of Kim), while others are a bit more varied... Unless one option is seriously hated.

So, answer the poll and feed my poll addiction.

Also, the game is now out for public! But you probably knew that if you made it here. Check my account to find it

- Leroy


Juraks (No Credits)

You do you dude. Personally I'd keep the focus to one team of 3 per patch tops with it always rotating who the main two are that get the majority of the content. As you split things off this will inevitably make a longer rotation before the same exact line gets more content again. But with so many choices and potential tie ins it is a great way to get development around to everyone. At least until you can bring in more artists or something match or increase your workflow. But as I said, you do you. I just enjoy large lengthy patches regardless of who it touches... and where.


Yeah, you aren't wrong ^^' Sometimes I'm just interested in the common consensus. With that said, some patches are inevitably going to be more spread out and some are going to be more focused. The question is always just of who xD