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Hey everyone, how are you? Good? Good.

So, I felt like writing one of these. You know how it goes.

What's status on the game? Well, it's going well. The writing is all done. I've been spending time placing the dolls lately. After doing it for so long, I'm like 4 times faster. It's getting to the point where I can see the posing entirely from the code and without having the game running to check.

Drawings are going well too. They should be done in a few days. This patch has far more than any other will likely have (for reasons I won't explain), so Muplur has been really busy with it. Honestly, it's pretty lucky they aren't all this big, or the update schedule wouldn't work ^^' It's also mentally taxing for me to think up places for so many drawings at once.

The picture here is a new title screen for promotions and stuff. It's not an actual game thing (at the moment). Previously I used the same picture as you see in the main menu, but it felt a bit scuffed (especially since Kim has an entirely different - very soft and cartoony - style, and that got some people mad). I'll still have that one on the main menu, but everywhere else will be changed to this one. I also gave Muplur full reign to do all kinds of lighting things to make it seem more like a promotional picture than simply any of the soon 200 pictures in the game.

When's da release date tho?
Oh yeah, about that. I'm aiming for release in about 2 weeks. 23-25 of this month. Then it will be release for 25$+ patrons, then 3 days later its release date for
15$, and then so on. That means public release is early next month... Perhaps exactly a month from today actually.

Then again, for those that didn't read it, we are switching update cadence to every 2 months, meaning that the next next update should be out in november/early December.

So what's actually in this patch?

About half of the patch is about Monique and Ann, but I had so many drawings to use that everyone actually got quite a bunch.

Shego especially took up a larger amount than I expected for this patch. What's great about her stuff, is that it's repeatable stuff. I mean, she is effectively a prisoner, so we need to be able to order her around. Slowly that's taking shape.

Let's see... What else...

A replay system has been created - and that was a fucking pain to do. But it works, and it's relatively easy now.

Outside of that... Cheats. Money cheat, of course, since that's requested. And honestly, if people don't want to earn money then they don't need to. You will probably still want to visit the workplace sometimes. There are quests and stuff there.

And a bunch of other things I've probably forgotten right now.

Anyways, I'm getting confused. I hope you're all having a good day.

- Leroy

Ps: Lol, Patreon didn't get mad at this drawing. I guess a butt is fine, but boobies are not (:-/)




im so hyped after seeing that pic, even if its not in-game rn, keep up the good work

Juraks (No Credits)

I think plenty of people want more reasons to grind out Bueno Nacho as it is already.


Same :p I want more work events with the girls too... Unfortunately they kinda have to follow the rest of the progression, so i cant just add to add.