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Hey everyone, how are you? Doing good? Great.

So... I've been saying that I have something important to say, and today was the day I felt like posting it.

First up: Release schedule is going to change.

Those of you that follow Muplur might know what's happening, but basically, after this patch is released, it's going to be every 2 months instead of every 3. For various reasons, 3 was the best we could do before, but now we are trying for 2. This also includes Muplurs game xix, which is one of the reasons.
You can also see in my goals that we have just reached the promise of 2 month between releases, so that's pretty good timing.

Release date for the next patch will be late next month - Which for those of you that - unlike me - passed 1'st grade, means that the next patch again will then be out in mid-late November.

Now you might be asking, why the heck are you releasing late in a month, isn't that kinda awkward? Yes it is, next question.... No, there is a good reason for that.
Release will now come earlier to you depending on tier. This means that 25 dollar tiers will get it 3 (or so) days before 15 dollar tiers, who gets it 3 days before 10 dollar tiers, and so on and so forth.
The reason for this change is that, as this game has grown to have several thousand people following it, I've started to feel bad that I can't in some form reward those that pledge. If I was the artist and could make a weekly pinup or something, I wouldn't mind the same. But I can't, and that's sorta bugging me. 

Ultimately, this means that between the public release and a new patron-release, there will be only about 1 and a half month... Which is half the time of what we ran on before. I'm going to be insanely busy, but something tells me it will be easy enough to manage.


So yeah... I'm not really going to talk about progress today. It's going, we're on track, nothing's wrong at the moment. As you can see on the drawing, some good stuff is being made.

Anyways, stay fresh. For those of you that haven't, pick a role in the discord so you get pinged when I do stuff ^^

- Leroy

Ps: dinosaur nuggets are technically made out of evolved dinosaurs.



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