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Hello there, how are you all?

Yes, it is finally time for me to start posting sketches.

On that topic, Muplur is great. Despite requesting like 20+ things at once, and even saying that's only the parts I've currently figured out for this next patch, he just goes ahead and draws them. With the quality he has, it always surprises me that he can also be so fast.

Anyways, how's progress? Tara's questline is in the making, and comically it's both the hardest and the easiest I've made. Reason is, Tara is very easy to write as that slutty type - yet at the same time, I have to also make sure to add more than just that to her personality... Even if being a slut is the defining characteristic. I have a bunch of smaller storylines planned for her, but the story has to progress to a stage where that makes sense to put in.

But, its progressing smoothly. I recently figured out an easier and better way to write branching stories, so for the future - since everything i make has to be branching for some fking reason - things should go quite a bit faster... Hopefully.

Anyhow, I don't really have anything specific to talk about today... I just wanted to say that more of my posts will have some art in them now, so that everyone can get a better feeling of how the game is progressing.

So... Cheers.

- Leroy

... Why did I censor her eyes? What was I thinking at 5 am?




> With the quality he has, it always surprises me that he can also be so fast. XD


Very nice can’t wait to hear more info on the game and hope you are having a great day.


Thanks, my day is great ^^ The hardest parts about these posts is to stop myself from oversharing xD