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Finally back. A day off schedule, but eh... I had some problems that took entire days to fix.

Anyways, the game... It's going well. I've been spending my time on writing Bonnie (and coding stuff). You see, she is a bit different than the rest, in that she has 2 unique quests based on if you're blackmailing her or not. And when i say unique, I mean entirely different everything. People always say they love branching, and this is as branched as it can possibly get.
On the topic of Bonnie, she is surprisingly enough the girl I've gotten the most amount of different suggestions on. Some people want to train her, some want to have her as a slave, some wanna find out why she is such a bitch and then help her, and some wanna love her - and then there are some more obscure ones.   I believe I'm doing everyone justice... At least as much as it's possible to. Don't worry though, this was always the plan. I'm not just changing stuff based on random comments.  

Next, I'm moving on to Kim. As you might have guessed, there are more missions than just the previous one with Kim. But since her last one was just an excuse to capture Shego, you can start betting on what will happen in this one. I personally believe it's really well written - at least the rough draft i made of it.  

Drawing wise, nothing has happened yet. Muplur is focusing on XIX, but he is very fast, so I don't worry that it will cause any delay for PP.  

The picture has some new stuff on the UI. Do not pay too much attention to them right now, it's something that's just there so I can click on them and design the system... And I actually already have. It's fully functional and equally ugly.  

Money is going to be a thing in the game now. That of course comes with the question: "Will there be a lot of grind", and the answer is.... No. I dislike this kind of grind, so there won't be "a lot"... After a while, there won't be any, but you will see what I mean.  

Anyways, I think that's all. I don't believe my next update should be delayed, so see you in a  few days. The next update is hopefully going to be a bit more coherent, cause this one was just me saying whatever i remembered at this current moment.  

Stay cool  

- Leroy

PS: I'm going to find a fix that lets you get pictures on the phone which you couldn't because of branching... Dunno if I said that last time.




Keep up the good work friend


Yes thanks for the heads up and can’t wait to play the new update and hope you are having a great day and weekend.


No problem man, I wanna do everything I can to keep people updated ^^ That's why I make these even when I don't have anything significant to show. I'm having a great weekend. Got a bunch of good news on top of eachother, which is super rare, but nice when it does happen. Hope your weekend and day is good too.


Thanks man, it's good people like it ^^ I hope you keep your work up too