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So, kinda vague title. What I was trying to ask is:

What are you looking forward to doing the most with your favorite character?
Ofc, you can also just answer what you look forward to doing with the girls in general.

I made a poll last month: https://www.patreon.com/posts/47788100 (feel free to join still if you haven't) Where i asked about who people looked forward to the most. Surprise surprise, Kim Possible was always on top. Who would have thought?

But that doesn't really answer what people are actually hoping for. So I thought... Why not? Polls are fun and it could be interesting to know.

It will be fun to see how many are interested in the more romantic aspect of them.

Feel free to "vote" in more places if you think that somehow fits how you're looking at the game.

Also the game is going great nothing to report. Gonna continue the girl tour i was doing next post.

- Leroy

PS: It's "my favorite girl" because I didnt want to make like... 20 entires.



Good to hear from you man and hope you had a wonderful birthday.


Thanks man ^^ Good to see you. My birthday was great. I got some furniture for my new place... Now I just need a bed... Lucky those things doesn't cost like 3k... Or something ^^' Anyhow, hope you're doing well :D