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Hey, I'm back again.

Before anyone asks, no, I do not currently have anywhere where you can slap Kim in the face... Currently.

Anyways, Kim. What's her deal in this game?
The main plot for her (as each girl has multiple storylines) is exactly what you're seeing here. Like in the show, Kim is a pretty proper girl who despite literally being a international super spy/hero, cannot get a boyfriend for more than 5 seconds that isn't Ron - And now they went back to being friends.

Kim has some problems with guys dumping her because she is "boring". What that means, you can guess, but at the very least she never felt compelled to fix it before. It's just that... It becomes a bit of a liability when she finds a guy she really wants to keep her hands on.

Can you guess where this is going? She really wants the player to not drop her the same way as other guys have, so she attempts to fix this bad habit. Whether that's through helping her directly as a "teacher", or letting her try on her own while you play oblivious is for you to decide.

The player character starts out as nice to her, and it's gonna be up to you if you wanna keep it that way to break it (later on). Why is that happening? Well, that's for when I reveal the MC... Some day. Ngl, I'm still not sure if I'm gonna reveal him or just let you all find out when the game is out... Hmmm...

Anyways, going off on a tangent.

I finally managed to stick to my "5 day schedule". Only took me 2 hours to write this (cause i accidentally opened youtube instead of patreon)

So, see you in like 5 days... Gonna be my birthday in 3 so that's like two good things in under a week!

Have fun

- Leroy




Happy early birthday and very excited for the game, hope you are having a good day.


Thanks dude ^^ My day is great. I was packing down so I can move at the end of the month. I hope your day is great as well!


No Birthday wishes for you until you reveal the MC :T