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Hey everyone, how's it going?

I love polls, and I wanted to make one for fun. This is probably the first poll anyone would expect me to make, but really, who doesn't want to see a popularity contest between the girls?

Work: Going really well. No major problems yet.

I just got all the drawings and such yesterday, so right now I'm spending the days putting in the characters and making them move. When that's done, I'm pretty sure I can release it unless i forgot something major.

Muplur has finally made it to the CGI's, which he has been looking forward to, and the few i saw - even as sketches - look great.

That's all really... But I mean, its better that things are just going well with no big news, rather than me telling you that I lost an arm to a drunk yeti on a mountainbike and therefore can't get done as fast.

Hope you're all doing well in the snow.

- Leroy


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