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Hello everyone, it's update time again.

I'm very excited to introduce: The real main character of the series. We all know Kim Possible was just Rofus and Co. But that didn't sound quite as good.

He represents the spirit of this game by being naked all the time. Something certain people should learn to follow.

Anyways, work is going as always. Until release, all that's left to do is just to put in the characters when they talk, make the CGI and make the remaining UI. It's getting really close by now. That said, I'm not looking forward to having to put in characters for multiple thousands of lines ^^' Usually I'd do it after "finishing" a chunk of the story, but this time I just gotta bite the bullet.

Anyhow, small update today. Nothing special. I hope you all enjoy the picture of Rofus, it is after all the first... Exposed picture to be posted here.

See you all in a few days with more updates. Stay cool.

- Leroy

NB: Rofus is not the main character of this game by some wtf logic, Muplur is really wanted me to show him off :p




I have many questions regarding Rufus, but I will keep them to myself xD