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Hey, how have you been?

Update time once again.

The work is going like it always has. So fast I need to spread out these posts or it would become straight up spam.

Writing-wise, the list of things I need to add is getting smaller and smaller. I'm now at the point where I add small bits here and there, that the player can fall over if they are in the right place at the right time. I've always personally been a big fan of games that had a lot of content outside of the main story.
Art-wise, it's also going great. The characters have quite a few moving parts and expressions, on top of there being a relatively large amount of characters. But that isn't stopping Muplur from finishing them at breakneck speed.

Ann:  I know some people have hoped for Kim's mom to be in the game, and the answer is that yes, she will be, and she will be the same kind of character as Kim or Bonnie Or the rest I reveal. On that note, anyone noticed the internet going crazy about the new 8 feet vampire mommy from the new Resident Evil? Let's hope she lives up to the expectations, though they would probably have to up the age rating to achieve that.

Lastly, each girl that's in the game is going to have different routes which changes their content later in the game. It's hard to give an example without giving spoilers, but a general theme for most of them, is that you - from their perspective - start out as a good guy. It's up to you to decide how much you want to play into that perception (Though, what this means varies from girl to girl).

That's all for now, have a good weekend.

- Leroy
