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Hey there.

In just the few days since the first post, a lot has happened. I got done with writing all the main parts of the first version of the game. There's still a bit extra to be written to make it all more fleshed out - and there are visuals to be put in when they are done.

The art is going great. My artist Muplur ( patreon.com/Muplur) somehow works 26 hours a day while still sleeping, so it gets done faster than anyone could reasonably expect.

Todays girl is Bonnie. Kim's rival and a total POS with a terrible attitude. However, that seems to attract people that wants to put her in her place. I won't spoil how, you can make your own scenarios.

When it comes to the story, one guy asked me something: "Who is the main character going to be? Ron? Or is it an original character?"
Well, it is neither. He exists in the original series, and you're welcome to try and guess who it is - although I'd be surprised if anyone guessed it correctly.

That is all for now. I mainly just want to show off the girls with these posts.
For those wondering, they will get different poses and expressions - although that should almost be standard for hand-drawn games nowadays.

- Leroy




Who doesn't want to teach Bonnie a lesson... ? ^^


I most certainly do. Old cartoons really had a way of making the most unlikeable (and hot) antagonists thats just not there anymore...