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As you may have noticed, not only is this comic page delayed, but it is both not yet technically finished and not even a Rag Tag page.

As with many people over the last couple years, things have been a bit tricky for myself with finances. During this time I relied more and more on the comic backlogs, with the intention of building them back up when work picked up enough to pay for it.

Regrettably a short while ago I caught COVID and it hammered me hard resulting in about two weeks of not being able to work. Due to being self employed this means that I received no income for that time, at a time when finances were very, very tight. I think you can guess how things went from there, and I have reached the banks limits.

Thankfully I've managed to keep myself from having to take drastic measures with the bank and am putting as much as I can to start slowly repaying the debt, but during this time my being too sick to make scripts or even communicate with Timor for a week combined with my inability to pay Timor (Who was incredible lenient with me!) due to the unexpected loss of half a months pay led to the comic pages running dry.

In short, as things currently stand I cannot afford to put the investment I use to into the comics.  As such, until the comic/YCH/Timor commission income is able to fully fund two pages a month, I regret to say we will have to cut back to a single page per month. In good months commission/YCH wise we may be in a position to upload two comics, but for now a single page per month will have to work, alternating between Rag Tag and Diplomatic Claim.

I'm going to look into other content that can be released which I can produce myself (such as short stories) to try to make up for this shortfall, and I must thank you supporters of the comics for keeping things going for as long as they have. Make no mistake, I'm certainly hoping to keep this up for as long as possible!

We should have the full page ready for you all within the next week and a half (Simply the new Springhare names when Timor is back at work in the new week!), hopefully sooner, and if there's any content types you'd like to see, I'm certainly open to the ideas!

Thank you for being patient with me on this matter, i'll b doing the best I can <3

