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Well 2023 is here! It's been a long year, and certainly one with ups and downs.

First of all, I must give my apologies. The end of 2022 had a number of problems when it came to the comics with two majors ones conspiring to cause this months comic to be delayed. 

The first issue being the economy hitting hard: Between losing about half my work and some other financial issues this year the backlog of the comics took a hit. Diplomatic Claim is fine, thankfully, but Rag Tag was down to basically no backlog by the end of the year with the intention to getting that backlog built up again at the end of December.

This was one of the major causes for Timor commissions and YCH slots to open, by the by. And they worked! Between the Timor commissions and the Patreon, we have just enough money for the comics to not bleed a Springhare dry! Honestly, it went better then hoped, thank you all! <3

However, disaster struck in December. Specifically computer issues. Timor's PC has been hit by some computer death. Again, thankfully, this issue was resolved (in mere days at that!), but sadly the downtime and time getting himself back up and running fully has caused the hopes of getting Decembers comic out on time to be dashed... let alone rebuilding backlogs before the end of the year.

This same issue is causing YCH slots to be delayed by a few days. I'll be sending separate notes to commissioners shortly to inform of a couple days or so delay in YCH slots.

That being said, things are surprisingly well going into 2023. Everything looks rocky and my own personal financial situation at this precise second has some worries, certainly, but the projects are in the right direction and all going well then with luck by the end of January things should be turning around in all directions.

So we will have a comic page for Rag Tag up... sometime soon(ish). Just... not today I'm afraid!  It's a bit of a shame too, as this page is the start of a new idea for comic presentation. This will not be page 33, but 32A. whenever there is something more strongly adult related in the comics who's display isn't directly tied to the plot, then we will have numbered sub-pages in order to give you some juicy, juicy action without hurrying things along with the plot! >;3 I won't say too much of what's going on here, but suffice to saay Aniplantae have some interesting abilities for the various vore traits that may have!

I hope the new year finds you all well, healthy, safe and feasted (or feasted on!). Hopefully 2023 will be a year of progress for us all! (famous last words!)




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