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So there was a vote and everything for what Game Over scene there should be for Page 25, and the Kapros won (check the last couple updates to see it!). 

However, both the Nestfoxes did get a number of votes, and I wanted to have a couple of these Game Overs so you all know what to expect from them more fully whenever they come around... so here is a little extra for you all, the Nestfox GAME OVER screen for Page 25! 

Once 'downed' by these adorable and mostly harmless critters, victims are usually kept stimulated enough to ensure they are too brain blasted to protest being used as a nesting ground for these adorable slinky, silk smooth and rounded edged foxies. the Nestfoxes will keep them like this for as long as possible, using them as a breeding ground and warren for their helpless selves to be safe within, while both feeding their victim with berries as well as often feeding from their victims chest.

The RAG better hope they are found by some more seasoned adventurers eventually!



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