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The research station was far too large for it's purpose. Created as something akin to both a habitat station and a refugee ship, it was designed to accommodate millions in somewhat reasonable conditions. Even when rooms were expanded, entire sections converted to science uses and updated technology shoehorned into it's vast array of empty spaces, the large void craft was more then half empty.

While as much effort as possible was made to ensure inhabited sections of the station were clustered together, and abandoned parts kept away, the truth was the inhabited part of the station was a honeycomb of lived-in areas and abandoned segments. Beyond that, the desolation was even more striking. Minimal life support for air, temperatures and so many of the former swimming pools left both in place and empty of water.

Cables ran across the entire structure without any care for if they were in abandoned parts of not. Pipeways and access tunnels threaded the craft to ensure it's operation and services even areas that had no use or what they carried. All of these require maintenance. The station itself was at best second hand, passing between Quokka and Capybara paws before being resold to the highest bidder. Then when no such high bid came, it was sold to a Fogged Leopards low one.

With such expansive and sprawled out infrastructure maintenance can be tricky for what amounts to an understaffed science community. Regular deployments of technicians and Springhare kits to the abandoned areas oft require protection, especially from the fauna and flora that always seem to inexplicitly find their way on such derelict areas.

Besswarden was not someone brought to the station to fulfil this role, though he was without anything better to do until the station arrived at it's destination there was little else for him to do aside wallow in boredom. Much like the animals he grew up tending, he needed enrichment variety. Taught to handle projectile weapons and dress in conventional fabrics, he took to the art of walking from place to place as walking furniture and keeping an eye out rather well honed.

The Springhare kits that the station employed were generally considered a mostly random assignment resource for day to day. Pick up whatever Springhare Kit was currently ready for deployment and take to work. However, Besswarden had soon come to be particular with what rodent he picked up to toss into his backpack. Some were far too talkative about things he had no interest in, and some almost silent through either prey-like nervousness around a Hyena or from being so focused with their work. Thankfully many of the hopping helpers were acceptable company for their work shifts, and Besswarden had started to find his preferences for first picks. Certainly Besswarden could have chosen another small species assigned to technical work to escort, be it the Capys or Quokka, but he never fancied the idea of such species strange mind altering effects dulling his reaction times and concentration.

Ceylon had been an excellent match for Besswarden over the last few months. Dedicated but friendly, and while usually discussing things that while Besswarden may not fully understand, at least his subject topics held some import to the assignment they had, or a reflection on the station as a whole. presently the Springhare remained in Besswardens large green backpack, looking out over the top with his arms freely handing down the back as Besswarden walked. "Hey Bess, you hear about the tech team a couple modules across?" The smaller rodent asked at length, looking into the distance as he bobbed up and down from the backpacks movements as Besswarden walked.

Besswarden grunted. Certainly he had not, but then he had not been listening out for such news unless he was given the assignment as part of his Res-Q role. "What animal?" He asked after a quiet few paces, before adding the distance to their objective. "Five corridors."

Ceylon let his arms continue to dangle like two clock pendulums. "Eh, Capys. It was considered some safe area that was still outfitted for Capy lifestyle. Turns out the module was getting infested with a bunch of critters, might've been Kessler rats or something. Turn out by the time security worked out what was happening and had the sensors powered up there there was not much left aside some very relaxed and full critters. Was almost enough to set up a full outbreak of the fellas. Kind of surprised you weren't briefed on it, critters and all. Pipework here still looks dry."

Besswarden grunted again as he paused his steps. "Beasts on the planet, not this unnatural place. Kessler Rats well known already so no need for me to be told. Four corridors, can see old markings on floor. Load ammunition."

The Springhare pulled back down into the backpack for a moment as Besswarden held a paw up, the Hyenas paw closing as a fresh clip was placed into it from the returning rodent with a simple statement "Full soft static ammo, thirty shots." Besswarden placed the box into the weapon he carried, arming it for the first time since they set off.

Scratching an ear, Ceylon started fiddling with something inside the backpack. While still poking out the top, he appeared distracted with whatever was being worked on inside. "Yeah, well in any case it feels like there's been a few more of these close calls then anyone expected. I'm honestly starting to wonder if we'll have to seal off some unneeded areas of the station and just let nature take it's course there. Us lot in the locker haven't been told much about it, get the feeling the red setter thinks we'll all panic and go prey twitchy and fearful knowing there's strange beasties in the darkness of space. I mean even if I wasn't a section springer knowing that is just par for the course really, no need to treat us like kits. Well, you know, youth kits not techhie Kits."

Looking over his shoulder Besswarden raised an eyebrow at the rodent, not a hint of humour on his neutral features. "I do remember when knocking over the canister of argon next to the locker Springhares sprang out of the locker in all directions like antelope at a watering hole. Did not know so many rodents can fit in one locker. Three corridors."

Ceylon waves off the comment with a lazy gesture. "No, no big lad, there's a difference between reflex, fear and terror. Each can get you killed in the wrong time, and each can save your life. What you saw then wasn't wasn't fear or terror, it was just carefully honed by nature reflect movements to unexpected noise. After all, even before we landed all across the room we were starting to hop back to the locker without even breaking a sweat." On looking at his small electronic device, Ceylon added "Hold up, I think we're there. Looks like the pipe's leaking a junction ahead of the sensors."

Besswarden huffed out a comment about rodent based confetti before walking over to one of the corridor sides. "Where?"

Tapping his device, Ceylon pointed over Besswardens shoulder to a few pipes slightly further up "Seeing pressure dips just over there. Give a walk up and do lookout. Should be an easy tightening job."

True to word, the Hyena walked up to where the Springhare pointed and turned his back from the pipes, now seen to be glistening with a slight flow of water on the outside. He kept a half-attentive view down the corridor and let the rodent poke out and work his technical based magic.

As Celon got to work tightening the pipework, neither spoke. with work being done, there was no need or desire. It was all just another assignment at this point, one the two had performed dozens of times already.



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