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Mik-Nik had seen the ship enter the atmosphere and watches he streak of light as it fell down to the planet surface. He had flown across the wastes to see those who exited the strange contraption and to work out it's purpose. It was a small craft, designed for interstellar scouting though appeared modified with sensors.

When the hatch opened the the crew emerged, Mik-Nik was certain they were no immediate threat. Two canine things, two rodent things and a feline thing emerged, walking across the landing site as if the planet was some wonder to behold. Mik-Nik observed, and flew to a respectable distance before hop-walking towards them.

It turned out they were explorers, sent ahead of a science group to understand this planet Mik-Nik lived upon. They had not expected people here, let alone someone dressed like Mik-Nik. Mik-Nik told them Mik-Nik diet is only bones. Visitor rodent-things relaxed.

Mik-Nik offered trade. They did not wish for shiny trinket. Nor did they like the fabric scraps Mik-Nik carried. They only wished for information, and Mik-Nik offered what he could think. The strange visitors had no bones for which to trade, but Mik-Nik did not go wanting: Small trinkets of shiny metal and wrapped up food was gratefully received, and titbits of knowledge were provided in turn. Mik-Nik told them they should leave for their safety as Mik-Nik did not think they would survive. They refused but appreciated the gesture. They wished to know if there were more like Mik-Nik. Mik-Nik told them yes, there were more, here and there. Some feathered, some fur. They were confused when Mik-Nik responded that visiting the furred ones of the planet would not be wise.

The visitors stated they would investigate the area they had landed over the next week. Mik-Nik told them advice, but they would not leave. thanking for trade, Mik-Nik left.

It was less then a week later that Mik-Nik saw the disaster he expected. They should listen to Mik-Nik. One of the canine things had grown in size and muscle, and the feline thing changed horribly. The other Canine thing and the two rodent things had separated to escape the creatures, and Mik-Nik did not approach. Min-Nik dare not approach. Creatures may attack Min-Nik, but worse still Mik-Nik might become creature if approaching. So Mik-Nik waited the day upon a tall rock, and then the night.

The next day the Creatures had left, and the source of their taint had flowed away on the wind. Mik-Nik swooped down and looked at the strange craft. It was now torn apart, controls destroyed, much ruined. Even now the craft was altered somewhat. Mik-Nik dared not enter, yes far safer outside where Mik-Nik could fly.

One rodent thing came out of the ruined craft. Mik-Nik was surprise, it must have hid while creatures tore apart craft. Rodent thing told Mik-Nik that other rodent thing and canine thing did not survive night, all that was left was bones. Mik-Nik asked where bodies taken. Bones useful to Mik-Nik after all.

Mik-Nik checked the rodent thing over, ensures it was clean from the taint, ensured it was safe and healthy after it's terrible night. Where once rodent thing may have protested the removal of clothing for such a test, upon seeing its friends fate it complied and allowed itself to be observed all over and investigated by eye  and beak. Mik-Nik was throrugh and afterwards was pleased to say there was no taint on rodent thing. Rodent thing relaxed and thanked Min-Nik. Mik-Nik noted Rodent thing has bones inside.

Mik-Nik then lowered his beak to rodent thing and picked up rodent thing before tilting back the beak and bobbing his head. Rodent thing could only slow swallowing, could only prolong rodent things time against Mik-Niks beak and tongue, could only allow Mik-Nik to enjoy taste and texture for longer. Rodent things paws slipped.

Rodent thing was delicious. 

Artwork by Timor.



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