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Pet Genet (Unnamed Genet)


Name: Pet Genet (Not yet named by Tea, see below)

Gender: Female

Species: Genet (assumed Genetta maculata)

Height: Varies (see below)

Ethnicity: N/A

Occupations: Pet, transport, unofficial town guardian

Home Town: Burrow Valley

Relationships/Pets: Property of Tea Spot (officially), Chai Patch (Preferred Prey), Sophie Patch (Fascination with Sophies fur), Boheas Red Planta (Motherly affection/Friends)

Quirks: Loves fresh milk (Slight addiction)

The Pet Genet is a bit of an unusual creature, even for Thistleland. Originally encountered by Tea Spot when the springhare can captured by Roofection, Tea was to be fed to the Genet as a throwaway gesture to the altered genetand the two were placed together in a room while Roofection abandoned the increasingly monster-filled facility. Showing her intellect, the Genet did not eat Tea, but instead worked with her, the two escaping back to Burrow Valley. 

In order to avoid suspicion, Tea has maintained an official line to The Adventure Group that the Pet Genet is a normal small genet that happens to be smarter then the average animal. However, she is more then just smarter then a normal feral creature. Capable of anthro-level thinking, her lack of speech is partially mitigated by occasionally using claws to write basic text, though the Pet Genet prefers body language to make her points clear. Despite her intellect though she does seem to prefer a life of being pampered as a pet and enjoying her surroundings in a more feral way.

The Pet Genet also has several special abilities that would, if discovered officially set her as a possible monster by the Guild. The first, and her most used ability is that of size change. The per Genet appears to be able to change her size at will, with little or not effort, though she has not been seen smaller then that of a normal feral genet. While there is no known maximum size, she does seem to have three preferred 'common' sizes she uses; half a foot to the shoulder/10in to head ('official' size), 4.5 feet to the shoulders/7ft to head, and 8 feet to shoulders/12ft to head.

As well as her size changing abilities, she also has another potent trait. Her fluids (saliva, etc) are able to, if she wishes them to, change whoever they touch into a non-anthro rodent or lapine. The effect is immediate and rapid, and will almost always leave the victim confused the highly vulnerable in a pile of their clothing. The species of rodent or lapine they are turned into will best match the person's personality or own personal preferences as best as can be, and as such anthro rodents and lapines will simply become non-anthro. The effect can vary in length from moments to weeks or more if she desires.

It is also known that if ingested the effect is more potent, and even rodents and lapines will have their species altered, becoming a "close match" of a smaller species. For example if tea is made to ingest she will turn from a Springhare into a non-anthro Jerboa. The Pet genet is known to do this to those she considers her property, as well as a way to mark someone as now claimed by her. She also does this to hide people, either for their safety, or to consume.

While the Pet Genet may toy with people and sometimes consume them to carry them rather then to feed, she has no control over her digestive process. It is somewhat safe to be in her stomach for very short periods of time, and she is able to swallow air for those inside, but for any type of extended stay without protection one will be treated much like any other meal.

Despite her amicable nature, the Pet Genet is more animal in mindset then the average Anthro. Any creature she meets that is potentially smaller then her (which is more or less anyone she meets) is in some way considered prey to her, and potentially a meal. The only real thing that prevents her from eating those around her like an all-you-can-eat buffet is simply that she isn't interested in doing so. It would seem she prefers an easier, pampered life, and the life she has in Burrow Valley certainly ticks that box. She has worked out that some people, such as Tea Spot and Chai Patch, have access to the Restoration shrine, and the Pet Genet has on occasion eaten and digested those people for her own enjoyment confident of their return, as well as some others that she know will *not* return.

While she enjoys her life as a pampered pet and village darling, the Pet Genet does indulge in her other more predatory instincts in constructive ways. She considers much of Burrow Valley as her personal prey, and as such does often scamper off into the nearby woods to ensure that any bandits or other villains plotting ill for those within are put to better use as genet pudge. As such, Burrow Valley is less dangerous then other settlements of a similar location. She will also satisfy her addiction for milk by raiding nearby Udderat pens, not harming the livestock but drinking the milk fresh from the source while secluded from prying eyes. She sometimes does this with anthros she likes as well.

The Pet Genet and Tea spot have a surprisingly close bond, both as pet/owner (Officially Tea owns the Pet Genet, in reality it is very much the other way around), and also as close companions due to living together and their shared experiences. The Pet Genet is not above making tea a non-anthro Springhare or spiking Tea's drinks to turn her into a non-anthro jerboa both at home and while Tea is away as a joke or as prey, and the Pet Genet has no qualms about consuming Tea as prey, both as less harmful short term play, or as actual food. Alternatively, she has also been known to hide inside Tea's shirt while she wears it, or in her backpack, trusting the springhare. She is also not above satisfying her addiction from Tea when in larger forms

Generally it's considered advisable to be on her good side, which thankfully is as easy as offering her a treat or a paw to provide light petting.



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