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Peter Dogood and Garnet are unlikely partners that have a small operation going on, travelling between settlements to sell and buy wares for coin.

Peter Doogood is a travelling merchant Red Squirrel who has a friendly and outgoing personality when on the shop front, confident in his abilities and owning a keen sense for a good trade. A believer of a fair trade, he sometimes corrects a person if he feels they undervalue his goods. Some may consider him a fool for not taking advantage, but many of his best trade contacts have grown out of the trust he has formed with those he buys and sells from. 

Where Peter fails, Garnet steps in. The muscle of the Doogood Distributions, Garnet is the one to protect Peter from the dangers of Thistleland wilds. Certainly they do not stray to the more risky parts of Thistleland, but there are grey squirrel bandits in those woods that need her special attentions. While making a token effort to keep up a civil front, Garnet has no reservation about eating smaller creatures then herself, as long as they give her a reason. In that Peter's protection is the perfect position for her.

When making camp, Peter will typically take care of the domestics, cooking meals, making camp and the like, while Garnet goes on the prowl. Sometimes she might catch a grey squirrel bandit or other eyeing up Peter's caravan for raiding, sometimes not. But if she comes back hungry, it'll be Peter himself she'll be eating that night, though in a very, very different way.

This artwork was made by the excellent Timor



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