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Red Plantas are a highly dangerous creature that roams the woodlands of Thistleland. Uncommon beasts, they feed on both the awakeness of victims as well as nutrients gained from their bodies. Hulking creatures, they listen to few people and are generally to be avoided by all those that encounter them.

Which makes the fact that Bohea has been able to raise a Red Planta kit as her loving and trusted pet all the more curious.

While still very small (for a Red Planta), it's size is large enough to handle much of the luggage that The Rodent Adventure Group might need. As such, Bohea has become a sort of Quartermaster for the group, handling equipment and sometimes transport. 

While affectionate and gentle with the members of the Rodent Adventure Group, the Planta has been known to test the groups members from time to time, trying to sneakily slip a vine into a  members ears to start to feed on them and draw them in before they notice and stop it.

Bohea, however, trusts her Planta enough that she has no qualms about spending a blissful nights sleep as food for her Planta, having full confidence that the Planta will release her the next morning.

Typically the Rodent Adventure Guild avoid involving the Planta in any combat or actual Adventuring. After all, it's only a young Planta and unused to the dangers of the world.



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