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Hello you lovely people! <3

I've got some more progress on both projects to show off to you all so lets get right into it!

With the commission I've been adding more to the scene you saw last week where I've added more subtle movements to Trappers and Meg's heads as well as adding facial animation to Meg although in the GIF this isn't shown as it's earlier in the animation which is 1min 30 secs so far. I also found a nice way of adding slight sway to the characters by linking their pelvis bones to a separate controller and adding a noise modifier to that so it generates movement in a certain axis, the movement is usually pretty extreme so I have it tuned down a lot so it's more of a subtle sway and makes it look like they arent standing perfectly still while performing the naughty stuff. It's something that isn't super obvious it's happening but you would notice if it wasn't there.

In the first GIF it's showing off the climax scene but there is still some stuff to be added like some facial animation to Meg and also adding some goop for when the climax happens. Stuff that isn't shown off that well in the GIF is I've added basic blobby collision objects to Meg/ Trapper and I've added cloth Physics to all of Meg's hair so we get some nice movement there.

Now onto the Xeno project! Sadly at this point in the week I got very ill and I still am now which sucks but I still managed to get a lot done :) At first it was adding the jiggles to Jill's boobs and butt and also learning a brand new thing which I will talk about in a bit.

First image you can see is Jill and the Xeno in their first position! I was going to copy the original exactly but I thought I would spice it up a bit and actually pose the Xenomorph so it looks more like a creature rather than the original pose that looked a bit odd in my opinoin. I also did another pass on the lighting for this scene as the casting sunlight through the windows wasn't working for me so I re-positioned the sun so it wasn't casting on the floor and instead added some more lights to create a soft lighting atmosphere and I think the blue colours work better casting on the Xenomorph.

The second image is another camera angle I was working on but I need to make some of the lights a bit brighter in this angle and I may still tweak the camera angle itself a bit more. I'm thinking of adding 1 or 2 more camera angles to this position but I will play around with it to see if discover any nice angles. Now I did say before that this was the first position and originally it was only going to be that way but a good friend on mine has taken a big interest in this project and they are coming up with an idea for a second position so there is more to come on this project!

The third image is showing the new camera angle and position in comparison with the old one so you can see the major changes. The GIF afterwards is the new thing I learnt in Blender and it basically deforms the vagina to fit around whatever object is going into it creating a really nice effect and saving me time having to animate it manually like I've done for so long in SFM. This technique is something I plan on using in the Meg and Trapper project as you can use this on characters mouths so it worked out that I could practice it here first.

That's everything I've got to show this week so I hope you like what you see :) I also hope none of you are ill like me D: but with all that I hope you are all staying safe and wishing you all a lovely weekend <3




So excited to see that Meg x Trapper scene!! 🔥🔥👩‍🦰. Is it gonna have additional poses or just the showed on the clip?


Excited for the meg and trapper scene, you are really good at this :)