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Hello everyone! :)

I've made a lot of progress on the Wraith and Yui animation this week and it is very close to being done! I'm currently rendering off all the scenes at 4K and hopefully there won't be any 3D issues that will need to be rendered again. All that needs to be done is the sound work and we are currently waiting for one last thing from the voice actress as she's ill so that got delayed a bit.

I decided to add a little intro title sequence to the animation as playing the full video it seemed very odd diving straight into the first scene and this little intro helps that transition which you can see in the first GIF.

The next two GIFs are showing what happens in the very first scene but sadly you can't hear any of the audio for it and I don't want to show it with audio just yet D: It's a short 15 second sequence that is setting up what is happening in the animation and giving the characters a bit of back story.

The last two GIFs are the very last scene of the animation and it's more dirty talk from Yui which hopefully you'll all love :D We are very close to getting this all finished and i'm really hoping it will be ready by next Friday for you all! It is a shame to see it go as it's been a lot of fun working on this project but it's also gone on for way too long!

Once this is done I'll be starting the next commission and also continuing work on the HUNK and Meg animation :)

I hope you like what you see above and hopefully you've all had a fantastic week! Wishing you all a lovely weekend as well <3




Your animation is getting better and better 💛