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  • Scene#4_720p_V1.mp4



Hello lovely people <3

I've got good news about the Yui commission in that it's being worked on again!! We got all the audio from the voice actress and i've been busy animating lip sync for the first time among other things :D

So first thing is the blowjob scene has been entirely re-don to match the audio I got from the voice actress and for a little teaser i've attached a file you can listen to! It's still work in progress and this teaser and it only has the voice actresses audio which stops at the 23 second mark. The original audio I got from her doesn't include the facial Yui's receives so she is recording the last 8 seconds of audio for this scene.

I've been animating the lip sync for the second and third sex scene but the last major parts are animating the intro and outro, the outro shouldn't be too bad but the intro is going to be a challenge for sure. Once all that is done I've only got to render everything at 4k and do the final audio work! Not long now till this is finished :) Sorry for how long this has taken but with personal things and just the project in general getting delayed a lot it's taken a lot longer than originally planned.

Now I have a single image showing off the HUNK and Meg animation in the doggystyle position. I've been learning how to add clothing to a model and have it follow the nude body (It mostly works but I reckon there is a better way than how I've done it) I got the jiggles to a spot I really liked but then when I put them in the pose you see above it's screwed them up a bit so I need to tweak that more. I'm going to put this animation on hold right now though as I want to work fully on the Yui commission and finally get that done! I've got people waiting for a commission slot and this has taken a very long time D:

From jumping back into SFM I have been enjoying that a lot more than Blender but after this commission I still want to fully jump into Blender as it's still the better option for the future :D it's just got a steep learning curve for me :)

I hope you all like this update and hopefully you've all had a grand week <3 Wishing you all the best for the weekend ^_^




You have progressed so incredible fast with blender at such a short span, it's extremely remarkable! Blender is not at all easy to understand at all. You manage to implement these fancy physics and modifiers like you did with ghostface WHILE making it look so good is way beyond the average! You have again and again shown your talent with understanding movements in animations, which you also provide frequently. I don't know how you do it, but I root for your insane evolution!!!

Xeno Lovers

Thank you very much <3 you don't know how much I needed to hear this right now! Haha yeah Blender isn't easy to understand but as frustrating as it's been I have been enjoying how much more I can do over SFM.