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Hi Everyone! :D

I was hoping to get more done but like I mentioned last week I did have a few hospital appointments and sadly they took up more time than I wanted :( We are getting to the bottom of it and we now know what's wrong, it's looking like I'll have two more appointments next week to deal with it :)

I've got two images for you of the doggy style position, which went through a few iterations. Firstly was the position itself and I was going to have Sable face down with her butt sticking up but I realised I did that for the Jill x Xeno animation and I wanted to try something a little different and I didn't want to do the doggy style positions from the Ghostface x Rebecca animation. So I found a nice reference of where she is slightly off the ground and her hands are being held behind her back.

I also was testing out lighting on this position as originally I was going to have a warm light on for all the sex scenes but after quite a bit of testing, I didn't like it compared to the light coming from the TV. It looks a lot moodier and more atmospheric with the TV light compared to when I brought a warm light in. I may still try it for future scenes to see if I can get something looking nice with a warm glow but for now I think I'll stick with this lighting theme.

Something that took the longest was getting her skirt lifted over her butt!! This was a nightmare and I was at the point of hiding the skirt completely as I couldn't get it to work but I hated how it looked without the skirt for this position so I persevered until I got it working! I think it's going to have some issues and I might not be able to have cloth physics working well on it so that might be scrapped but I've at least got the skirt lifted over :D I'm very happy with the result!

The GIFs show an updated version of the intro sequence and the main things that have changed are, that there are some casting shadows on the house outside to break up the flat lighting that was there before, Sable now how facial animation and hand/ finger animations, some speed changes to hers and Ghostface's animations to make them flow a bit better, lighting fixes and improvements and lastly Ghostface's reflection in the final shot has been toned down. I think there are a lot of smaller texture tweaks but they were pretty minor and not worth listing.

But overall I like the direction of the project and hopefully next week I can get a lot more done :( There is some animation done of this doggy style scene but it's not in a spot where I want to show it off yet. There will be a nude version as well so don't worry about that, one last thing is I want to have Sable's face lit up more as you can't see it well.

I hope you've all had a great week! and hopefully you all have a lovely and restful weekend <3




Ah that's hot that's hot


Would love to see ghostfaces ass