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Hello everyone! :D

Much progress has been made on the intro of this animation and it's almost done, apart from a few minor things to be animated and some lighting issues that need to be fixed.

You can see the overall animation in all the GIFs above and I think it runs just under one minute long, there are some lighting issues I need to fix where there is a harsh shadow line behind the TV and the back of the room behind Sable is brighter than it should be. I will animate the light projected from the TV so the colours change slightly to what's being shown on the TV to give it a little more realism.

There is a small issue where the border of the glass window has a white haze so I will be looking into removing that also I will either tone down Ghostface's reflection a lot in the final scene or I will get rid of it completely. I'm happy with his reflection when he looks up from the notepad so I will keep that.

Beyond those bits I need to animate Sable's facial expressions and also her fingers when she beckons him to come in. I may experiment with speeds on some of Ghostface and her motion in this intro it's quite tricky moving to feel normal or realistic and a lot of the time for me at least changing the speeds to be a bit faster helps.

But yeah not much to tweak and overall I love how it's coming along so far! I can't wait to start the juicy scenes next week! Progress might be a little slower next week as I have a few hospital appointments but I'll still be able to get lots done on it :)

I hope you've all had a lovely week though and hopefully you all have a great weekend as well <3



Fluorescent Ghost

I like his reflection on the window 🤍


Sable winning the idgaf war with this