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Hello! Thank you so much for your pledge, and welcome to the ImpactXPlay family.

Now, let's take a look at the features you have access to, by pledging to this tier:

Dedicated Bug Support

Any problem you have with the game, glitches, gameplay problems, or simply a suggestion about an issue, you have my dedicated attention. This means that any glitch you encounter that messes with your gameplay experience, I will try to fix it almost immediately. If it's a suggestion, I will definitely consider it for the next update.

Early Access to Impact Shorts and other Bonus content

Access to our short games, wallpapers, exclusive galleries, dev diaries and more.

Thank you so much for your pledge, again, and stay safe!

Added: 2024-05
Welcome to the ImpactXPlay family.

Have fun with the exclusive content and don't forget to participate in the polls. Your opinion is vital for the development process of our games.
Added: 2023-01