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Psssst--hey, guess what? This week, I took a break from the very long list of stuff I'm working on (hahahaha--whhhhyyyyy? Why do I do this?) to write a bonus scene from A Little Too Familiar. Why now? There was a book narrator on TikTok that was going to be reading saucy snippets with another creator and I wanted to throw my hat in the ring. They didn't read it (loads of authors also sent their stuff in) and though I'm hoping they'll pick it next time because that would be fun, I thought even if they didn't it would be fun thing to share with readers.

If you've read ALTF, you might remember the scene where Lou and Declan have to fix the shower because they broke it. I thought it might be fun to show *ahem* how that might have happened. It's a wee bit spicy, but not so spicy that it can't be read on TikTok. (I mean, your idea of spicy might vary. In fact, compared to some of the stuff I read, I consider this snippet mild, but my tolerance is pretty high.) So if you liked ALTF, this one is for you!





Ahhhhhhh! The HOW! Can’t wait to read.