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Second chapter is up! This one is from Brid's perspective as she reluctantly goes on a date. 

Character building is a funny thing. Sometimes characters are painstakingly put together and you only really get a handle on them after revising the novel for a few times. Ava from Firebug was like that. Ezra, too. 

And others just stroll onto the page as if they've been sitting in the wings impatiently waiting for their cue. Lock was like that. Ashley, too. Apparently, so was Leo. I was writing this chapter and my plan was to just come up with a somewhat generically handsome man, but a bad date, for Brid to get through. I got about two sentences in writing him and stopped. Went back. Changed the description, because I'd gotten it wrong--Leo did not look like that, thank you very much. And his story, his problem, sort of exploded onto the page.

I honestly can't remember what I'd planned to write for this chapter. This is kind of why it's hard for me to outline. I honestly can't see the way forward sometimes until I sit down and write it. Now that Leo is in the mix, some of the plot is now clearer to me and it's easier to see the way forward.





I’m pleased by this comment and also feel bad—I didn’t mean to make you sad!


So good!