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Okay, so first things first--I put Patreon on hold for July. That's not saying I won't be popping on here, but I wanted to give myself a time cushion because July is looking crazy. In July I'm:

* Launching Curses (so events, lots of email, local stock signing, getting swag ordered and ready, publicity stuff, minor bouts of panic, blah, blah, blah.)

* Finishing a draft of the next YA thing

*Teaching a 8 week fantasy/sci-fi workshop through Hugo House

*Revising an adult manuscript that I'm likely going to put out myself

*Prepping for the next Patreon thing

*Sleeping, probably?

Plus other random life things, and probably stuff I'm forgetting, so my plate is stacked high.

Normally, I don't have prep for my projects on here. If I need to research, I do so as I go. But this project will be different, and you got a bit of a hint from the last text convo, which was why that particular one left you with so many questions. 

I'm going to try and write another Sam book. (Yes, I know, FINALLY.) Since I've moved publishers and so forth, the odds of this one being traditionally published (like the rest of them) is slim. But I figured if I drafted it on here, I could then edit it and polish it up and put it out myself if I wanted. That being said, there are a lot more moving pieces to drafting the third book in a series, and I haven't actually read the books since the last round of edits...ten years ago? twelve? What is time? So I need to reread them so I can refresh myself on the details. Which takes time. Hence the July bubble.

Since I've never tried to do a series book on here, I'm not sure how it's going to go...but I want to try it. I miss Sam and the gang. Hopefully you're all up for the experiment. 

So that's what's going on with July.

As for tonight, I'll be online talking with Will Ritter (author of the Jackaby series and the Oddmire series) via Third Place Books. I know everyone is tired of the Zoom, but I've been friends with Will for years now (ever since I forced him to be my friend after I stole all his gummy frogs at an event) and it should be a pretty fun discussion.  We'll be chatting and answering questions.

So that's it! Questions answered. Hope everyone is doing okay out there--and for my fellow PNW peeps, hope you're staying cool.





I would love another Sam book! And, no matter how you publish it, I will buy a copy. Even if I've already read it on-line.


LISH! This is so exciting!!!! I love love love Sam and the gang, and can't wait to hear more about them. Happy to be along for the experimental ride : ) I hope you and your family are managing to stay--if not cool--at least safe during this awful heatwave. Hope it's over soon.