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As it looks like that even if the Patreon Devs reboot the history of past pledges, the history as far back as Breeding Season will not come back with it. With that in mind, we're clearing out the onedrive and the email system we have and replacing it with a new, more general email. Once this is done we'll be taking down the free access information on our front page and replacing it with comprehensive contact details. Thank you for your understanding and support

~Judge Heath



imo this was always a very generous thought on your guys part, btu even as a past Breeding Season supporter I thought your work here was good enough to warrant supporting right away. Hopefully anyone with doubts has had them cleared away by now :) Cheers


Guessing this means that for those of us that missed the start of it that's it then? Wish I had found out about you all sooner. Oh well wish you luck with the project and hope it all goes smoothly =)


Still sad that breeding season got the boot 😢 but you still got my support 👍🏻. Looking forward to seeing the game progress. (This game and monster girl island by another dev, cuz you know, monster girls are #1)


we can see a diary dev, to see, all the new implementation?


I was holding out until further development to get a real solid look into what the game might become before I used my Breeding Season backer status. With this development: how would I best solidify my position as a previous backer, even if I'm not quite ready to opt into the free month demo? Could I send an email now, but ask for access to the drive at a later date?


There's nothing special that you can get from it sadly, we have no method of proving it that can't be doctored and someone hasn't -tried- to doctor (usually badly) to us when we were using a more open proving system. That's why we're shutting the whole thing down. ~JH


So if I'm reading this correctly..... No more free builds and stuff? Or any updates and such for the public?


No just for the Breeding Season peeps. They were given a free few months since that game went kaput. This just means they aren't offering it anymore since patreon changed some things. Public builds will still be a thing.


... I still didn't have the chance to access it (as a former Breeding Season patron) before this happened. ... So are we fucked and were too late?... Fuck. ... I'm assuming there's really no way to prove it even if we show our bill?... Although I admit that might not be safe for my sake as well.

Foxy Paladin

Unfortunately, it's too easy to edit screenshots and emails and there would be people who would abuse this and take advantage of our generous offer. Before the update to Patreon's interface, I was able to verify through the Patreon account via past history. I can't do that anymore so there's no way for me to be able to verify from the site directly.

Foxy Paladin

Unfortunately so as it was an unexpected turn of events. Thank you for your support!


I have had some difficulty finding this free open pass (to view not to use. Planned on saving the free pass for later) And seeing the post i assume the option to do so has been taken down. Still a shame the breeding season game was down only a little bit after i donated but i am glad to see the idea of such a thing is alive. I hope the best for this game!